In an addendum to my own recent post Hillary, McCain, Vodka. The New, “Feel Good” Plan A Lite about the currently apparent selection by the PermaGov of McCain and Clinton as the two “acceptable” (Read supporters of Plan A Lite) in the Middle East) presidential candidates for 2008, I wrote:

How do we get Feingold in gear?

In play.


Here is part of Knoxville Progressive’s reply to that comment:

…the big question is whether the system (for there always is a system; wipe this one out and another will arise) will adopt enough progressive ideas in time to keep the cities from burning again: from without via nukes, or domestically, the old-fashioned 1960’s way.

Given how “W World” is performing in the marketplace of ideas, I think this is the minimum of what we can achieve in the upcoming historical moment.  The door is open for someone with balls to pull the conversation seriously back in a progressive direction.  And it may be that if the time is really right, such a person will arise, whether Feingold or someone else.  

Politicians are like surfers in that regard, always on the alert for the next big wave to take them higher and farther than their competitors.

The worse BushCo fails, the greater our opportunities.

This is quite a valid point.

It is the way that things have worked here in America for many, many years. At LEAST since FDR.

Except for one thing.

The New Reality Machine.

The Mass Media and its Mass Mind Meld.

If we do not factor in this “new reality”…that there IS a New Reality Machine and that it is IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY…then we are doomed.

It is said that Satan’s greatest success lay in convincing humankind that he did not exist.


“New Reality Machine? WHAT New Reality Machine? What bullshit!!!. What’s for supper, Mabel? Let’s watch the news.”


Read on for more.

The problem with your surfer metaphor, Knox, is this. The media has learned how to control the weather. The weather inside of people’s minds. When and if conditions appear that are in any way conducive to producing big waves other than those desired by the PermaGov, the media is used to damp down the action.

Case in point?


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Dean was riding one HELL of a wave.

Suddenly, as if by magic…the wave disappeared. Along with the wind that created it. It seemed as if it happened literally overnight. Next thing we knew, there was Small K kerry paddling along in the kiddie pool.

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“And now the weather. It’s calm today. We’re going to be just fine. I can see for MILES!!!”


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Surf surf surf surf surfin’, USA.

Mark Twain said “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”

This will be the epitaph of Blogworld ’06 unless we get busy and create some REAL weather.

So…once again, I ask:

How do we get Feingold in gear?

In play.


You want a metaphor?

I got yer metaphor, right HERE!!!

On the evidence.

EXTENSIVE evidence.

Since the day that magic bullet entered JFK’s brain.

The creatures in power in the US  want to destroy humanity or at the very least reduce it to a state of helpless barbarism and slavery. They are inexorably taking us into a nuclear war. They are quite conscious of what they are doing. They are not from here.

Be afraid.

Be VERY afraid.

That Satan metaphor?

It is as good as any.

Better than most.

That’s why it’s lasted so long.

Bet on it.
