Even though it will probably not come up until September, John Bolton’s confirmation as U.N. ambassador is very much in doubt. The Dems are inclined to filibuster and it looks like Bush can only muster 56-58 votes. Only Ben Nelson of Nebraska is on record supporting cloture. Pryor and Landrieu are hedging their bets.

Eugene Robinson is a must read this morning. It’s refreshing to see the same ideas expressed here published in the Washington Post.

For an interesting rebuttal from an orthodox Jew from Jerusalem, go here. At least he makes his case.

Peter A. Brown is a wanker, and I hope his idea for a 2008 dream ticket of McCain-Lieberman gets a lot of coverage in the run-up to the primary. I’m sure CT Dems will salivate at such a prospect.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press does another sky-is-falling Lieberman piece, wherein you have to read to the last graf to realize all is well. Typical. And we wouldn’t even have to discuss this if Lieberman pledged to respect the outcome of the primary. Instead, he is threatening (apparently) to withhold money from state candidates if he has to run as an independent.

We always ask Arlen Specter to do something and he never does. Of course, he makes a show of doing something, and then he just makes the problem worse. Maybe suing the President over his signing statements might work, but knowing Specter he’ll lose the case.

Oh. Israel just blew the hell out of southern Beirut. CNN has clips. Major shock and awe.

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