I am having to search harder than ever these days, for ways to cope with what my own eyes are seeing happening in this world, as I know we all are.  I wrote a long diary about this, this morning, then  sat staring with distaste at the vast number or words I’d used in an effort to tell you what was within.
Too many words. Too many useless words. Delete.  Move away. Go visit the squirrels again.  But I couldn’t.

That’s when she showed up to help me out: that inner poet of mine. The one who doesn’t give a damned about form or the proper way to “do poetry”  She tends to show up pretty regularly, when I start to choke on things, and can’t  draw a decent breath.

She takes what massive mess that is inside and can’t get out, strips it down to it’s bones, and lays them down for me to see. I imagine her briskly rubbing the mess off her hands, and saying. “There! Now you cant choke on these any more.”  as she trots back to wherever she lives to wait for the next time her services are needed.

She is such an ally and comfort to me. She brings me the creative release I need to keep going, no matter what.  Somehow, as if by magic, even if the bones she presents to me are dark, I feel cleansed and liberated and empowered.  The free flow of creative energies has always had  the power to do this for human beings, as nothing else can.

This was this mornings offering of bones.

No Bombs Here

I am struggling hard
with this strong urge within
to draw my beloveds in close
to somehow keep them safe

there are  no bombs falling here
the rockets are far away still
raining down on other mothers
not on me and mine

so why this need to gather mine up
to throw my body across theirs
to prepare myself
to die for their survival?

urges this strong in a mothers gut
do not come at random
for no good reason
but  only when needed

so what does one do with this
when the bombs are still
far away, unheard by most
yet audible to me?

I must be careful with this
so as to not frighten the children
let them play and feel safe
as long as they can

do what I must do now, quietly
disguise it in normal garb and action
but do it, and do it soon
says my heart

give them all I have to give them
tell them all I need to say
keep it light and easy
but do it soon.

before the change comes
the one no believes can come
to a nation so grandly good
and all powerful


Thanks to my creative ally, I can now move into this day breathing more freely, on lighter feet.

Do you have a creative ally inside ?
Care to share  it/him/her with us?