This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Naptime rugs and pillows available
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s drift by you
who will be unable to stand that cereal bowl first.
I lose.
I’m still in the summertime equivalent of jammies and playing on the laptop although I did hang some clothes on the line-at this temp they should be dry in about 15 minutes.
My late mother, who loved to garden so much that she taught my sister and me to cook dinner so she could stay outside longer, had what she referred to as her “uniform”: a tank top or t-shirt, shorts and flipflops. Do you have one?
I thought it was considered immoral to not wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandals in summer. Oh, except for the special dispensation for people who prefer to go barefoot.
Bah – mainly relaxing, but I still need to figure out what to blog about today.
Being way lazier than I should be…long pants…shoes… blasphemy, I say!
Just a drive by to show you the new O-Mobile…
it’s not your father’s…enjoy!
All dressed up and no Rose Bowl Parade to go to.
Since a number of people here enjoy photography, I thought you might like to read something about using the manual mode on you camera. I stumbled across this nice article “Beginner’s Guide to Manual Photography” and thought I’d pass it along.
Bookmarked that baby. Thanks 🙂
Hey all. The girl is home for the day from her new fulltime home with friends. Slobby friends as it turns out who expect her to clean all the time because the mess bothers her and she is the one who ends up doing it. Maybe she’ll hate it and move back home? 🙂 Too bad I turned her bedroom into a nifty reading room/retreat for me.
Beautiful picture, froggybottom. Oh, if only I knew who froggybottom was today.
So now you’re going to be the perfect mom so she’ll be blown away by all she’s missing, eh? (Nice try but I’m guessing independence will win out.)
(froggybottom is wondering if anyone recalls being in the exact spot)
Too damn hot in here, but at least 10 degrees cooler than it is outside. Predicted high of 96 degrees, was 94 at last check of the Weather Widget. My sisters and niece’s areas were supposed to hit the low 100s (108 at my oldest sisters); ick…
Thanks for the link, Jim — have bookmarked it for future perusing. I’d like to get beyond the PHD mode (Push Here, Dumbass) on the Kodak; it’ll give me good practice for if/when I ever get the digital SLR I want.
Dinner out again tonight — I wish it would cool off enough so I can actually cook here at home. Next week we’re supposed to only be in the low to mid 80s so could probably tackle a couple of meals…perhaps something in the slow cooker since that doesn’t create a lot of heat or use much power.
Hope everyone’s staying safe out there…
You’re welcome for the photo link. I think everyone who shoots photos should try to understand what is going on when they take the shot – whichever microprocessor is controlling the photo. 🙂
I’ve got Agility class with Luna mid-day. And wood cutting afterward.
Here’s hoping that Luna doesn’t try to claim the Italian Greyhound as her pup again. It was a bit embarassing – and frightening to the little dog.
Please, if you go out and about… please take a spare bottle of water with you. Our cities homeless are hot and thirsty.
I’ve been doing this while getting to protests/events for a long time and I think it might be good to do for others while on their way to work, shopping…
I carry two extra waters with me so that I can pass those along to homeless dudes in Portland.
Peace, stay cool.
I did go to the Division/Clinton street fair after all. Not many people around maybe only a third of last year’s crowd but I met some Code Pink folks who said they know Damnit Janet. I forgot to ask their names though so can’t tell you which ones. They may remember me as the woman with the cool bicycle. Guess we both do really exist!
Unlike last weekend I have a date of sorts to go have a drink with a friend. My craziest housemate was always going on about our “dates” together but I told him I don’t consider it one unless there’s a possibility, even a slim one, of face-sucking. That shut him up. I don’t think I’ll be swappin’ spit tonight but who knows?
If it was at a table of shirts…it had to be Cristy. Tall, brunette Cristy in top hat next to Medea or it could have been Terri.
Have a nice “date” 🙂 I just got “Date Movie” 🙂
according to the Weather Widget we just hit 100.
I think I’ll melt into a puddle of goo right about now……….
Go on Craigslist in your town, buy a window AC unit and lock yourselves in your bedroom.
Hello all. We had a lovely day, even if the the Chalk and Chocolate Festival did not crack up to its name. How is everyone?
It seems “everyone” is pretty much not here today.
What’s the Chalk and Chocolate Festival?
was billed as artists and kids creating designs on the sidewalk, music, and chocolate. There was music, artists, and almost no chocolate. A major disappointment.
Did the artists and kids create sidewalk designs? That sounds really neat.
Did you ever see these coolest of the cool chalk drawings? They are so awesome I could stare at them for hours.
drawings are amazing. Thanks for the link, SN.
I want broadband.
And it would be worth it to look at these pictures…they’re amazing.
well, thanks — you sure know how to cheer up a dial-up schlump. 🙁
Sorry…will they ever have broadband where you are?
Probably about the same time that SurlyBoy turns cheerful again.
God, I hope it’s not that long…for both our sakes!
The lege passed some legislation to bring broadband to rural areas this years so maybe we’ll both have some relief before too long (though I actually expect you’ll have yours first).
How’s it going?
We had very nice weather here today. I hope you didn’t have to suffer in the heat.
but overall ok. Look what I found today:
was he in the garden?
just not mine … this one:
We went on a pond tour today … touring local gardens w/ ponds.
and steal him for yours. They’ll never notice.
The only body of water in my garden is the bird bath, lol.
get an old cast iron bathtub and bury it
Being back in the 21st century eith electricity and running water is wonderful.
Are you having hot weather up there still?
That’s definitely good news. The water situation gets hairy when you have a well.
Not so much today … a little on the humid side.
How ’bout you guys?
Not too bad…thunderstorms this afternoon.
I’m taking more book recommendations for a little something new I want to try out…any suggestions?
For a rousing good time “Against Depression” by Peter D. Kramer. Seriously, seems we have our share of depression here at BT and this is a really insightful and readable book.
The Girls Who Went Away by Ann Fessler. It’s about the young women who got pregnant pre-roe who were sent to maternity homes.
That looks interesting.
Since it’s a slow night, everybody can recommend more than one book. 🙂
Do you want recent books only? Fiction? Non-Fiction?
I’m trying to put together a mix of stuff that would appeal to folks, so anyting you think was worth the read.
Well that limits it to a few thousand books. 😉
Matt Ruff, Set this House in Order
Terry Tempest Williams, Red
Thanks. They both look interesting.
The Beans of Egypt, Maine – Carolyn Chute
From an Amazon review:
I read this one several years ago and haven’t been able to forget it.
And on the Bean theme:
The Bean Trees – Barbara Kingsolver, one of her earliest and best, IMO.
I was thinking of adding Poisonwood Bible…too funny.
Here’s a sneak preview of what I’m doing…
for ya’ll…Helloooooo…o…..o………o <crickets>
I’m falling asleep …. zzz … did you check your e/m?
reply on the way? Having some major disruptions in service today.
What, staying up till dawn getting to ya? Gettin’ old O…:{)
Staying up ’til dawn and entertaining guests all day got to me … and definitey getting old. 🙂
So did you do anything today …
got up (late), oj, coffee, crossword and daily news outrage…meat market, liquid mart…important stuff…:{)
seasonal, dry…not too bad if you weren’t in the sun…cooloing down nicely, about 75º and heading to low 60’s tonight…nice respite.
humidity is 83% tho …
come from…lake effect from the great lakes?
Your climate patterns are a mystery to me
I’m not a weather nerd … 😛
I think it has something to do w/ Ottawa being a valley … here’s some info if you’re interested …
Hmmmmm…..O?…is that your real name or are you one of those enigmatic cdns?…:{)
Doesn’t everyone have their own flag?
you’re lucky
Colorado’s got a pretty cool one tho….Link…better’n most, imo
I’m forbidden from opening that link … interesting. 🙂
must be that ca thingy….try this
very colourful …
before we cook the margins.
Where’s everybody tonight? Musta gone and got a life…:{)
Ya Getting a life. Somebody around here better get one. I don`t know if this is gonna make anybody angry, but geez, com`on.
On my way over here I took a short cut & ended up driving through the alley behind the cafe. It should be called “THE COCA ECOLA CAFE”.
And what`s with that person taking a leak on the side of the building.
The “chef”, who looks like a dumpy chick, shouldn`t be handleing the garbage & doing food-prep. If this problem is not addressed, I really can`t patronize this dump. I took a snapshot of the place & come Monday, you can bet the Health Dept. is gonna hear from me.
it’s Coca Ebola…how ’bout a free burger and we’ll talk about this health dept. stuff…
That`s a much better name. I hope, now, that I was speaking of the right cafe. It`ll probably make me wonder forever now.
brings E.coli to mind … 🙂
I took a few microbiology courses … loved ’em.
Hmmm … maybe that’s why nobody’s around eh? 🙂
Ya think?
Hey Olivia!!
This might help alleviate your heat problems.
It`s funny because the bath the oscelaris is taking, is in a coral called a “Green Torch”. I do think though that the green is a cool color.
I took a series of shots with this fish in that coral because it normally never messes in that one. That`s another fish`s territory & as the other fish has seniority [more aggro] no other fish would be allowed in his bathtub.
Here`s another in that series but I`ll post one of this fish where henormally hangs.
His normal hangout is a large “Green Bubble Coral”. Although that`s his turf, the othe fish does come & wallow in this coral also. This is the largest green bubble I`ve seen & it`s up there with any other”10″ for beauty & bubble extension.
The second pic gives you a scale of it`s size. I`ll go find the “agro” fish getting his massage in this coral.
Note the large Brittle Star.
is amazing …
Here`s the Maroon Clownfish who basically thinks the whole tank is his turf exclusively.
he looks like he’s got a yellow bb cap on backwards and is runnin’ the ‘hood…:{)
Sheezle bubleezzel Yo
Ya he`s a gangsta all right, but I think it`s a do rag.
Well it`s been swell but I`m gonna run along. I just took this off the wall shot a min. ago when I went to check on the birds.
It was the hottest here today, that I can remember.
Quite a few lightning strikes far off but getting closer. My friend just called me to see if I knew anything about Catalina Island [an island 25 miles off the coast] being on fire. I can`t tell even with my bino`s but I hope not.
I’ve read about the big fire in the early 1900’s that pretty much destroyed the place…the whole island’s an historic district and nat’ park now isn’t it?
I’m so depressed. Our three bunnies died of the heat today and I feel so terrible for not taking better care of them. They were in the shade and had lots of water and food, and have survived many summers, so I thought they would be okay. I should have thought of them and figured out something better for them, but I didn’t, and now it’s too late. My poor bunnies! They must have suffered so much. It really breaks my heart. My husband really loved those bunnies, so he is taking it pretty hard.
Plus I had a sad experience at the salon when the woman who was cutting my hair told me that her brother was killed in Iraq last month. It really hit me hard to hear that and I sat there sobbing while she cut my hair. She had his picture up by the mirror. He was 44 and was sent to Iraq last September. What a mess this world is.
really sorry to hear about the Bunnies, they’re such gentle creatures.
The longer this administration is in power, the more often you’re going to encounter peoples whose lives have been significantly effected…six degrees of separation is being drastically reduced
Thanks, dada! Yes, lots of tears today.
Bunnies are such gentle creatures. We had them for five years and my husband really loves them especially. He was at work when they died today. My son dug and we buried them in the back yard.
The woman who cuts my hair really hates Bush now and blames him for her brother’s death. She agreed with me that it’s just plain murder.
How awful …
I don’t know what to say … it is a mess.
Yup a mess just about sums it up!
Dear MythMother, Please do not blame yourself nor accept blame from others. Today, had I not thought to check I would have surely killed a parrot & a raven that I have to keep for life due to their broken wing.
My wifeasked me to spray them with the hose. When I turned it on, I was about to spray them but checked the temp of the water with my hand & burnt myself. I would surely feel as you do had I sprayed they immediately.
I also think bunnies are prone to heat stroke for some reason. There`s no
comfort I can offer but to say I`m sorry for the loss of those dear to you.
My good buddy “Coconut is contemplating this as an injustice.
But I really do feel like it’s my fault. The weather had changed so much this summer, it has been this hot, but it has never felt this hot since suddenly there is an incredible amount of humidity. The one saving grace of living though the hot LA summers was the fact that it always cooled down to 60 degrees at night, but now it never really cools off, just like Florida.
I’m glad your birds are okay and you don’t have to go to birdie jail! I wonder if we should have sprayed the bunnies?
I’m sorry to hear about your bunnies. But even if you’d been home it may have been difficult for you to tell the level of their distress.
One time one of my friends was out running his two golden retrievers, with him on the bicycle. He couldn’t figure out why the one was lagging, and he had to wait for it to catch up. They made it back to town, but both dogs lived but it was only when they puked for hours afterwards that he realized they’d been close to heat stoke.
Last Sunday I threw water on a sidewalk for a dog. I think animals need a heat sink, like a cold spot to lie on if they like. Since sometimes a dog will dig down in the earth to get to cooler, wetter soil.
From everything I’ve heard of farm livestock, spraying water on them is the immediate remedy.
You’re checking in late … 🙂
so attempted sleep around 11:45. Still 80 inside as it’s only dropped to 69 outside, headed for 92 tomorrow by 5PM.
Blogging in T-shirt only. Just had a compulsion to tell you that! 😉
I’ve been advised that semi naked doesn’t count … 😉
That advice was strictly for women… ah… for obvious reasons, ha! 😉
Thanks for being there to hear and commiserate with my sad tale. I guess it takes a while to get over it. At least the bunnies are at peace now, poor little things. This heat is really a killer.
Well… I’m off to bed in my 90 degree bedroom. It will cool off after a while with the portable AC.
See all you Froggies in the morning light!