Well, we’ve arrived at the final call out for entries for the Booman Tribune Electoral Politics Project.
So far we’ve discussed:
Now, I’d like to invite all Bootribbers so inclined to list any and all progressive organizations and web sites that you find valuable. As usual, to help Viera Visionary (who’s been tracking all this and making a spread sheet)…I’d ask that when you nominate today that you list:
a) the organization or website
b) provide a link (required)
c) list one or two core issues that this organization focuses on
Viera has worked hard on this project, and out of respect for that hard work, I think a condition for nominating should be that we all provide the above info so Viera or I don’t have to look it up ourselves. Thanks again for participating…and I look for ward to summing this all up and discussing the results of this community project with all of you soon.
a) the organization is Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers
b) a link:FamiliesUSA
c) core issues
Health care, especially federal law, policy, and regulations; health care for uninsured persons.
Specific campaigns focus on children’s health, Medicare, and Medicaid. They conduct national awareness campaigns in response to upcoming legislation or regulatory changes, e.g. Medicare Part D, Medicaid. Nonpartisan, but definitely progressive in their policies.
A little google work produced the following major progressive directory links:
CPA: Progressive Directory
List of progressive organizations – SourceWatch
Young People For: Progressive Organizations
All of the above are worthy, but if the integrity of the electoral system is not ensured then all of the above efforts will be in vain. We all know about the problems that occurred most notably in FL in 2000 and 2004, and in OH in 2004. Problems of that sort must be prevented in the future. Therefore I would suggest that
should be added to the list.
For example, someone in favor of counting the votes could put forward:
1. Verified Voting.org, Election Reform, Verified Voting
Like I just did.
I like Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball as a resource for following competetive races. We should develop something similar for figuring out the best places to run progressive candidates.
Project Next
Great organization from different fields who live and work in Washington, D.C. and the surrounding area. They take it to the street in a smart way.
This one is a no brainer but needs to be said:
Buy Blue
http://www.buyblue.org (sorry, I can’t remember how to do those cool likes)
Workers’ rights, Economic Activism
dagnabit…likes = links
Looks like I can’t type either! :>)
<a href="place url here">place text here</a>
I nominate us at our our humble blog. As you will see if you visit we are with Drinking Liberally.
The impeach Mr.Bush campaign.
We are about to start a campaign to work on securing our votes from the depradations of DieBold and other corporate ‘evil doers’.
Thanks for your consideration.
Democracy for America progressive candidates, electoral reform
Wellstone Action Wide range of progressive issues, training of activists
Code Pink anti-war
Purple Ocean Economic and Social Justice
NOW Womens rights, gender rights, reproductive rights
ACLU Civil rights
MoveOn Anti-war, other progressive causes
Progressive Democrats of America Developing a progressive platform
Women using the justice system to serve the people – CREW
From their wesite: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington targets government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests. We will help Americans use litigation to shine a light on those who betray the public trust:
If a public official misuses his position to demand campaign contributions, CREW will find creative ways to seek civil remedies.
If a witness is threatened or punished because she reported official misconduct, CREW will fight back on behalf of the witness — including representing that individual in court if necessary.
If a government agency withholds information to which the public is entitled, CREW will go to court to enforce legal rules regarding disclosure.
If a group libels an honest public servant, CREW will help the victim defend his reputation.
I had not heard of this group. It sounds great.
I nominate “The International Crisis Group” because whoever takes a seat in Congress after Fall elections or eventually the WH is going to need to be excellent at foreign policy. This site is the greatest, and the contributors are a list of who’s who of problem solvers worldwide. The site is at http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=11398 This site allows me to go anywhere in the world at any given time and get either a snapshort or indepth analysis.
Is there an updated list of elected officials? I want to make certain my nomination is on the list. Donna Frye, City Council, San Diego, CA.
Yes, she is!
Site #1
a.)Yes! Magazine
b.) Link: http://www.yesmagazine.org/
c.) issues: sustainable living for everyday life, environment
Site #2
a.) Wellstone Action
b.) Link : http://www.wellstone.org/
c.) Issues: Training future progressive leaders
I gotta nominate the Center for Voting and Democracy.
They’re busy promoting electoral reforms (like proportional representation) that will increase progressive representation in American government, and other reforms (like Instant Runoff Voting) that will eliminate the “spoiler” dilemma, which annually forces progressives like ourselves to consider voting for candidates with whom we greatly disagree, for fear of accidentally helping other candidates with whom we disagree even more.
Their website is http://www.fairvote.org
Patrick Meighan
Venice, CA
I’d also like to nominate Kick the Oil Habit @ http://www.kicktheoilhabit.org This is the one endorsed by Robt Redford, is a terrific grassroots site with lots of proactive ideas that progesssives will be keen on. The site name pretty well says it all as for its goals and perspectives.