Protecting its people and representing their interests is something that a Government must not do! Conservative Mission Statement

I have been kicking around this little concept for a while, and I think it fits here with Jane, Flo’s and the $13.00 per week she gets to deposit and live on from her employer.

So here it is:

I read a piece by the Conceptual Guerilla recently. It really helped to color my understanding of creeping corporate power and personhood and how to fight it.

Fiscal Conservatives are all about Cheap Labor, yes even you Democratic fiscal conservatives, are all about Cheap Labor.

Irony: Flammable!
It’s rather ironic that with conservatives we have a constituency that has fallen for the Big Lie, the Christians. (notice there is no hyphenated anything. Just simple people who believe in God.)

I know several, dyed in the wool Liberals on policy, some in my family, that have fallen for this big lie. They go from empathetic human beings to people who fear and hate, based on the manipulation of their faith.

The Party of Money has a Big Lie about people, empathy and humanity cannot be heard over the din of this Big Lie (religiosity).

Now the Party of People has a Big Lie of it’s own; a big lie about Money; empathy and humanity cannot be heard over the din of this Big Lie (freemarkets).

So, like the regular old Christians being manipulated into abandoning humanity by Fake Faith and lust for power, the fiscal conservative Democrats are being manipulated to abandon humanity by Fake Prosperity and real greed.

I find that tremendously Ironic.

Jane certainly is being exploited: $2.36 per hour and $13 per week after being a responsible citizen is disgusting. It’s time to put an end to Cheap Labor, and that means, as a modest 1st step, realizing that fiscal conservatism, freemarkets, smaller government and deregulation are code for Cheap Labor.

It is far easier to stand up for a Fair Wage Society, and investment in our nation if we just decide to not buy into that Big Lie that says that regulation is bad=unchecked freemarkets are good.

Jane’s Situation at Flo’s is totally representative of the failure of the market to protect anything but profit. Maybe her healthcare premiums will shoot up.

“Boy, if that happens, we’ll really get to exploit her.” Mel

Who is gonna stand up and make sure that doesn’t happen to Jane? Who is going to stand up to that $1/2 trillion industry?

The market?