Froggy Bottom Happy Hour
This is an almost hosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Icy drinks for the hot and thirsty. Unless you’re keres and then it’s hot drinks for the icy.
whatcha got for the tepid?
Leftover tepid coffee from this morning.
you knew exactly would be right in keeping with my day
Have you had a tepid, so-so, feh kind of day?
substitute blah for feh and you’ve got it
My friend who is on my hubsand’s hockey team, their friend works at Widmer Brewing…
I think you might like this
Sounds interesting — though I’m very picky about the chocolate — it has to be just “hinted at” or I tend to find it too sweet.
Too sweet? never heard of such a thing. π However I’m the type that loves muscat. π
I interrupt my moving and your cafe to say I JUST SAW A LIVE MARMOT IN THE WILD!! Well, “wild,” would be the back yard, but wahoo cool!!
Carry on.
Was it drinking a beer or holding or singing Jingle Balls? π
lol! It was scuttling its ass across grass after seeing me and my dog. It had never registered with me, ever, not in all those marmot conversations, that a marmot is a groundhog/woodchuck. So when I ran in and googled groundhog, I was so tickled to find MARMOT.
Next time I’ll ask it how much wood it can chuck.
I meant to post “or holding a hookah” but I’m typing with my elbows today… and half my brain apparently.
that you owe it a spot in your current book.
And I heard it call as it ran out of sight, “Annddiii, sent me. . .”
However, anything he left behind should not be considered my calling card.
Which begs the question:
Does a Marmot shit in the woods?!
I can answer that, I can answer that!!!
I didn’t even research it yet.
So snorting. Like a ground chuck, I’m snorting.
Are you liking your new digs?
I am, thanks.
Remind me never
to move again.
I thought that
was a haiku
for just a moment.
Margin haiku.
I always strive to be a good and useful friend.
My dog looked for your name on it.
My sister gets confused and calls them ground chucks.
Snort. Ouch. Yum.
Wood Hogs π
Is that dirty?
I’ve been away awhile and I can’t tell. π
I didn’t mean it to be … at first. But now that you mention it… π
My husband has some long joe boxer pj pants with a beaver with an axe with the word balloon saying, “Hi, I’m Woody”
It always gets a woodchuckle when I see em π
“Woodchuckle.” I love this. So many possible uses.
Actually a few sips from something hot, like coffee, helps you cool down. I don’t understand it… but I never saw so many sip hot coffee than like I did on a summer day on Guam.
that there’s anything in existence that can cool you down.
You and me both baby π
we need mojitos all around:
And I’m gonna’ sit right down in the middle of all those mojitas π
Let’s just line ’em up, shall we? π
Surviving the heat?
Oh yeah, so are the piggies. We took some water bottles and froze them and placed them in their cage which is in the garage in a corner.
Them and the dog are going through water like it’s out of style.
How about you? Cleaning up since the storm and loss of power? Those things always made me have to clean out the fridge afterwards… ick.
That’s a cool idea for the pigs. Maybe I should do that with my dogs…
My fridge is delightfully empty. It was actually good to have a reason to discard all the partial bottles of old salad dressing and stuff. Especially since we’re going on vacation next week.
Now I just have to retrieve my frozen stuff from a friend’s freezer so we have something to eat. π
Well, they’re small piggies.. guinea pigs. Of course they’re all freaked out by the new thing in their home. They’re very vocal about such matters. It’s like living Furbies, I swear π
I don’t know about the dogs… that’d have to be one big water bottle. π My dog HATES the water, we’ve tried to spray her down but to no avail. Maybe if the water smelled like shit she’d roll in it…. LOL
One of my dogs is small cat-sized. And of course, she’s the one who likes to roll in stuff. π
Get one of those CostCo sized bags of frozen tator tots of shredded potatoes… freeze it put it in a pillow case for her. If she chews it open and eats it… it won’t hurt her.
leave the tator tots in the original plastic bag though so you can re-freeze it.
Learn to relax from an expert
Master of the Naptial Arts
by Masters of the FARTial arts π
seems to be awfully easy to acquire.
Sniffy looks like he’s sleeping in his parent’s bed.
Actually he’s subtly pointing out that the futon is available for another occupant.
You may live to regret that subtle invite.
I’m more than happy to take that very unrisky risk.
gotsta run off for a bit. Looking at spreadsheets has dulled my brain.
And people coming over to return some DVDs I loaned em. Then off to a hockey game later tonight.
Take care and be good to each other. XOXO
Hello my fellow Frog Pond residents! How goes it?
“It” goes rather slowly these days, if at all.
How are you PF?
How’s your cold/sore throat?
I’ll survive. BTW – we’re aiming for the 9:30 ferry on Monday and Mr. Nature is riding over with us and will stay for a few hours before going back and golfing for a few days. So we won’t have a car on the island, but I don’t think that will be a problem – will it?
Perfect. That means you’ll be there around noon, then?
You should be fine without a car, although I really recommend bringing or renting bikes.
We usually just do bikes and walk, except for hauling stuff to the beach, and we can just stuff everyone into my car for that (it’s like a 5-minute ride).
We’ll definitely rent bikes. I love the thought of him tooling around eastern NC in my liberal sticker encrusted minivan.
Cool. I can hardly believe it’s less than a week away.
There had better not be a camera within 100 yds when I try to get into a kayak for the first time in 20 years.
Sounds like a clip for YouTube in the making. π
Sounds like a clop on the head to whomever attempts it! I’ll get a revenge picture or two to hold over your head.
CG should get a bunch of compromising pictures of you and you should do the same to her and then you should both post them in the cafe. Yup, that’s the ticket.
You’re the energetic, young man about town — shouldn’t you be regaling us with your adventures?
How’d the puter-building go?
Damn it, we scared him away again. How many times do I have to tell you guys – only one old lady at a time is allowed to greet the young ones. We don’t want to appear too eager.
are morning buddies; he’s grown accustomed to my geezerness.
He’s probably just worried that you’ll objectify him.
I don’t know where he’d get that impression. I have navel lint older than he is.
you’ll want to smell his head … to see if he still smells like a puppy.
LOL, you’re getting your smelling fetishes confused, Andi. Babies have the sweet-smelling heads, teenage boys smell like puppies. In a not-so-good sort of way. See, as a dog owner you thought that was a compliment.
I was creatively combining your smelling fetishes.
You forgot the chocolate frosting.
I believe I’d need some extra inspiration from DJ.
Looks good.
I decided a needed a break from mountains. π
Like wet puppies?
Hahaha…very funny. π
Actually, I’m doing good. My computer’s been built since Saturday morning, so I’ve been set. Basically cruising the blogosphere now, as per my usual habits.
and say “good night” to all the East Coast and Midwest geezers…we’re heading out for soup/salad and by the time we get back you folks will probably be in bed…plus I probably shouldn’t hop back on the computer so I can get a good night’s sleep…
Thanks to all of you who gave my diary a rec today. It looks like we might have a date for the Michigan meet-up.
How is everyone this evening?
How’s it going w/ you guys?
We’re doing a little straightening around the house tonight, so it’s pretty mellow here. What’s new with you?
Just trying to get dinner stuff dealt w/ … pretty blah too. π It’s good to see your meet-up diary up there … I hope it works out so that everyone can make it.
It’s a small group, but it looks like most people are up for it. Of course, you could visit the old U of Windsor and come to the picnic.
incredibly boring drive … 9hrs … Ugh. I haven’t been back to Windsor since we’ve moved to Ottawa. We made the trip a few times when we lived in Waterloo though.
that it was such a long drive. We took the train a few summers ago and went to Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto.
It’s about 4.5-5hrs from TO and it’s about 4hrs from Ottawa to TO.
that you can’t come to Chicago.
It’s the $$$. We’ve only have one working adult in the house all year and bringing home baby was an expensive proposition. We’re pretty busted right now.
a few pictures of Andrew could help me get over my disappointment.
And a bunch of picture of the MI meetup in a diary couldn’t hurt.
and you shall receive.
can I have pony?
I could easily be like Vladimir Putin and kiss his tummy. Would that be weird? Not Putin’s tummy, mind you.
because I had started to become slightly nauseous.
Did Putin kiss someone’s tummy? Man, what did they do at that G8 conference? Back rubs? Tummy kissing? No wonder the the world is screwed.
He pulled up a little boy’s shirt and kissed his belly.
That is totally weird and gross.
I think that a pony would upset Sniff.
Wow, you’re good at that ‘no’ stuff. Bet nobody comes and asks you if they can turn their paper in late. π
Put his pic at the top of the MI diary, promise to bring him and you’ll get a huge response!
where is the new cafe
Are you serving cocktails there?
Was that a not so subtle plea for us to recommend or to save you from arken?
Either way, here’s a new lounge for us to come back to after we’re done over there….