Today’s view of the famous Olivia hibiscus on the IVG land of flowers…. lots of weeds met their match today, many more will see it today…. Time to catch up here!
I’m just now cool enough to actually sit up and look at a computer. The heat right now is brutal. 102 yesterday. I don’t know what it was today — I didn’t feel I could make it outside to look at the thermometer.
It was actually great here today… only mid 80s and we weeded like maniacs and still have tons to do… but the hibiscus are freaking out and blooming like crazy. I think the heat has broken here for the time being, but we’ll see come next week… sorry to hear it’s beastly out your way!
I’m tired and buzzed, but doing ok here… cooled down, and pleasant here right now… see above comment, since I”m brain impaired right now, lol. (Ween concert, Rob Zombie videos, etc.)
I bet it’s nice up your way too, given the decent temps here right now.
But just for the record I sort of feel like I’ve fkg OD on news, blog diaries included, several weeks back.
I feel lke I’ve gotten to the point where accumulating more and more disastrous knowledge of what’s happening is actually conterproductive to the effort at slowing the juggernaut.
So I’m contemplating actions vs. more info. And I expect to return to my promotion of nonviolent struggle soon.
to do the balance thing with RL action, lookin’ forward to reading more of the non-violence stuff. That fits more with my natural state, and I’m learning more and more everyday how isolated that feels. sigh….
I seem to get more inspired after serious intrablog battles. Seems like folks just have a lot of frustrations and feel there’s no viable actions to focus on, and so we end up with internal dissentions.
to run distance events in high school (1 and 2 mile) and I may join a cousin for a marathon in Phoenix in January so perhaps you’re right. I need to channel.
Hey there Manny! Nice to see ya pop in … and here’s some purple inspiration for you, if you really need to go get that wine…
This is our butterfly bush Davideii ‘Black Knight’ … aka, butterfly bush…
Thicker skin is something I’ve still not mastered, dear Manny. But I keep trying nonetheless. And that is no way in hell a fault on your part … anyway, glad to see you hopping in tonight here! I’m fading out here myself but glad to see life in the late cafe, hehe.
reaction to someone writing that children should be hit by 5000 lb. bombs. Plus, I’m still feeling abit bewildered after being called anti-american, anti-semitic and a member of a cult all within the span of a week. Blech, I’m gonna take a walk around the complex. sorry for the emotional vomiting. I really do want one of the red pills.
And I think it’s the FBCs that have been keeping me sane lately. One just can not take total immersion in all the negativity. I’ve tried that, however it conflicts with long term mental health.
Oh my-so many froggy folks up late!
I’m drinking a beer and waiting for the fans to cool off the house. Went to visit a friend and sat on his porch for hours telling stories before going out for a drink, then had a cooling bicycle ride home. He’s having another soiree in two weeks; at the last one we were treated to readings from Shakespeare (Midsummer Night’s Dream of course), poetry both famous and handcrafted and some wonderful storytelling.
Now I’m sleepy but the house hasn’t cooled off enough (yawn) so will try to stay awake just a bit longer…
I’m privileged to know a number of great story tellers.
What’s curious about the ones here in ND is that they almost all tell stories in tangential loops. That is there are always stories within the main story, and sometimes they never do come back to the original story track.
A classic I recall was a very long story in which part of concerned a brick being tossed up in the air… well the story goes on and on, so you forget about the brick.
Well, a week later we’re at the same place, same story teller, but a completely different story, and well, you guessed it, the brick comes back down. Ha, we nearly strangled the guy on the spot, but we were laughing too hard.
Was playing around with the StumbleUpon toolbar on FireFox (a fun time-waster), and found this cool link…a nice smackdown to James Dobson and his “mooing dogs” crack…
Today’s view of the famous Olivia hibiscus on the IVG land of flowers…. lots of weeds met their match today, many more will see it today…. Time to catch up here!
A sight for sore eyes, IVG! How are you?
I’m just now cool enough to actually sit up and look at a computer. The heat right now is brutal. 102 yesterday. I don’t know what it was today — I didn’t feel I could make it outside to look at the thermometer.
It was actually great here today… only mid 80s and we weeded like maniacs and still have tons to do… but the hibiscus are freaking out and blooming like crazy. I think the heat has broken here for the time being, but we’ll see come next week… sorry to hear it’s beastly out your way!
Sorry to hear about the heat …
How gose it vit you today, den, IVG?
I’m tired and buzzed, but doing ok here… cooled down, and pleasant here right now… see above comment, since I”m brain impaired right now, lol. (Ween concert, Rob Zombie videos, etc.)
I bet it’s nice up your way too, given the decent temps here right now.
cold wave as this past week has only had hights in the 80s. However, we’re scheduled for 92, 5PM tomorrow.
Wow … they’re beautiful …
Nice to see ya!
I think I need to go buy myself another bottle of wine [fuming]
you made a funny! 🙂 (and it did make me laugh)
Times like these I want to take the red pill and know nothing of the matrix!
But just for the record I sort of feel like I’ve fkg OD on news, blog diaries included, several weeks back.
I feel lke I’ve gotten to the point where accumulating more and more disastrous knowledge of what’s happening is actually conterproductive to the effort at slowing the juggernaut.
So I’m contemplating actions vs. more info. And I expect to return to my promotion of nonviolent struggle soon.
to do the balance thing with RL action, lookin’ forward to reading more of the non-violence stuff. That fits more with my natural state, and I’m learning more and more everyday how isolated that feels. sigh….
I seem to get more inspired after serious intrablog battles. Seems like folks just have a lot of frustrations and feel there’s no viable actions to focus on, and so we end up with internal dissentions.
And you’re welcome … Sounds like you’ve got some good thoughts already started.
It’s time for bed … have a good Sunday NDD.
Good night all.
You need to get out more, NDD… but then, so do I, so what the hey!
I’ve been experience more “am I crazy, or is everyone else acting insane???” moments as of late. It’s a chore to stay grounded…
You should channel it into exercise … you’ll be running marathons in no time! 🙂
to run distance events in high school (1 and 2 mile) and I may join a cousin for a marathon in Phoenix in January so perhaps you’re right. I need to channel.
Fume blanc, then?
as long as the workers who picked it are UFWs, I’ll drink it! 🙂
Hey there Manny! Nice to see ya pop in … and here’s some purple inspiration for you, if you really need to go get that wine…

This is our butterfly bush Davideii ‘Black Knight’ … aka, butterfly bush…
like a purple corn on the cobb :O)
Hi IVG, I’ve really learned alot about growing a thicker skin in the past couple of weeks but my resilience is being tested.
Thicker skin is something I’ve still not mastered, dear Manny. But I keep trying nonetheless. And that is no way in hell a fault on your part … anyway, glad to see you hopping in tonight here! I’m fading out here myself but glad to see life in the late cafe, hehe.
fuming mode.
I usually tell people, just pick a topic, any topic, and you will find serious damage has been done by the Assholes Inc.
reaction to someone writing that children should be hit by 5000 lb. bombs. Plus, I’m still feeling abit bewildered after being called anti-american, anti-semitic and a member of a cult all within the span of a week. Blech, I’m gonna take a walk around the complex. sorry for the emotional vomiting. I really do want one of the red pills.
Vent away Manny … You’re not the only one feeling this way or bewildered by what’s happening …
Manny is none of the above, and I’m sorry to hear that was lobbed your way. CULT especially made me throw up a little bit there… sheesh!
May I pass you 2 of the red pills, just in case the first one doesn’t work?
And I think it’s the FBCs that have been keeping me sane lately. One just can not take total immersion in all the negativity. I’ve tried that, however it conflicts with long term mental health.
is attempting to expel toxins you’ve ingested.
Nothing to apologize for, Manny.
I’ve been ingesting too … so far, I’ve only managed dry heaves.
Assholes, Inc. I wonder if that has been taken yet… if not, I know some who it would fit just fine.
Love that colour. 🙂
Oh my-so many froggy folks up late!
I’m drinking a beer and waiting for the fans to cool off the house. Went to visit a friend and sat on his porch for hours telling stories before going out for a drink, then had a cooling bicycle ride home. He’s having another soiree in two weeks; at the last one we were treated to readings from Shakespeare (Midsummer Night’s Dream of course), poetry both famous and handcrafted and some wonderful storytelling.
Now I’m sleepy but the house hasn’t cooled off enough (yawn) so will try to stay awake just a bit longer…
I’m privileged to know a number of great story tellers.
What’s curious about the ones here in ND is that they almost all tell stories in tangential loops. That is there are always stories within the main story, and sometimes they never do come back to the original story track.
A classic I recall was a very long story in which part of concerned a brick being tossed up in the air… well the story goes on and on, so you forget about the brick.
Well, a week later we’re at the same place, same story teller, but a completely different story, and well, you guessed it, the brick comes back down. Ha, we nearly strangled the guy on the spot, but we were laughing too hard.
still too damn hot to sleep here too.
Was playing around with the StumbleUpon toolbar on FireFox (a fun time-waster), and found this cool link…a nice smackdown to James Dobson and his “mooing dogs” crack…