It’s funny with George because you hardly ever see him sleep. If there’s any movement in the room his eyes are open, but he’s not going to move for awhile.
I think the mornings go with George being a wuss. If the grass is wet or has dew on it, he would go out on it no matter how bad he has to go.
I think with George it came from when he was young and I bathed him. Don’t know what I did wrong, but he hates them. Not even a rubber duckie will change his mind.
Mine want breakfast at between 5 and 6 and then go back for a nap. Slepping late for them is 7 am on the weekend once in a great while. I think George is learning from his owner how to slack. LOL
Tomorrow we are heading to an old coastal city to walk around Mr. Nature’s ancestral homeplace and see if any relatives are still lurking around there, whom we will promptly ditch and ignore. Just want to see the old place which is on the national register of historic places for some reason, though it is a very humble home. It still has the original front door with leather hinges.
Then the boys and I will take a ferry out to the island to meet Cabin Girl and her boys. I am keeping my fingers crossed for more temperate weather and also more stable kayaks than the ones I remember from my more balanced youth.
As Family Man knows, balance is the second thing to go.
We’ll leave sometime between 6 and 7 tomorrow morning, and it’s a 10-hour drive. The nice thing is that we have a 45-minute ferry ride to look forward to at the end, where we pull out our beach chairs and sodas and kick back for a bit.
They’re predicting a high of 89F here today. I thought with global warming we were supposed to be getting hotter down here. Maybe the earth is doing a flip and Bama will be the cold north now.
High of 74 here today — tomorrow a relatively frigid 71.
Great diary, SN — my brain’s not awake enough to make a comment, but I did slap a recommend on it. 🙂
Today, more cleaning (hopefully); going to go empty the dishwasher as soon as I’m done here. Almost done with the kitchen; I’d actually like to venture out to the grocery store and cook dinner here this evening…I’m getting tired of eating out. (We had dinner here last night, but it was just frozen dinners so those don’t count.)
I thought I’d give the cafe a high-toned start.
Morning Andi. It appears we’re going into the life imitating art realm or either dog porno. I’m not sure which one. 🙂
Morning Andi!!!! I love the pictures. Sniff as the Temptress. LOL
Morning Refinish.
Morning FamilyMan!!! Hope you are doing well.
Doing fine Refinish. I already know you’ll have a fun packed day. How’re are the Diva’s doing?
LOL They are fred and sleeping again as I start5 working on some new designs.
I do believe that George is getting old. I can’t get him to stir off the bed until after 8:00 am.
The older Hopeful gets the less late he sleeps — probably because he sleeps most of the rest of the time.
It’s funny with George because you hardly ever see him sleep. If there’s any movement in the room his eyes are open, but he’s not going to move for awhile.
I think the mornings go with George being a wuss. If the grass is wet or has dew on it, he would go out on it no matter how bad he has to go.
That should have been, he won’t go out on it.
LOL Billy The Beagle was that way. He hated to get wet.
I think with George it came from when he was young and I bathed him. Don’t know what I did wrong, but he hates them. Not even a rubber duckie will change his mind.
Mine want breakfast at between 5 and 6 and then go back for a nap. Slepping late for them is 7 am on the weekend once in a great while. I think George is learning from his owner how to slack. LOL
I think in some mystical way George is taking my slackatude away from me. :~)
Glad you enjoyed the Saturday Morning Art Appreciation and Puppy Porno class.
Where else but the cafe could we find such art? :~)
LOL I loved it. I almost spit coffee all over the computer. LOL
I just realized Sniff has a belly button! Of course all mammals do, but I’ve never actually seen a doggie one.
on second thought, that’s not his belly button, is it?
Poor Sniffy.
it’s just
two less things to get caught on greenbriers as he goes careening through the woods.
Family is up moving around and I’ve got to tackle the lawn again today.
See ya’ll later.
Already 80 degrees at 9:00 AM. Is it October yet?
Tomorrow we are heading to an old coastal city to walk around Mr. Nature’s ancestral homeplace and see if any relatives are still lurking around there, whom we will promptly ditch and ignore. Just want to see the old place which is on the national register of historic places for some reason, though it is a very humble home. It still has the original front door with leather hinges.
Then the boys and I will take a ferry out to the island to meet Cabin Girl and her boys. I am keeping my fingers crossed for more temperate weather and also more stable kayaks than the ones I remember from my more balanced youth.
As Family Man knows, balance is the second thing to go.
Take lots of pictures (I’d be interested to see those leather hinges).
There are kayaks that are nearly impossible to tip over, especially if you are doing flatwater kayaking.
Hi SN. Thank God hair is the first thing to go and I’ve still got plenty of that. 😛
What Andi said, take plenty of pictures and have fun.
We’re packing up today…can’t wait! (And I charged up all the batteries for my camera, too.)
It is ungodly hot here this morning, and going to stay that way till at least Wednesday. I’m so glad we’ll be at the beach this week.
(And I charged up all the batteries for my camera, too.)
Hah I was going to remind you. :~)
Couldn’t forget that!
When are you leaving CG? How long of a drive is it for you?
We’ll leave sometime between 6 and 7 tomorrow morning, and it’s a 10-hour drive. The nice thing is that we have a 45-minute ferry ride to look forward to at the end, where we pull out our beach chairs and sodas and kick back for a bit.
I have a diary up for your perusal. Is that a word?
Perused, commented and recommended.
Thanks, FM.
Is it hotter than hell there already? Going up to the high nineties again today.
They’re predicting a high of 89F here today. I thought with global warming we were supposed to be getting hotter down here. Maybe the earth is doing a flip and Bama will be the cold north now.
Gotta go again. Brothers just came over.
See ya’ll later.
High of 74 here today — tomorrow a relatively frigid 71.
Great diary, SN — my brain’s not awake enough to make a comment, but I did slap a recommend on it. 🙂
Today, more cleaning (hopefully); going to go empty the dishwasher as soon as I’m done here. Almost done with the kitchen; I’d actually like to venture out to the grocery store and cook dinner here this evening…I’m getting tired of eating out. (We had dinner here last night, but it was just frozen dinners so those don’t count.)
Anybody around. I’m on a weedeating break. Heat index is 93F. No wonder I was sweating so much.
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour here