Alex Isenstadt asks Why Are Bloggers Opposing Joe Lieberman? He gets it mostly right. I think the Lamont bloggers have achieved something that would have been impossible a few years ago. Everytime some big time Washington Insider tries to paint Lamont’s supporters as far-left fringe radicals, they are being contradicted by a host of regular Democrats. And reporters are actually telling both sides of the story in a fairly balanced way.
Those who see the Lieberman-Lamont contest as a liberal inquisition or a battle for the soul of the Democratic party tend to forget one thing: that outside of this particular race, the left-wing blogosphere this election cycle has often been more concerned about winning races against Republicans than battling over ideology — which perhaps shouldn’t be surprising given that Democrats don’t control either chamber of Congress and haven’t won the last two presidential elections.
“There’s more pragmatism among the bloggers than they get credit for,” says Chuck Todd, editor-in-chief of The Hotline, a nonpartisan political newsletter.
Case in point: the much-hyped Senate race in Pennsylvania, where liberals have embraced Democrat Bob Casey, despite his conservative views on abortion and gun rights. The reason why is because Casey has a very good chance of defeating an archenemy to liberals, conservative Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “Like it or not, Casey has the clearest path to victory of any Dem Senate challenger this cycle,” wrote liberal blogger and founder of the Daily Kos blog, Markos Moulitsas, after Casey came out in support of then-Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. “We need this seat.”
It concerns me that Daily Kos and Markos are consistently the measure of the entire blogosphere. But, what’s more important right now is that he is offered the opportunity to respond and set the record straight. And, they print what he has to say.
Daily Kos really is about winning and not about ideology. And their opposition to Lieberman really does revolve around the fact that taking down Lieberman is unlikely to turn a blue Senate seat red. Ben Nelson is largely left alone, not because he votes the way we want, but because he represents Nebraska, a state Bush won in 2004 by 66%-33%. Kerry won Connecticut by 54%-44%. I’d also like to point out that Ben Nelson is not a media hog and he doesn’t go out of his way to stomp all over the Democratic message. Any fair assessment of Lieberman’s woes must take into account his ubiquitous presence on (often right-wing) cable news and syndicated radio.
The Lieberman flacks, though, insist there is something more going on.
Not everyone, however, views the bloggers on the left as political pragmatists. Marshall Wittmann, a senior fellow at the centrist Democratic Leadership Council who supports Lieberman in the primary, says that the Casey, Webb, and Nelson examples are exceptions — and that the liberals are far more concerned with ideology than electability. Wittmann believes that these bloggers want to cleanse the party of any trace of centrism and move the party leftward. “The ramifications of this race extend far beyond the borders of Connecticut,” he says.
Now I think Wittman is coming closer to describing me than he is Markos. Although it is not accurate to say that I want to cleanse the party of any trace of centrism, it is true that I want to challenge centrist candidates in the primaries and let the best candidate win.
Kind of like the Darien News Review recommends.
As far as I’m concerned a progressive and/or liberal ideology and ‘electability’ are not mutually exclusive.
ah yes, that “liberal blogger” kos.
You mean that guy who banned me…? Just like Leiberman at a rally? Oh yeah he’s real progressive that guy…
to get banned, but I lost my trusted user status and never figured out why! I must have troll rated a buddy!
Grandma Jo. You have to have enough fours to get TU and then you have to keep your fours up enough to keep your TU. I like reading at Dkos still but I don’t worry about having TU, sometimes I have it and sometimes I don’t. I don’t think it does much other than being able to rate a comment unfavorably (and you can only do that twice a day when you have TU now because of the troll rating wars I guess they had going on) and you can see hidden comments…..which I personally always thought was silly, why would someone want to make a hidden comment?
I hadn’t realized what the formula was. And no, I don’t NEED TU status. But since I had been a hanger on for so long I couldn’t figure out what I had done to change things.
LOL – I have never courted 4’s either.
I don’t consider Joe Lieberman a centrist, in my view he is dangerously right wing, sitting in the lap of neocons on many issues. Lieberman was by many considered a candidate to replace Donald Rumsfeld.
The Nation — Debunking ‘Centrism’
Dec. 2004: “The answer to the ideological extremes of the right has to be more than rigid dogma from the left,” said Senator Bayh, a leader of the new group and one of Washington’s most highly trumpeted “centrists.” But really, who is pushing a rigid dogma: these bankrolled politicians [DLC] who have hijacked “centrism” to sell out America’s middle class, or the progressive populists who most often have the backing of the American people?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Why do we keep accepting the “centrism” myth? A large majority of Americans now oppose the Iraq war and think it’s a mistake. That is the center. Lieberman, Bush, Casey, and the GOP are the fringe.
The GOP did not come to power by “centrism”. They came to power by touting an ideology. Yet Dems who wish to succeed by the same path are attacked by the “pragmatists” in their own party. I have to wonder how many GOP moles there are among the Dem consultant/pundit “elite”.
The GOP did not come to power by “centrism”. They came to power by touting an ideology. Yet Dems who wish to succeed by the same path are attacked by the “pragmatists” in their own party. I have to wonder how many GOP moles there are among the Dem consultant/pundit “elite”.
And they oughtta know–they were there to witness it…along with their many colleagues who lost their seats to the Gingrich crowd.
After 12 years, folks are STILL not paying attention.
Marshall Wittmann, a senior fellow at the centrist Democratic Leadership Council
Marshall Wittmann’s last job was with the Christian Coalition, for God’s sake. He actually is a Republican and the worst sort of theocratic American Taliban republican at that. I heap contempt upon the DLC for hiring him and anyone who believes this man has the best interests of the Democratic party at heart.
That said Mr Wittmann and the ‘leadership’ of the DLC including their elected representatives and their dishonest, ineffective online apologists would like nothing than the complete destruction of liberalism in this country despite the fact that, according to Pew, liberals are the fastest growing ideological group. Centrist Democrats can laud their little selves for their pragmatism pout about ‘purity’ until the cows come home but the fact of the matter is that they’re just as ideological as anyone else, it’s just that their particular ideology and values are far more aligned with those of the Heritage Foundation. Senator Lieberman says that the US constitution does not grant us freedom from religion, only freedom of religion. This obscene double speak alone is reason enough to replace him.
Senator Lieberman says that the US constitution does not grant us freedom from religion, only freedom of religion. This obscene double speak alone is reason enough to replace him.
This is one heck of a strong, thought provoking sentence! Change the first word religion to “laws” and you have, Senator Lieberman says that the US constitution does not grant us freedom from laws, only freedom of religion. This obscene double speak alone is reason enough to replace him.
I say this to stress the difficulty on making laws based on religion. We are not free from laws but have freedom of religion! Hmmm, one wonders if we are able to disregard laws that go against our religion. That may well be a definition of Chaos! To look at it another way, if a law is passed based on the religion of the majority, is that freedom of religion for everyone anymore??
Me thinks that lawmakers, and I am specifically thinking of the lawmaker wannabees like Bob Casey out there, need to be extremely careful of when they back a law based on religious beliefs and feeling rather than based on social order and security!
It concerns me that Daily Kos and Markos are consistently the measure of the entire blogosphere.
It concerns me when media outlets paint the centrist Markos and his followers as liberals, which automatically turns those of us actually on the left into extremist nutcases. I like Markos, I trust his honesty, I believe in him, but he isn’t a progressive and he doesn’t speak for me on most issues. This entire country is off-kilter politically, and we’re paying dearly for the dishonesty that underlies our national discourse.
As for Lieberman, he’s a lying sniveling whining elitist self-absorbed delusional Bush-worshipping war-mongering wimp who continues to fiddle as Iraq burns. Other than that, he seems decent.
Check out the LTE from a CT soldier who is in Iraq that Gilliard has posted here. Ouch.
a lot of people are hearing the subtext that the blogs are ideological and hoping it’s true.
they’ll be dissappointed.
dkos is taken for the whole blogosphere because it’s that much bigger than you… you might as well ask why it’s called the Denver Metropolitan area, when there are other town’s names to use.
besides, MyDD is in on it, a lot of the traffic is in on the “ideology is the problem” crowd.
recently republican “liberals” always do this… “you know what turned me off of liberalism back then was all the pesky life affecting ideology”
no kidding.
conservatives dem, do me a favor… become Republican and MAKE THAT PARTY MORE LIBERAL. That would be a service. Dems will never win with your dumb ass conservative-style strategy anyway.