This will be a very brief diary entry, as I wanted to draw additional attention to both a specific article and the ongoing work of a researcher.
Marley Greiner, a researcher, activist, writer for the Columbus, Ohio Free Press and blogger behind
Theoconia: a Central Ohio Theocon Report has written an important initial article in the Free Press on Ron Luce and the Teen Mania Ministries Battlecry initiative:
photo credit: Marley Griener
And the article itself-
Teen Mania: Lift the Banner by Marley Greiner
She has been researching Teen Mania since 1999 and to our knowlege, was the only researcher other than us (Mike Doughney and I, authors of Acquire the who was present for their largest event, “Day One” (70,000) back in 1999 at the Pontiac Silverdome.
Be sure to check out her blog as well- it’s a wonderful resource, both reporting on ongoing events and as an introduction to the who’s who of central Ohio theonomists.
crossposted at talk to action and in orange
Thank you for this diary and resource. This information is important for people to know.
Thanks 🙂