Over in the Middle East, all we see is war everywhere. This group against that group against these other groups. and on and on and on.
Each group thinks they are right and the other is wrong.
Each group thinks the other group “started it”.
None of them feel heard by the other.
No one is willing to give an inch.
All of them want to change what the other believes is true.
Failing that, they all are trying to blow each other up.
All of the folks around them who are NOT fighting, get shot or blown up by their bombs too, or are forced to chose up sides, or else they desperately flee to somewhere safer.
So I asked myself, how do the (current) dynamics at Boo Trib compare with what we’re seeing in the MIddle East (Replacing the bombs with words, of course.)
Then I asked myself…is it working in the Middle East?
Is it working any better here?
What do you think?
If the shared goal is to end war and it’s senseless destruction, can this be accomplished by waging war..on each other?
Lebanon has called for a cease fire before it is totally destroyed.
No one is listening. War fever has set in and is spreading.
Is this happening here too, among the very people who hate the effects of war SO much?
What do you think?
Have at it! 🙂 Will check in later…
I think I’m going to have a pina colada before the world explodes.
I think we can disagree with each other without resorting to labels or nationalism. I think we need to spend more time listening and reading and thinking than yelling and viewing things through our own pre-determined prism.
I think we need some perspective.
You want perspective?!?
You know spiderleaf, I had completely stayed out of these flame wars up until now.
But this is completely over the top.
You take your hockey-loving, eh-saying, health-insurance-having self and your opinions back over there to the land of the two-colored flag! Yeah, that’s right, you heard me!
(got any more pina colada?)
As the hall monitor of the diary…I reserve the right to inflict the punishmentof my choice on anyone caught running with sissors or playing with matches. (Such as ..No MORE pini coladas until you can BEHAVE!)
A little rum always takes the edge off. The world might look better after our naps.
OK, where did you hide the real scribe? Real hall monitors always know how to spell scissors. You are clearly someone who has hacked scribe’s identity.
Well, she wasn’t using it at the moment.
HEY! I resemble that remark.
Do you need an umbrella with your drink or is straight up cool? 😉
Ooooh! Umbrella! (but don’t let scribe see it 🙂
Oh hell, go ahead, and have one for me, too.
I’m always right and everyone else is always wrong. That’s all we need to know. </snark>
Well now, that simplifies things!
I say everyboby is right and I,m always wrong!
I think war sucks. I think war does nothing but kill. Some say war stops more killing.. but I no longer march to that line of “thought”.
Now we have pre-emptive wars. Wars to stop more killing before killing begins… The insanity.
I’m trying to be about Pre-emptive Peace. That means you gotta live it, march it, and share it.
I’m done with wars. I’m done with the grey shade of “it’s okay to kill with our military so long as I can still watch my American Idol programs and feel happy”
Scribe, I’ll be marching today with my family against the ILLEGAL occupation and the slaughter of Iraqis and the death of the Lebanese babies in the bloody dirt. I’m marching to stop ALL the violence.
(((Scribe)))) it’s all I know what to do without succumbing to total helplessness. I’ll take your words with me tonight.
Do that, Janet..and I’ll be there watching your back, too.
We have to destroy the village to save it.
Thank you, Janet for being on the front lines. I hesitate to thank you for the image of dead Lebanese babies in the bloody dirt, but maybe the power of your words will impell more of us to direct action. I don’t want that picture in my head, but I can’t pretend it isn’t happening, or that it’s happening in my name, with my tax dollars.
I’m sick to death of hearing that the death of civilians is an inevitable, if regretable, price that must be paid. <passive voice is intentional>
Hands up everybody who’d like to be an inevitable if regretable sacrifice. Bring the kids.
Oh, and my FAVOURITE is the fine distinction drawn between deliberately targeting civilians for death, and the unfortunate colateral consequences of killing them over there so we don’t have to kill them over here.
A child is no less dead whether killed by deliberate attack, by calculating acceptable losses, or by dumb carelessness. A dead child is a dead child is a dead child.
its not even close
and its not really worth the energy im putting into writing this comment…i kinda wish people who are going to write diaries on this kind of topic put it in their title so i dont waste my time clicking on it.
and in the interest of saying something useful you should read Surplus Powerlessness by Michael Lerner
it answers all your questions and more.
..for taking the time to comment.
I think there are only the most superficial of similarities. We are not at war here within BT. You’d have a closer comparison asking if our conflicts here were like arguments between siblings in childhood (and I am NOT implying immaturity on anyone’s part!), where feelings are strong, opinions differ greatly, but people still live in the same house, and have a based of common respect, love, & base of security.
That’s not what war is, and I see little merit in trying to make parallels where they don’t exist.
And I think I shouldn’t have responded.
And I think I shouldn’t have responded.
Why not?
You have every right to your own perspective. I certainly don’t need to have everyone agree with every word I write! 🙂
that’s what I think too, it’s like a microcoism and forgive the spelling if’s that’s not right as words do not look right to me lately at all.
scribe I’ve been meaning to mention that you have been posting some of the most well reasoned and measured comments lately and I am most impressed.
well, it is just that simple…just stop the feces flying and the war just might stop. Boy oh boy, the stones this government we have just is not going to try peacemaking…geez, can you imagine that!!!! I hope that they have their picnic basket packed with with a few grenades…they might jut need to throw a few to make their getaway. what ya think????;o)
You go commander…go get em babe….you got em right….:o)
Geez it is TGIF and I am home at a decent hour for a change…wow…and in good company to boot…what else can a woman want…hugs to all…BTW E, I just think a little rum in a zombie might do me well tonight…:o)how are things going in the land of the cool…:o)