Here’s a thing: the faux news header is, :Where is the leader of Hezbollah hiding?”

Well, first of all, I think the answer is “In your Face.” What’s more though, is that the whole set up is obvious; the hiding, the chase, the inevitable spider whole, so called.

What these LOOZERS at the News Corporation are gonna get, real soon, is that this whole situation is way more fucked than they think.  
To the point, I also do not think the old-money Republicans have half the control over the evangelicals that they would like. These people are cloud cuckoo crazy land. It’s going to be odd, but I think the modern youth-Christian movement is more likely to end sad or silly than scary, and I certainly hope so. I do not discount that the sad could indeed be very sad.

For the modern evangelicals, the simple thing many people are afraid to grapple with, both inside and outside the movement is that apocalyptic cults don’t usually end well. As with the idea of “Home” that I mentioned the other day in the isolationism discussion, the dynamic engaged by worship does indeed exist. Whatever you call it, even if you only acknowledge the reality shaped by behaviors, modeled on beliefs, it’s there. Personally I think there’s a strong argument that there’s a lot more, that it’s obvious there’s a lot more than the materialist analysis allows. But regardless, the modern evangelicals are dreaming a bad end.

I have long been a surprisingly optimistic person, and I think that a big part of that is that I acknowledge that most of human history has been bloody.

It’s very sad. Eventually the sorrow of the world will stop the fighting for a while, again.

For our near future, though, I encourage everyone to begin practicing your cognitive stretching exercises. Thing can change dramatically in a very short time, that’s proven often enough through history, as well.

What does it mean to exercise? What does it mean, to change dramatically? This is a good exercise to start with: Imagine the most dramatic changes reasonably conceivable, try to find a variety, experiment with variations of every kind.

We can more easily accomplish what we can imagine.