War in Beirut is the “Birth pangs of a new Middle-East”
– Condaleeza Rice, arriving in Beirut – July 24, 2006
You may see the CNN Lebanese protest video HERE, as well.
During the attacks on Qana, Lebanon:
After, she said this:
“We all recognise that this kind of warfare is extremely difficult. It unfortunately has awful consequences sometimes.”
And what are the consequences of a Secretary of State that is so completely incompetent and so utterly devoid of the sentiments felt throughout the world that she decides to hold a piano recital while a crisis of mammoth proportions gets further and further out of hand?
Well…this is what happens:
During the protest at the UN base in Beirut where an angry mob stormed the building (SEE VIDEO HERE):
Ramallah, Lebanon:
Translation on Poster (from Yahoo):
“The massacre of children in Qana 2, is the gift of Rice. The clever bombs..Stupid,”
Condi — being creative — trying to achieve peace by visiting officials on one side of the conflict and publicly stating that she was the one who cancelled the trip with officials on the other side.
Southern Beirut:
In Pakistan:
In Gaza, where a concrete peace offer for that region is still being ignored by the Israel government:
In London:
Back in Lebanon:
Resign, Condi. And please shut the fuck up.
ya know.
pleasant images.
And no one seems to want to talk about the children being killed. I am so sickened by everyone in this administration incompetence. I saw her playing the piano and wanted to throw something at the screen.
the world how insesitive and stupid she really is.
From: Gush Shalom
“We warned them
And called on them
To escape!”
That is disgusting
Because we have:
Bombed the roads.
Destroyed the bridges.
Cut off the supply of gasoline.
Killed whole families on the way.
There is only one way
Of preventing more such disasters,
Which turn us into monsters:
T O S T O P!
There is no military solution!
“Condoleezza gives us
All the time we need
To continue the war.”
“Condoleezza will stop
The war
In a week.”
Condoleezza and her boss
Open and close
The tap –
According to their
Own interests,
Of course.
From this tap
There flows