Good one from Atrios:

It’s true that it’s Lieberman supporters who are the unhinged crazies. I don’t mean all supporters of Lieberman, but the ones writing spittle-flecked paranoid rants in the media about how bloggers are sapping their precious bodily fluids and how the defeat of Lieberman may mark the end of the Democratic party, the arrival of the Rapture, and the return of New Coke.

Susie has an interesting letter from Lebanon.

Pomeroy has a good piece on Rep. Gutknecht’s sudden about-face on Iraq. It seems you only have to visit Iraq to realize our efforts are doomed.

Jessica doesn’t think a new scientific study gives us guys an excuse to sleep in a separate bed. Just kidding, Jessica. We know it’s just because you’re baby-making caretakers 😉

Most important domestic story of the day? Justin Rood and Murray Waas are on it.

Also, please contribute to Kid Oakland’s efforts to compile a list of promising progressive contenders. One or two names will do.

What’s on your mind?