Good one from Atrios:
It’s true that it’s Lieberman supporters who are the unhinged crazies. I don’t mean all supporters of Lieberman, but the ones writing spittle-flecked paranoid rants in the media about how bloggers are sapping their precious bodily fluids and how the defeat of Lieberman may mark the end of the Democratic party, the arrival of the Rapture, and the return of New Coke.
Susie has an interesting letter from Lebanon.
Pomeroy has a good piece on Rep. Gutknecht’s sudden about-face on Iraq. It seems you only have to visit Iraq to realize our efforts are doomed.
Jessica doesn’t think a new scientific study gives us guys an excuse to sleep in a separate bed. Just kidding, Jessica. We know it’s just because you’re baby-making caretakers 😉
Most important domestic story of the day? Justin Rood and Murray Waas are on it.
Also, please contribute to Kid Oakland’s efforts to compile a list of promising progressive contenders. One or two names will do.
What’s on your mind?
They’re letting the news cameras take pictures of the buildup of tanks and troops along the border. That’s normally a no no operational security wise. Unless, of course, they’re conducting some sort of PSYOP.
Stay tuned!
a good round up of feces
BTW, Jeff, love your writing. What a good grip you have on things, but then again you’re a squid, aren’t you..:o)
…are a sharp lot!
I mentioned PSYOP, it could also be an operational deception.
I can’t believe the Israelis are letting these pictures out for the heck of it.
But this brings up an interesting point of ethics…military forces using the “free media” to support their war plans.
U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman is rolling out the big gun in his increasingly close primary battle with Greenwich Democrat Ned Lamont.
Former President Bill Clinton is slated to campaign on behalf of the three-term incumbent Monday in Waterbury. “We are thrilled to have President Clinton come to the state to campaign for Senator Lieberman,” the spokeswoman, Marion Steinfels, said. “It is not only a big day for our campaign, but it is a big day for Waterbury and Connecticut.”
Clinton, in a recent speech at the Aspen Institute conference, defended Lieberman and his staunch support for the war in Iraq. He questioned why antiwar Democrats are seeking to oust a fellow Democrat, saying that instead of seeking to retire Republicans they were pursuing “the nuttiest strategy I ever heard in my life.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Pathetic. Just pathetic.
Remind me again–who were those nutty people defending him from the likes of DeLay and Bob Barr and their politically driven impeachment?
And what was Joe Lieberman doing? Rebuking him from the Senate floor. For the good of party, of course. Never for himself. He’d never dream of using it as a platform to decry our nation’s lack of “values” to position himself. Using rethug “frames” and talking points, too.
Which of course, is the reason Lieberman never gets around to rebuking the rethugs about anything. They’ve broken the trust and trashed the Constitution. But nary a peep.
Is this the price Bill believes he must pay to get Hillary into the White House or is he just a masochist?
Ya basta!
Bloomberg July 18 — Public opinion polls suggest that the war in Iraq will take a toll on the Republican Party this year, but the first political victim of the unpopular conflict may be a Democrat.
Joseph Lieberman, 64, the three-term senator from Connecticut and the Democrats’ 2000 vice presidential candidate, is facing such a tough fight to win renomination. His support of the war is overwhelming all other issues in the election. While 29 Democratic senators voted in 2002 to authorize President George W. Bush to invade Iraq, none has been as vocal as Lieberman in backing that policy.
“Lieberman has ended up in a place that doesn’t resemble where any other member of the Democratic Senate is, and he hasn’t been shy about it,” said Bob Shrum, a top adviser to the Gore- Lieberman campaign in 2000 and the Kerry-Edwards campaign in 2004. “If you are a Democrat in Connecticut, you can respect Lieberman for standing up for what he believes, but you can also think he is wrong and vote for the other person.”
At stake is more than a single U.S. Senate seat. The outcome of the primary may show how much dissent the Democratic Party is willing to tolerate and how deeply unpopular the war is. The results may also show whether Democratic senators who voted for the invasion and who are looking at possible presidential bids in 2008 will face an angry electorate.
Schiavo – Social Security
Lieberman has often differed with the mainstream of his party: He supported the government’s right to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman who was maintained on life-support against her husband’s wishes. He initially urged Democrats to seek compromise with Bush on creating private Social Security accounts — and after Bush’s 2005 State of the Union speech, the president embraced Lieberman and appeared to kiss him on the cheek.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
… the president embraced Lieberman and appeared to kiss him on the cheek.
I guess it’s shrub’s way of thanking Lieberman, since Lieberman always appears to be kissing his…cheek.