Israel’s latest offensive to root out and destroy Hezbollah probably will fail and in the process will ignite a new round of international terrorist attacks that will put the United State squarely in the crosshairs. It is as if we are watching a plane crash in slow motion. We see the plane hurtling towards the earth, our mouths agape in a silent scream. We know it will explode on impact and can do nothing but watch.
Israel’s last invasion of Lebanon did not vanquish Hezbollah. This time around Israel faces a Hezbollah that is bigger, better armed, and well entrenched in highly fortified areas. Air power cannot extract Hezbollah from their bunkered retreats and caves. That will be the hard work of infantry. And as the Israeli Army tries to clear the caves, thousands of fighters on both sides will likely die.
Condi Rice still holds the crazy belief that Lebanon’s Army, which is 50% Shia, will magically deploy and confront Hezbollah. She also deluded herself into believing that the radical groups, like Hezbollah and the insurgents in Iraq, are stirring up trouble because the US mission of speading democracy is actually working. Maybe Condi also believes that the Tooth Fairy passes out coins for lost teeth, but believing in fantasies does not make fantasies come true.
So far Condi has ruled out talking with Hezbollah about any issue. They are a terrorist organization and we don’t talk to terrorists. Following our lead, Israel is will rebuff any UN entreaty to negotiate a ceasefire. The table is set for the next evolution of bloodshed.
During the next two weeks we are likely to see combat in southern Lebanon intensify. Most of the action will be on the ground rather than in the air. Both sides will suffer significant casualties. If the United States is perceived (emphasis on perceived) as encouraging or directing the Israeli response, the odds increase that Hezbollah will ratchet things up another notch by playing the terrorist card.
We should not confuse Hezbollah with Al Qaeda. Unlike Al Qaeda, Hezbollah has a real and substantial international network. Unlike Al Qaeda, Hezbollah has a real and substantial international political and financial network. They have personnel and supporters scattered in countries around the world who have the training and resources to mount attacks. Hezbollah has no qualms about using terrorist attacks as part of a broader strategy to achieve its objectives. The last major Hezbollah attack against the United States was the June 1996 attack on the U.S. military apartment complex in Dharan, Saudi Arabia. Hezbollah also organized the attacks on the Israeli Embassy in Argentina in 1992 and Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994. But they also have exercised restraint when they felt they could achieve their objectives through political means. The ten year hiatus in major mass casualty attacks could come to a shattering end in the coming months, and American citizens are likely to pay some of that price with their own blood.
What to Do?
Although Hezbollah uses terrorism as a tactic, it is not primarily a terrorist organization. It has evolved over the years into a genuine political movement and conventional military force. This is a reality we can ignore at our peril. If we choose to view Hezbollah strictly as a terrorist threat then we convince ourselves that we have only one option–fight. But understand this–if we fight Hezbollah we will unleash a new war front that we are not prepared to pursue. At a minimum we can expect to face the fury of Shia militias attacking our troops and personnel in Iraq.
There are some other options. We could recognize Hezbollah does have people in their ranks amenable to negotiation. If we pursue a political path, while not eliminating the option to take out terrorist elements, we have some new possibilities to consider. The United States needs take the lead in organizing a ceasefire, sooner rather than later. The ceasefire must be accompanied by the insertion of an international peacekeeping force with the muscle to shutdown rocket launches from Lebanon and an exchange of prisoners between Israel and Hezbollah.
If we choose to fight get the body bags ready and take out a home equity loan. Americans will die and gas prices will soar. We will reap our failure to learn anything from the last forty years in the Middle East.
Is close her mouth and stay at home.
i’m more concerned to learn this stuff about the tooth fairy. Not real? No coins?
Doesn’t anyone find it just a wee bit curious as to why the US has refused to demand in the strongest way possible that the parties to this current insanity both call for a simultaneous cease fire?
The UN, the combatants both, the EU, and probably the rest of the sane world have called for an immediate cease fire.
Could it be because this administration sees this as a chance to criticise the UN,the EU and anyone else taking a position that is in any way opposing the US?
Mr J- this is becoming a tragedy of monumental proportions and the US wil bee seen as the major cause. If not by the whole world then by the Muslim world!
A Cease Fire – Now!
Tomorrow, Saturday, at 6.30 pm, we shall take part in a protest march against the war, starting from Rabin Square, Tel-Aviv.
The number of protesters grown from demonstration to demonstration.
On Sunday (16.7.06),
First let me say how cool it is to be able to be a part of this community. It is an honor and, it occurs to me, is also democratic in the old sense that a lay person such as myself can participate in a forum with a recognized professional.
All that being said, let me also note that it occurs to me reading this post that there is another very significant difference between Al Qaeda and Hezbollah.
Al Qaeda has long been noted for a very strong adherence to highly symbolic targets: the World Trade Center; LAX, that kind of thing. Hezbollah does not have this compunction. Their targets are selected on the ability to kill or maim large numbers of people.
If Hezbollah were to be able to orchestrate an attack within the United States, they would hit a Miami high rise condo, or something like that.
Now, I have no sense of their organaztional capacity to act within the U.S. (I’m skeptical), but if they are capable, their historic target selection makes it harder to defend against them than against Al Qaeda.
we must evacuate the ppl
Perhaps the best thing is to just let the Israelis try to roust Hezbollah from south Lebanon and see what happens. Israel’s attack into south Lebanon is not likely to be the same thing as its push into the same region againt PLO refugee camps. Worse, from the Israeli point of view, Hezbollah has seen what tactics work effectively against a mech-heavy, infantry-light force like the IDF in close-in fighting. Hezbollah has seen how it works in Somalia and Iraq. Israel doesn’t have the same type of firepower to apply that the US can to a target like Fallujah, so it will become a task for the poor infantry (as usual) to try to winkle the enemy out of the positions. What will the IDF’s attitude be like if they meet an enemy who is quite willing to accept casualties to inflict them on the IDF? They’ve not seen that in quite some time.
from the wash. post
In reference to the WaPo piece on media coverage I received this link today.
The photographs are posted on a site based in Lebanon calling on people to take action. I am not familar with the organization posting them. They absolutely horrific and painful to look at, So much so that i will respect if Booman chooses to remove the link.
Did anyone hear Amy Goodman today (Friday)? She had on a wide array of guests. One woman was an expert on the arms trade. She indicated how our money–US taxpayers–to the tune of $4 bil goes to Israel and then they turn right around and spend it buying from Lockheed and Raytheon. No one has been talking about how the armsmakers are making out like bandits, at our financial expense and in the Middle East at the expense of lives and property.
Another guest was a former member of the Israeli military. He said he came to the conclusion that violence only contributed to an unending cycle of violence and revenge. That the problems were political and couldn’t be solved by force. He is co-head of a peace organization.
Glad you brought the Argentine bombing.
According to a report in the New York Times, the Iranian government not only organized the bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, but also paid Argentina’s president to cover it up
Strong US ally that Mennem. You guys want him?? We are ready to hand him over. Please, Please put him away in some dark cold place!
That link will send you to a place I’ve never seen before. Seem like the NSA is screwing up my links.:-)
This one will send you to the apropiate one, that is if the NSA stops messing with the link!
continue to label anyone and anything they dont like a sterrorist there will be no political negotiations with anyone, and our allies will also feel free to label anyone they want as terrorists and then militarily attack them. This sad reality means that when we fuinally come to our senses and have to resort to politcal agendas that approach will be so much harder. The carrot coming after the stick just doesnt work very well.