Over  in the Middle East,  all we see is war everywhere.  This group against that group against these other groups. and on and on and on.

Each group thinks they are right and the other is wrong.

Each group thinks the other group “started it”.

None of them feel heard by the other.

No one is willing to give an inch.

All of them want to change what the other believes is true.

Failing that, they all are trying to blow each other up.

All of the folks around them who are NOT fighting, get shot or blown up by their  bombs too, or are forced to chose up sides, or else they desperately flee  to somewhere safer.    

So I asked myself,  how do the (current) dynamics at  Boo Trib compare with what we’re seeing in the MIddle East  (Replacing the bombs with words, of course.)


Then I asked myself…is it working in the Middle East?  


Is it working any better here?

What do you think?

If the shared goal is to end war and it’s senseless destruction,  can this be accomplished by waging war..on each other?

Lebanon has called for a cease fire before it is totally destroyed.

No one is listening.  War fever has set in and is spreading.

Is this happening here too, among the very people who hate the effects of war SO  much?

What do you think?