Germany’s Deutche Welle reported Sunday that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is entering the Middle East arena with “few friends for company,” and described the United States as “increasingly estranged from European and Arab allies” over the Israel-Lebanon crisis.
Under the fold: where in the world is Condi Rice, and why?
On Friday, Rice said, “I could have gotten on a plane and rushed over and starting shuttling around and it wouldn’t have been clear what I was shuttling to do.”
It’s not clear what she’s going to do now. European and Arab nations are increasingly calling for an immediate ceasefire, which the Bush administration is dead set against. Even our British lap dog balks at playing ball with us, criticizing both Israel’s tactics and America’s intransigence.
Rice won’t be “shuttling,” per se. In fact, the won’t actually be entering the “Middle East arena.” She’ll be setting up a regal residence in Rome, largely because our Arab “allies” balked at hosting her visit. She’s scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas on Monday. On Wednesday, Condi will entertain Europeans, UN officials and Arabs, all of whom are “dismayed” by the U.S. strategy. There’s no word what she has planned for Tuesday. Maybe she’ll go shopping for a nice pair of Italian pumps.
She won’t be talking to anyone from Syria, Iran or Hezbollah. That’s par for the course in Bush diplomacy, which Senator Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) accurately described Sunday on CNN’s Late Edition as “juvenile” because we refuse to talk to people we don’t like.
War + War = Peace?
Rice will reject pleas for America to demand an immediate ceasefire because she says that will lead to a “false promise,” one sure to foment future conflicts. This attitude sums up the false promise of the neoconservative philosophy–that war produces peace, an assertion that flies in the face of the entire history of humanity. War only produces more war. The only thing that produces peace is, um, lack of war. You’d think that having been a professor of political science at Stanford University, Condi might be aware of that tidbit of knowledge. Maybe she forgot about it, what with the busy schedule she’s been keeping since she started hitting the gym every day with young Mister Bush.
Early rhetoric exhorted the Israelis to “remove” Hezbollah from southern Lebanon. One has to ask where these “removal” proponents were suggesting Hezbollah be “removed” to. Historically, removals of peoples and groups in the Middle East have only removed the problem to a different location.
The truth be told, “remove” is a politically correct euphemism for “annihilate.” And it’s as plain as the thousand-yard stare she exhibits whenever she talks in front of a camera that Condi’s delaying strategy is designed to give the Israelis time to do just exactly that to Hezbollah.
To annihilate Hezbollah will take a heck of a lot more than a couple weeks of aerial bombing and ground combat by the Israelis. It will take killing every man, woman and child who ever is, or ever was, or might conceivably ever be a member, supporter or sympathizer of Hezbollah. And the more America and its proxies try to achieve that goal, the more members, supporters and sympathizers of Hezbollah it will create. It will also serve as a better recruiting program for al Qaeda and every other anti-western radical Islamic group than they themselves ever could have created on their own.
As Condi gads about Rome not really talking to anybody and shopping for shiny shoes, she’ll be setting a course for a global genocide so massive as to make the holocaust seem like a rush hour fender bender.
As political scientists go, I’ll take songwriter Randy Newman over Condi Rice every time.
I get Randy Newman’s joke about dropping “the big one” on everybody. I get the sick feeling that Condi and her Dutch uncles in the Bush administration take him seriously.
Bravo Zulu to the U.S. sailors and Marines who evacuated (and continue to evacuate) U.S. citizens from Lebanon. Carry the hell on, shipmates!
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Read his commentaries at ePluribus Media and Pen and Sword.
The situation in the Middle East has so alarmed Arab American communities that the Arab American Institute held an emergency Washington summit Wednesday.
Issa told approximately 100 people it would be up to individual Lebanese Americans and to Congress to aid Lebanon once there is a cease-fire. “We know the day after we’re not just going to have to rebuild the bridges and power plants and the other areas that were hit. We’re going to have to build it a new way,” he said.
Nick Rahall (D-WV) said he has been thinking a lot about the homeland of his paternal and maternal grandfathers, having been there in 1982 when Israel was “bombing the smithereens out of Beirut to get the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization).”
Rahall said Israeli destruction of roads, bridges, government buildings and some military is undermining a fragile pro-United States government and could become a rallying cry for insurgents in U.S.-occupied Iraq.
Rahall, Boustany, Issa, LaHood and Sen. John Sununu, a New Hampshire Republican of Lebanese descent, made that point in a meeting with assistant secretary of state David Welch. They also demanded that the United States drop evacuation fees for Americans needing government help to leave Lebanon. The U.S. government dropped the fee request and has evacuated more than 1,000 American citizens.
But it was still unclear what role the United States will play in the conflict, Rahall said. “This president has turned from cowboy diplomacy to couch potato diplomacy,” he said, referring to what he considers to be a slow U.S. response to the crisis.
Cedar Revolution
I wonder how the UN investigation into the Hariri murder is going forward … perhaps the murder of 400 civilians can be added?
Cedar Revolution Gets Back Stabbed by Bush
Dwight Eisenhower, the great U.S. general and president, once said:
“Every gun and rocket that is fired, every warship launched, signifies, in a final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.”
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — Diplomacy Gaining Support in ME ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
…if we were doing it on purpose.
Which ample evidence exists to suggest that we might just be.
Secretary Rice said last week that we’re seeing “the birth pangs of a new Middle East.” That phrase “birth pangs” is right out of one of the more theologically conservative translations of some of the apocalyptic prophecies in the Gospels. Even without the religious overlay, it would sound like she’s going over there to stir things up, not settle them down. With the overlay, it’s terrifying. I wrote more on the matter (different screen name, but it’s me) here.
Condi wouldn’t know the difference. She only knows the art of bull as she learned from Uncles Dick and Don.
Jeff, I know this is a serious matter but I will tell you just what I told Oui in his diary just a few minutes ago…Quote
Geez Louise, Oui, (substitute Jeff here) do you know know anything! She just got back from the tour deRussia/deGermany! she needs to regroup, doncya know!! After all a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do…she needs time to get her hair done and nails done and a pap smear done, let alone the colonoscopy… and a body massage with negroponte and crowd, and to shop for a new dress, whoops pant suit, and shoes for the trip. She also had a pressing date to see to…wink wink…. and then she had meet up with a few friends for a dinner engagement, to attend. here again wink wink. Shall I go on? It is endless what a girls gotta do, don’t ya see….wink wink…hell, saving the world from self destruction is such hard work! What ya say we give her a little slack here, my friend…;o) besides my secretary was talking to her secretary just the other day and we have lunch reservations at the hilton and we are to do this all on her salary…I thought that was might sweet of the old girl….I told her to byob too! I was not made out of $$$, for gawds sake..after all, she knows what kind of salary I make. She asked me not to say this to anyone, but what the hell, she is looking for a good doc to do a face lift to put on a permanent smile for her so it would not take such effort to do this chore. It seems there are questions on ppl’s mind as to her reality check when she does smile at events that involve death and the like ( I referred her to a shrink friend of mine on that one). Well, you get my drift, don’t you. Surely, a man can understand what a woman has to do to get ready for such a worldly event and all…sheez!!!!!
Thanks for your attention, now back to your normally scheduled program of …”reality dose, 101″….have a good day now ya hear, do come back….:o) Hugs
Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Say no more.
Thanks for posting this.
Just another errand for Ms. Smith…aka, the dominatrix.
love your boots…
Wolcott has a scathing indictment of BushCo™ up…recommended.
The fact that this “summit” is being held in Rome, speaks volumes about the depths to which this administration, and it’s enablers, have fallen in the eyes of the world.
I am truly ashamed.
Jeff, is you will indulge me for just a moment in your time, I just have to say this thing via firedoglake….this is just about the most favorite thing I have read really just about says it all when I say I have had it!!! and mean it…I am overwhelmed at this week in our history. I said to a friend this morning that I have had it, I for once and all want to just say cash in the chips and go home..or pull my drawers up and go home from this party…or what ever one might say…
take a gander This just about says it all, IMHO
PS: please do not have anything to drink in your mouth or please have the door locked so you can confine yourself in the laughter you will surcome to and please by all means have a Kleenex at your disposal for the tears will run freely, I promise you this….have fun reading this. With all my love and admiration,,,yours truly…
Oh one more thing, please take a head break before you do read this one…it will show that the bladder can only stand so much laughter at one time…:o)
…and more than a little frightening.
It does sum things up.