This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Goodies on the platters.
Fresh coffee brewing.
Fresh coffee brewing.
Saturday cafes are unhosted until November. If interested in hosting, leave a comment
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Mornin’ Andi – how are you?
I’m fine but the weather is miserable — the heat index is going to be 105 today.
Just read your canvassing diary. Very interesting.
Then I’d probably better not tell you what the high in Seattle is supposed to be.
Good morning Andi.
We had thunderstoms just about all afternoon and last night. I had just gotten the yard completely cleaned, and now I hate to look outside to see what blew down from the trees.
How’re ya’ll holding up under the heat?
I friggin don’t believe it! I just heard thunder again and looked at the weather map. We’ve got another one coming through.
Gotta go. Hope everyone has a good day.
Holy crap – it’s supposed to be 100 degrees in NYC tomorrow (110 if you count the heat index). Wow…talk about global freakin’ warming.
Whereas I’m up late…can’t seem to get myself to sleep, plus got myself caught up in some basic iTunes library maintenance. 🙁
Think I’ll try for a few hours of shut-eye…
not reading this.
Where it feels much cooler than the 98-100 degree weather we’re haing at home this week!
How’s everyone doing? And Cali, what are (were?) you doing up?
Morning CG. Just got through with a thunderstom here.
Glad to hear you’re cooler at the beach.
And best of all, I get to meet SN and the Nature Boys today!
(I’m just hanging out having coffee at the coffee shop with free internet and sending in my last timesheets for work this morning since it’s the end of the month…)
Do you lose power with your thunderstorms? Or does that only happen in PA? 🙂
I’m envious of you getting to meet SN and the Nature Boys and everybody else.
Sounds cool at the coffee shop.
Didn’t loose power this time, but it’s a common enough occurance. I usually cut off everything at the first sign of a storm. If I lost my computer I would feel cut off from the world. 🙂
See picture of coffee shop below…I don’t want to bust the margins this early in the day!
My internet hotspot today (bonus points to anyone who recognizes the place):

Could it have anything to do with Ocracoke?
to spend the morning.
Have a great vacation. Say hi to SN for me.
Le Cirque 2000?
Good morning all! It will be in the 100s here tomorrow. Any remaining global warming naysayers should beware.
Morning Boran. It’s just a little heat. :~)
Gotta run the first errand of the day. CG if I got close to getting the coffee shops name, I got it off the picture name. I’ll check back later to see what it is.
Have a good day in the pond.
Andi, FM, CG, Cali, PsiFighter, Boran, and of course the Lurkers.
Got home last night after eight states, 3,000 or so miles, a conference full of Physics profs, and about a zillion restaurant meals. I’m still groggy, but man it was nice to sleep in a bed full of my cats. I hope everyone is keeping cool. 101 today, or so I’m told. Bleah!
Today’s tea will be iced Empire Kemun.
Still getting more good review news. I’m starting to think that maybe this book is going to do all right in the review sweepstakes-which is usually about the time the bad ones start coming in.
Going to be here off and on today. Taking Monday as a sit in the corner and drool day, and hitting the new book hard tomorrow.
Hi Kelly. Glad to hear ya’ll made it home safely. A good rest up and a little drooling will do you good.
Are you still an island in a sea of relatives? Or can you get back to a proper slacking schedule?
Congratulations, Kelly!
It’s still only intermittently real.
Got about 5 hours sleep, which is manageable for now; I’ll take a nap sometime before we head out to dinner (Sweet Tomatoes tonight — we’re getting blood work done tomorrow and have to fast beforehand, so a good healthy dinner is a must).
CG — I got involved in some computer maintenance on the iTunes library, and totally spaced on the time (I saw it on the computer, but for some reason it didn’t register).
Today — spouse going out to do some financial transactions; I’m going to finally finish the kitchen and work on putting away the weekend’s laundry, and if there’s time left I’m going to start sorting through the magazines to get ready to send the non-keepers off to recycling…
Have a great day, folks…
up here north of the border. Andrew just went down for a nap, my husband ran out to get a few things from the store and I’m doing a little straightening, but not breaking a sweat.
Here’s hoping everyone is well. I pulled out my bread machine to see if it still works . . . and if the yeast in the back of the fridge is still alive . . . and if I still remember how to make bread with it.
If everything goes well I’d invite you all over for home made bread, but by the time you got here it would be all gone. Trust me on this one.
but I got tired of round loaves… 🙁
My latest toy is one of those countertop rotisseries; got it a while ago but didn’t have room on the counter till I got all the crap cleaned up. Just have to wash all the parts and I’ll be good to go; not sure if I’m going to do Cornish game hens first, or use the basket feature to do hamburgers. Decisions, decisions… 🙂
Heh heh. Sounds like fun, and just another thing that wouldn’t get used more than once around our house.
My bread maker makes square loves; my big problem is getting everything just right so the bread is the right size, rises properly but doesn’t overflow the bin and munge up the works. I was a little weirded out at first by the hole in the bottom left by the mixer paddle, but I’ve gotten used to it.
Today’s bread is kneading right now. It’s going to be an oat bread, made with honey. Should be done just about in time for supper.
Are you still around?
Hi Olivia. How’s the diary coming along?
I feel like I’m back in university and I’ve got a paper due tomorrow lol …
How are you doing?
Doing fine. Come on over to Happy Hour.
Back in a minute. I think we really need a happy hour.
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour here