who missed this photo when I posted it at Froggybottom earlier this week – a Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo that came with its friends to feed on our pine tree.
Our neighbor, Pete, has five differently mixed hound dogs, which he uses to go Wallaby hunting. This is Rocky, howling at Luna and I as we walk down our mutual fence towards the back of our property.
He’s very keen on Luna, and kept getting loose to come see her – which is why he is wearing her old blue collar as his old one was too stretchy – hence the frequent escapes.
I must remember not to look at this without my glasses. For one minute, I thought this was a marmot in priestly vestments, beside a huge cross, halo behind him, doing. . . . ???what???
then I realized that I really had to find my glasses.
I just took off my glasses, and saw the same thing!
Here’s a question for a fellow myopic. Do you find that you can see through horizontal blinds with your glasses off? I can, as long as they are just slightly open. Try it sometime, if you haven’t already.
Yes! I just tried it, and I could see the blossom on my butterfly bush perfectly. This is a great thing!
This is perfect. From now on, all I have to do is is just carry a small set of blinds with me everywhere to make up for forgetting my glasses. Thanks for the suggestion.
Now, don’t go using your new found super power to look into peoples houses when they’ve got the blinds mostly closed. That wouldn’t be fair to all the lessor mortals who don’t know that we super folk can see them naked (which isn’t alsways a good thing).
This huge spider (at least 2 inches long) was on her very large web stretched between two trees, and because of the drop in light under the trees I almost walked face first into her.
A lot of the large native lizards are none to quick, so they are easy to pick up. Since they are often infested with ticks, we usually pick them up and de-tick them.
The only thing like a Stumpy-tail that I’ve seen in the US is a Gila Monster.
Australia has incredible diversity in its lizard and skink populations. Probably because the lack of placental mamals openned up more niches for other species. Like ground parrots, who are plump and largely fightless.
I wouldn’t try to pick up a Goanna, though. They are huge, fast and very, very mean.
I don`t know that this is true, but I`ve seen Goannas climb up fenceposts
to have a look around, as that was about the tallest thing around. A local was telling me that you don`t want to stand still, as they might run up you to look around, & it might be unpleasant.
It’s the large spider futher up thread that is the Golden Orb Spider. Apparently they get up to 4 inches long, so the one I saw still had lots of growing to do.
It’s their webs that have a golden hue, not necessarily the spider.
who missed this photo when I posted it at Froggybottom earlier this week – a Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo that came with its friends to feed on our pine tree.
still a couple nighthawks about….but seems to be running close to empty.
Our neighbor, Pete, has five differently mixed hound dogs, which he uses to go Wallaby hunting. This is Rocky, howling at Luna and I as we walk down our mutual fence towards the back of our property.
He’s very keen on Luna, and kept getting loose to come see her – which is why he is wearing her old blue collar as his old one was too stretchy – hence the frequent escapes.
He has a great tail, and holds it very proudly.
I had a bit of Adobe fun with the Froggybottom Hookha lounge marmot.
I must remember not to look at this without my glasses. For one minute, I thought this was a marmot in priestly vestments, beside a huge cross, halo behind him, doing. . . . ???what???
then I realized that I really had to find my glasses.
I just took off my glasses, and saw the same thing!
Here’s a question for a fellow myopic. Do you find that you can see through horizontal blinds with your glasses off? I can, as long as they are just slightly open. Try it sometime, if you haven’t already.
Yes! I just tried it, and I could see the blossom on my butterfly bush perfectly. This is a great thing!
This is perfect. From now on, all I have to do is is just carry a small set of blinds with me everywhere to make up for forgetting my glasses. Thanks for the suggestion.
Brings a whole new meaning to “mini blinds.”
Now, don’t go using your new found super power to look into peoples houses when they’ve got the blinds mostly closed. That wouldn’t be fair to all the lessor mortals who don’t know that we super folk can see them naked (which isn’t alsways a good thing).
but I thought this tiny neon green spider with the long legs was very cool.
Very cool indeed. I like spiders, my earlier comment about the vacuum cleaner not withstanding.
I especially like the big garden spiders, and trap-door spiders.
This huge spider (at least 2 inches long) was on her very large web stretched between two trees, and because of the drop in light under the trees I almost walked face first into her.
Oh, I was in Western Australia at the time.
The Stumpy-tail. Which confuses possible predators as to which end is which.
A lot of the large native lizards are none to quick, so they are easy to pick up. Since they are often infested with ticks, we usually pick them up and de-tick them.
I’m not used to seeing plump lizards. Around here and most of the ones I see out west, they are pretty slim.
The spider was gorgeous.
The only thing like a Stumpy-tail that I’ve seen in the US is a Gila Monster.
Australia has incredible diversity in its lizard and skink populations. Probably because the lack of placental mamals openned up more niches for other species. Like ground parrots, who are plump and largely fightless.
I wouldn’t try to pick up a Goanna, though. They are huge, fast and very, very mean.
I don`t know that this is true, but I`ve seen Goannas climb up fenceposts
to have a look around, as that was about the tallest thing around. A local was telling me that you don`t want to stand still, as they might run up you to look around, & it might be unpleasant.
And I was driving at the time.
The largest goannas get over 2 metres (6 feet) long, and I don’t think there is any fun to be had with them whatsoever.
Did you see any Thorny Devils?
That lizard reminds me of the blue tongue lizard I often encountered in Wyallah[spelling?] Austrailia.
You mean this one?
We have several of a similar blue-tongue skink, the Blotched Blue-tongue, on our place.
I think it’s some kind of “crab” spider.
It looks like it’s wearing an evil clown mask.
This one is a Jewel Spider, which are also known as Christmas spiders and Spiny Spiders.
This is a Golden Orb Spider. It makes the largest and strongest web of any spider (this ones web was about six feet across).
It’s the large spider futher up thread that is the Golden Orb Spider. Apparently they get up to 4 inches long, so the one I saw still had lots of growing to do.
It’s their webs that have a golden hue, not necessarily the spider.
too late!
on the marmot and the hookah till they fill your universe and ah will be well.
Sorry Manny. For your sake, I thought about putting a spider warning in the heading. But then some people don’t even want to see the word spider.
Wouldn`t ya know it?