Irving Stolberg gives a significant endorsement to Ned Lamont:
Joe Lieberman and I have been friends and colleagues for 38 years. We ran for and won seats in the Connecticut legislature as a team of reformers in 1970. He was my state senator and I was his state representative. He rose to Senate majority leader as I became speaker of the House. With others, we formed the Caucus of Connecticut Democrats, a progressive coalition, to further the causes of peace in Vietnam and justice at home.
I have supported him in every election he has had – until now.
As Joe points out, his record on a number of issues, such as the environment, is good. But on the two biggest issues of our times, he is dead wrong.
His blind support of the Iraq war, begun illegally and a continuing catastrophe, is monstrous.
And his defense of an incompetent president, a vice president who fits the dictionary definition of fascism and an extremist administration that has perpetrated torture, illegal eavesdropping and a general shredding of the Constitution is insulting to the people who elected him in the first place.
Strong words, but totally appropriate. And more proof that even though the war in Iraq is the biggest reason to dump Joe, it is not the only reason. When faced with the ‘fascism’ of Dick Cheney, opposition is the only option. Joe may be one of the last Democrats in the country to not realize this.
Meanwhile, Joe Klein’s take is a shade less better than his normal enraging drivel.
Stolberg endorsed Lamont, you need to change the first sentence.
As for Klein, someone who still sees “almost saintly civility” in Lieberman clearly didn’t watch the asshole in his debate with Lamont. I don’t think I have ever seen a politician act less civil.
My opinion of Lieberman as a person took a nosedive after that performance (my opinion of Lieberman as a public figure was already irredeemably negative, so he didn’t lose anything there). I don’t feel sorry for him at all now.
thank you.
You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help in some small way.
Not all terrorists are … immoral!
In particular they demanded the removal of the plaque that pays tribute to the Irgun, the Jewish resistance branch headed by Menachem Begin, the future Prime Minister, which carried out the attack on July 22, 1946.
"Warning phone calls had been made" does not meet facts in British report of a second diversionary explosion in the road, within minutes followed by the King David Hotel explosion.
… The controversy over the plaque and the two-day celebration of the bombing, sponsored by Irgun veterans and the right-wing Menachem Begin Heritage Centre, goes to the heart of the debate over the use of political violence in the Middle East.
≈ Cross-posted from my diary —
Israelis Celebrating on Graves of 92 Victims of Terror ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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that’s interesting Oui. I didn’t know about the plaque. I’m not sure why you posted this in the Lieberman thread though. I’d hate to see Lieberman’s faith, or even his support for Israel, which is a mainstream political view, used as reasons to oppose his re-election.
My opposition to Lieberman is related to his support for the war in Iraq and his disdain for those of us that have been begging for 3 years for this administration to figure out a new strategy and to leave soonest.
It also has to do with his positions on school vouchers, affirmative action, social security, and trade, among other things.
Comment meant for your story Israel Has Blundered with the arguments put forth by Dershowitz on morality of killing innocent civilians. Not much has changed in sixty years, or perhaps 2,000 years in the Promised Land.
I was experiencing some difficulties connecting to the homepage.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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Klein long ago cemented his grip on AssClown-in-Chief of the corporate media clusterfuck.
Nothing he does now can either loosen his hold on that signal honor nor raise him further above the seething mass of incompetent ass-lickers who now fill the fifth estate from wall to wall.