This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Sssh, the birds are asleep
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s whisper sweetly in your ear
It’s only 55. How wonderful.
Good morning everyone.
You’re cold?! I hate you. ::::whining::::
that was cruel of me ::complete insincerity::
Are you feeling any better?
And are you going to the beach soon.
I am not feeling any better and my appt. isn’t until Wednesday. Don’t mean to whine but you asked. 🙂
We leave on Sunday (next) and are staying on the mainland Sunday night and then it’s a 2.5 hour ferry ride over to Ocracoke where the Cabins are staying. We’ll be there Monday and Tuesday.
Mother hen worrying: maybe you should go to one of no-appointment places.
I think I missed this at some point — you and CG are going to be in the same place at the same time?
Yes! 🙂
They are renting a house, and the boys and I are staying at a local Inn or some sort…sharing a room which is always fun with two teenage boys. They still smell like puppies.
How cool for all of you and what fun.
They still smell like puppies.
You know I just read about a study that found tht mothers don’t think their babies’ poop smells as bad as other babies’ poop.
You’re going to think I’m insane, but that’s true. Especially breastfed babies. It kind of smells like bread. I know, yuck.
Translation: mothers love their children no matter what kind of shits they are. 😉
Ok, and this is sort of funny. I bought an item on Craigslist and the woman and I talked on the phone for an hour and then met when she delivered the item. She’s a fellow liberal, a motivational speaker etc., who does seminars for corporations wishing to deal with Hispanic companies or target Hispanic customers. I liked her because she recently went to do one in Texas for about 500 employees of a major Texas company and when she got there the owner basically told her that he thought Mexicans were parasites but he wanted their money. She said I don’t care how much money you pay me, I’m not doing this.
She’s Hispanic and her husband is a French Jew whose family moved to Peru during WWII. Very interesting people.
Anyway she asked me to lunch and now I’m trying to figure out if I’m the kind of person who meets total strangers for lunch.
You flew on two tiny airplanes in order to stay with an internet stalker — you can handle lunch.
Yeah, but Andi, she’s like this professional speaker with a CAREER and a book and a website! And I’m….feh.
You are a kind, bright, funny, charming, thoughtful, caring person who has raised 4 wonderful children and who does good things for children who are less fortunate than yours were.
She should be worried about being able to match your achievements. 🙂
You’re only saying that because you love me and you think my poop doesn’t smell as bad. 🙂
And CG and I are chopped liver? 😛
I prefer to think of myself as pate…
Of course you guys aren’t chopped liver, but there’s a history here. And meeting you guys was way out of my comfort zone as well. I hate this antidepressant – it makes me do things I’ve never done before!
she invited you to lunch — it’s kind of insulting to her to say she doesn’t know the kind of person she likes to spend time with.
So I should go to avoid insulting her. :/
I probably will go, but even if she pays for lunch I’m NOT sleeping with her and Alain.
guilt is how my mother got me to go to every social event in the universe.
As for the other, you can always just stay awake instead.
I’m with mother hen on the appointment thing.
And we are soooo looking forward to seeing you there!
I can’t believe they won’t fit you in before Wednesday.
You’re right though that most sore throats are viral so they wouldn’t do anything anyway. I’m really going for the burning lung/asthma thing. It feels like black lung disease, probably from spending an hour in my mother’s condo last week.
Feeling positively electrified today?
In more ways than one. 🙂
How are you this morning? Any bike riding on the agenda for today?
Our weather is looking iffy, but I want to do something outdoors anyway. Maybe the free Buckwheat Zydeco concert, maybe something else.
I didn’t know Buckwheat Zydeco was in jail.
Sorry, that was bad.
OUch….I need more coffee after that one!
Yep, bike riding is on the agenda. A high of 81 is forecast and the wind is supposed to be under 10mph — prime cycling weather.
I like hiking in the rain, so long as it isn’t a downpour. Got a good rain jacket?
I do have a good rain jacket, although it’s so old I had to buy seam sealer for it last week. I was getting a little damp in the downpours.
Sounds like perfect cycling weather. I think our forecast today is pretty similar: 82 and overcast.
77 degrees
87% humidity
67 degrees and it is cold compared to the 112 degree heat we had last week at this time.
My heart is just breaking for MythMother… I read that this morning and … it’s so sad. Plus it shows just what a kindhearted person she is. She’d get along with Wesley regarding animals. They’d have much to share.
Keepin an eye on Danni as she’s just breath and britches and this heat sucks the life out of her.
My dog, a big black lab, hates the water hose or baths… I tried to hose her down yesterday and she hid. Keeping her water bowl filled to the rim. She got out TWICE yesterday, she found a hole in the fence by the Junipers we couldn’t see it. We heard her barking up the road!!!!
Anyways, I came in cause the Mr. woke me up with his shower. Gonna read the last few pages of “and then there were none” – Christie. Take care.
Hey DJ, your guy made the NYT and story on AOL has accompanying pics. Link.
Thank you for the link. I wish more had his courage and conviction.
Good morning everyone. I am at St Edwards University in Austin for the 3rd and final day of campaign camp. I am having a great time and have learned a few new tricks and had a lot of old ones backed up by the trainers. I laugh at some of the newer folks to this(especially the young ones) who do not want to hear old war stories or what we have done in the past.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!!
Good morning refi! Glad you’re having such a great weekend.
Hey CabinGirl!!!! Thank you!!!!
Everytime I hear the word “camp” I think of the movies “Meatballs” 🙂
Have a good time Re69!!! 🙂
Is this a Wellstone camp?
Yes it was a wellstone camp and we had instructors from all over the country.
Bush Asshole Song video
No, his butt doesn’t sing in this.
1 1/2oz. Light Rum
2 oz. Pineapple Juice
1 oz. Cream of Coconut
1/2 Banana
1/4 cup Strawberry Puree
1/2 cup crushed ice
Combine all ingredients in an electric blender with the ice. Blend 20 – 30 seconds. Pour strawberry puree into a hurricane or collins glass. Follow with the blended mixture. This creates the flow.
Garnish with a pineapple wedge and paper umbrella (of course!)
I’m definitely going to make these!!!
Forget the other stuff — just give me the crushed ice! Is it as hot down there as it is up here?
It’s hot… don’t know the temp. Friday it was super hot. Triple digits.
There are some angry people out in the blogworld… didja know CodePink is a sexist anti-male group and that I knew that going in because the color pink is female… OMFG…
I think I’m going to quit trying to think that the world makes sense and that people try to see good. I just feel like someone crapped in my hands or something you know(?) I guess anyone can find anything to bitch about everything. I did try to explain that men march with CodePink and I have several photos of male friends marchin in pink. Pink’s been hijacked by Mattel for too long…. and that it was in response to the Bushhole’s version of the color coded terra alerts… rambling… sorry…
I think my husband might be correct in how he views the world as “People suck”. LOL
Wow, sorry to hear you’ve been having a hard time. There’s just no reasoning with some people.
I haven’t been online much this weekend. Too hot and still not feeling great. Feel free to email me if you need to vent.
Thanks, I’ve decided to not let online stuff bother me. If I can figure out how to do that… LOL
Sorry you’ve been… dare I say… under the weather. You got a gut bug or something? We had that here last weekend.
Nah, I’m having some sort of hip problem. In fact, that reminds me — I have an appointment and probably won’t be able to do the cafe Wednesday. I’d better email the froggies.
It’s difficult to not let the online stuff get to you, I know. I read the blogs long before I started posting, and had witnessed a lot of blowups. Still, it shocked me how upset I got the first time I was actually involved in one. “Just words” my ass! lol
My good friend just got a new hip. She’s young, hiker, runner, skier type who had a bad accident unrelated to sports.
Wednesday? I hope I’m gone that day :O) My mom needs a care sack of “safe” goodies and holistic stuff taken up to her. She wants us to go on weekends but the traffic and crap. Plus Wayne works Sunday. AGHH. Moms.
Instant happiness just add… recipe!
I’ve been going to a Pho Van restaurant since we’ve moved to this area. Our real estate dude took us there. A small but excellent Vietnamese place.
My favorite is Bun Thit. No, that’s not a cuss word. 🙂 Well each time I go I am always saying, “I can SO make this if I just had the recipe” as it’s pretty simple, yet tasty fare.
I’ve found the recipes 🙂
Bun Thit portion
Suon Nuong Xa portion
lemongrass skewered pork on rice vermicelli noodles. 🙂 Or as the way I order it, “#52” 🙂
Janet, if you can cook like that you can visit me anytime! 🙂
It’s actually just buying the right produce, cutting up veggies and simmering some pork on the grill. Voila. I eat it enough to had better start making it at home.
Then… after the recipe… I’ll play around with it till I get it the way I like it.
Bun Thit is very very good and very very filling.
I’ll let you know how it works out :0)
Cooling off very nicely outside…but hot as Hades in here. 🙁
Had a nice evening…light dinner at Happi House (teriyaki chicken and a rice cup), then over to the in-laws’ for birthday cake; dad-in-law turned 76 yesterday and still doesn’t look it (or act it). 🙂 I absolutely adore my parents-in-law…
Got to hopefully get better sleep the next couple of nights — I’m volunteering in the church office the next two mornings, so I’ll be a bit scarce about here…
House at 92 about 10:30PM, now 84 on 2nd floor (where computer is), outdoors 70F, and I may be sleeping out on the deck tonight without a tent, as there are virtually no mosquitoes, very unusual for this time of year.
I’ve got an aunt and uncle from Madison, Wisc visiting in the area. I think he’s about 75. He went for a 6 mile run early this morning. If he had some hair he could pass for 49. Some people are pretty amazing.
Will I win the prize for last one in the cafe again? Vacation day tomorrow which is a good thing since it’s too hot to sleep. I’ve drunk more beer this weekend than any other time in the last year-not bragging or complaining.
Are you kiddin? This ol’ nightowl claims the prize!!
But? What do I git, if indeed I be the last?
That be the 3AM question, of the hours, wee.