I saw this over at Huffpo and I’ve gotta share this with you. After you watch it, I think you’ll agree.  This deserves it’s own diary.

It is a wonderful bang-on satirical song written and performed by Paul Hipp.

I also took the time to jot down the lyrics for you if you want to sing along (see below).

Without further adieu…ladies and gentlemen…Paul Hipp…


Stop This Shit.
by Paull Hipp

George went over to Russia
to that fancy G8 thing
His friend big-hearted Vlad threw
a real posh wing-a-ding

There was a foreigner in every seat
& lots of weird stuff to eat
& then the party was almost spoiled
by the start of World War three.

His little buddy Tony said…
“George.  What do you make of it?”

The leader of the free world
thought long and hard…well, not that long
and he said…

They gotta stop this shit.
Well, they gotta stop this shit.
Tell Syria and Hezbollah to just stop this shit.
Well, they gotta stop this shit.
Yeah, they gotta stop this shit.
Just have Koffi call his cell
and just stop this shit.

Georgie said all his goodbyes,
before he headed out of town
and he gave that German chancellor gal
a nice shoulder rub-down.

Back in the United States,

scientists were feeling left on a lurch
along with a hundered million sick folks
from a lack of stem-cell research.

The Senate voted for it…
But the far right threw a fit
so George said…

I’ll stop this shit.
Watch me. I’ll stop this shit.
Tell the diseased and paralyzed
to just get over it.
Watch me. I’ll stop this shit.
I’m going to stop this shit.
For the first time in my life,
I will veto it.

Well, George’s predecessor used
a heavy-handed diplomacy.
He’d get in a room and talk,
but with George, he was much more subtlely
‘Cause Georgie had the balls
not take anybodys calls.
He could end a treaty or invade a country
without talking to anyone at all.

What about that North Korea madman
or that nut over in Tehran.
And that civil war in Iraq
that sure has gotten out of hand.

Well, George would look everybody in the eye…
Take a moment.  
Think long and hard.
And he would say…

I’ll tell you what they gotta do…

They gotta stop this shit.
They gotta stop this shit.
It’s their country, not mine
I just may invade it.
Yeah, they gotta stop this shit.
Well, they gotta stop this shit.

Tell the whole entire world…

They gotta stop this shit.