Give us the truth!

Apparently, Keith Olbermann wasn’t alone yesterday in his denunciation of the current (mis)administration.
Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Andersen offered his own scathing rant denouncing the preznit and assorted cronies.

Could it be a movement?

Crooks & Liars has the video and text for the broadband impaired.

A patriot does not tell people who are intensely concerned about their country to just sit down and be quiet; to refrain from speaking out in the name of politeness or for the sake of being a good host; to show slavish, blind obedience and deference to a dishonest, war-mongering, human-rights-violating president.

My Country, ’tis of Thee

My Country, ’tis of thee
Sweet Land of Liberty,
Of Thee I sing…

and so begins a famous song that oft echoes through the halls and corridors of our homes, schools and businesses during our times of national holiday.

It’s a crock under the Bush Administration and the Republican Congressional majority, but it can be our song — the song of citizens, the sentiment of all those who value freedom — once again.  Below the fold is a special reprint (with permission) of a document assembled by a band of anonymous US Citizens and published widely, simultaneously, on 4 July 2005.  Please feel free to share it in the upcoming weeks, particularly on the anniversary of our Constitution.

It’s time we reminded people of this nation — particularly those who think they are leading it — just what “patriotism” really means in America.  In spirit keeping with that sentiment, the only adjustment I’ve made to the original text is the link to searches on DailyKos regarding the highlighted topics.
We, the People of the United States of America, finding ourselves repeatedly misled by those charged with the care and governance of our nation, know that partisan politics have resulted in a serious breach of the public trust.

We have suffered attacks against our Constitutional rights and the founding tenets of this Democratic Republic.

We have suffered the infringement of our freedoms.

We have suffered insult to our honor and integrity as proud citizens.

We will no longer suffer in silence this continued assault that has now passed beyond intolerable.

We do hereby now and forever reject the bastardization of this nation’s core principles through this proclamation, and define this reminder to our wayward leaders just what it takes to be a True US Patriot:

 1   A True US Patriot   

realizes if the rights of one are violated, the rights of all are at risk, and objects to any attempt to alter the Constitution in order to specifically undermine the rights and freedoms of others, ensuring that the Constitution will never be amended to endorse discrimination of any kind.

 2  A True US Patriot  

holds the founding principles of the Declaration of Independence to be self-evident, and defends the Constitutional rights of others even when those rights conflict with personal and religious beliefs; believing that all men are created equal, even in times of war, the basic principles of humanity apply not only to one group of people or nation, but to all.

 3  A True US Patriot  

supports the checks and balances within the three branches of government and rejects any attempts to circumvent or undermine them.

 4  A True US Patriot  

exercises the right to openly challenge and hold accountable at all times, even and most particularly in times of war, those who do not honor their oaths of office, who purposely mislead the nation, who abdicate responsibility when those in their employ are caught engaging in criminal and unethical activities, and who fail to serve the nation with integrity.

 5  A True US Patriot  

recognizes the contributions of the older generation and values the potential of the next, and that in order to promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves, our elders, and our Posterity, we must ensure that the basic rights of those we hold dear to access quality healthcare and education is steadfastly supported, uncompromisingly and without discrimination based on race, color, creed, gender, or orientation.

 6  A True US Patriot  

believes that human rights are inherent to the human condition and should not be given to non-living entities; the rights of corporations should not equal or exceed the rights of any individual, and the right to fair and equal trade as well as fair and equal pay are a vital part of those expectations.

 7  A True US Patriot  

recalls that our citizens consist of the tired and the poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the `wretched refuse’, and homeless, tempest-tossed people, and welcomes fair and balanced immigration with managed borders to ensure an open policy while maintaining and increasing security for both those who would call this land their home as well as those who already dwell within.

 8  A True US Patriot  

respects the personal religious choices of others, refrains from imposing their own beliefs upon others, refuses to support war in the name of religion, and offers foreign humanitarian aid unconditionally without tying it to religious dogma.

 9  A True US Patriot  

knows that due process of law and the protections against illegal search and seizure are core principles upon which our nation is founded, and the respect of an individual’s right to privacy and security within their own home is critical to the preservation of our freedom.

 10  A True US Patriot  

respects the diversity and culture of all nations, recognizing that our continued success lay not in spite of other nations but in alliance with them in a uniform approach toward promoting the global general welfare.

    These ten basic tenets characterizing A True US Patriot can perhaps best be summed up in the words of Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune, paraphrased below:

A True US Patriot loves what his country stands for, not necessarily what his country does, and will not shrink from holding America to her ideals[1].

[1] Eric Zorn, The Chicago Tribune, “Durbin should have stood up for his opinion”, June 23, 2005.

This document may be distributed freely and without reservation to anyone and everyone that may find the words within it encouraging.

Please feel free to read the other essays at the site. The team is planning to coordinate an action on September 17th to coordinate the anniversary of the Constitution. Stay tuned.

Crossposted at DailyKos ePluribus Media and StreetProphets.

Bush-Cheney Usurpation: Wounded Beast

…Bush’s claim to dictatorial powers as “commander-in-chief” have been shredded by SCOTUS’ Hamden v. Rumsfeld decision and Judge Taylor’s ACLU v. NSA decision. The two decisions define many of the Usurpation’s actions as felony conspiracies against citizen rights — in violation of 18 USC 241 — including years of violating the Geneva Conventions and warantless wiretapping against US citizens. Congress is guilty of nonfeasance in not breaking the obvious DOJ obstruction of justice with a new Independent Prosecutor law. We need to force our Congress to create that law. We also need to force a constitutional amendment to meld fully independent citizen lawmaking with our national rep govt so that the Usurpation and its many corruption machines can be ended. Fully independent citizen lawmaking is the only way for us to resolve many of our critical political problems. It’s especially needed to abolish and punish the unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous Bush v. Gore decision — so that we can prevent the recurrence of any such presidential usurpation in the future…

© 2006 Stephen Neitzke

Part 1 — Hamden & ACLU Decisions
Things are probably more dangersous now than what they seem. The three branches of the Usurpation’s powerful fascist thugs have been wounded. A powerful front shoulder has been shattered, and the two-party beast’s immense weight needed all four legs for quick maneuvering.

SCOTUS’ Hamden v. Rumsfield, 28 March 2006, and Judge Anna Diggs Taylor’s ACLU v. NSA, 17 August 2006, have told the centrists and the left that they have been right all along. Bush’s self-claimed powers beyond the Constitution are delusionally fascist and without legal standing. They are, in a word, criminal — in violation of the Constitution that the fascist mutt vowed to uphold.

Those two important rulings have steeply tilted the Bush-Cheney Usurpation’s politics-as-usual tap-dancing platform toward the same legal arena in which centrists and the left ripped Nixon to shreds.

Many of the felonies of the two-party, three-branch, Bush-Cheney Usurpation center on the above-the-law and beyond-the-Constitution arrogation of dictorial power by Bush. Those felonies — in combination with the unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous creation of the Usurpation with SCOTUS’ Bush v. Gore in December 2000 — and Congress’ unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous give-away of war powers so that Bush could unconstitutionally declare his very own war of aggression in Iraq — show a number of truths about whatever the hell it is that is pretending to be our national government.

Hamden and ACLU create a bas relief of Constitution-violating Bush-Cheney crimes. It’s now plain for all to see that the Usurpation is more felonies, felons-in-waiting, and criminal accessories-after-the-fact than it is public officials, appointees, judges, and bureaucrats. It is more a collection of fascist thugs in service to the superrich’s globalized corporate corruption machines than it is a government of, by, and for we the sovereign people.

Citizen reaction to this criminal government can be dumb indifference, dumber approval, or intelligent anger and rejection. The crys can go out: “Impeach and remove Cheney first” and “Impeach and remove the entire Congressional leadership of both parties for the nonfeasance of not creating an Independent Prosecutor to combat the constant Ashcroft/Gonzales obstruction of justice”.

The congressperson’s oath of office: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Clearly, that oath does not say, ” — except when dealing with a tyrannical, three-branch usurpation and wanting to keep my job more than wanting to do the right thing for my nation.” It does not say, ” — except when my right-wing, fascist ideology has control of Congress, the federal bench, and the White House, and I really want to stick it to the goddamned liberals”. It does not say, ” — except when me and the good-ol’-boys are ripping superrich welfare and corporate welfare out of the public monies so that the central banking cabal can print more fiat money and create more unconstitutional public indebtedness with their sneaky, increased-money-supply inflation.”

As soon as it was clear, in December 2000, that the Clinton crew was going to stonewall, whitewash, and coverup SCOTUS’ unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous elevation of a presidential usurpation, Congress should have forced through a tough new Independent Prosecutor law. Congress’ clear obligation to support and defend the Constitution against the presidential usurpation had no other resolution.

Congress is very much a part of the guilty, wounded beast — and every congressperson knows it. Sorting out the guilty from the innocent will not be difficult. We’ve never faced doing anything like it before, but it will not be difficult. The felonies are very clear. The lists of co-conspirators in those felonies will be unambiguous.

We need to criminally prosecute and imprison an overwhelming majority of Congress. We need to start with the 373 who voted to violate the Constitution and the 1935 SCOTUS ruling against Congress giving away essential legislative functions — such as the war powers for the unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous invasion of Iraq. That invasion violated our soldiers’ constitutional rights to be sent to war only on the expressed order of Congress. The Iraq invasion violated 18 USC 241. Every combat death in Iraq is a felony murder, per 18 USC 241. Congress’ 373 co-conspirators face sentences of up to life imprisonment or death, per 18 USC 241.

The wounded beast is out there, but the Usurpation is not going to falter yet, of course. Its opponents and enemies can see that Hamden and ACLU define the Usurpation’s gross, wide-spectrum illegality. However, Empire Strassemadchenfuhrer Gonzales has all justice obstructed, and the hapless international community is still stuck with this bunch of fascist thugs holding the powers of American national government.

The Usurpation will go right on doing its three-branch, politics-as-usual tapdances, playing to its servile base. It will go right on anchoring Diebold hack-o-matic vote-counting software in every state in which it has a Republifascist Secretary of State, so that the Empire wins Election 2006 no matter what. It will go right on wrapping up the deals that hand the superrich and their corporate sleaze one obscenely excessive profits package right after another, buried in as much secrecey and public money as is possible.

The budding “North American Union” — to break down national borders, citizen rights, national currencies, and the people’s sovereignty in Mexico, the US, and Canada — is a prime example. Secrecy and public money are its middle name. The Usurpation and the globalized corporate corruption machines are quick-marching the NAU — and its central banking cabal, national economies-smashing fiat currency, the “Amero” — into existence before the sovereign peoples of the three countries have any opportunity to stop it.

For NAU development, see especially the essay, “Bush Administration Fast-Tracks Formation of North American Union”, by Jerome R. Corsi, 11 July 2006, on the InfoWars site.

For the central banking cabal globalized corruption machine — a treason to the sovereign people in every nation within which its partnership with politicians results in its legal counterfeiting of debt-based fiat money and its illegal usury of “fractional reserve banking” — see especially the essay, “The Fed — Jekyll Island Monster”, 07 July 2006, on this site.

The Usurpation will go right on attacking every attempt to use Hamden and ACLU to limit the frenetic smashing of the nation for profits and power.

Part II coming soon…

Stephen Neitzke [send him email] is the author of “The State of the Republic, 1776-2004” as well as a number of other works, which can be found at and on his blog at Stephen is a featured columnist at

So long, and thanks for all the fish

(cross-posted at Daily Kos)

I’m not a very good blogger, and I don’t know all that much.

If you want to read top-notch material in the blogosphere, there are other writers who will far outdo anything I ever write. Meteor Blades, Booman, Chris Bowers, Kid Oakland, and many others – these are the folks who know politics and write about it in an unmatched fashion. They’re great people, some of whom I’ve had the privilege to meet, and I hope to meet many more in the future.
This isn’t a GBCW diary of the memorable type. In fact, this isn’t really a GBCW diary at all. But sometimes, we have to face reality. I’m taking 6 classes this upcoming semester, including 2 of the hardest courses in the Wharton School (where I currently attend, as my profile notes). I also will have additional obligations to fulfill with the Penn College Democrats and at the student-run bank that I work at. Despite all of this, I’m going to do my best to volunteer at much time as humanly possible to congressional candidate Patrick Murphy. I may even show up for some of the Drinking Liberally sessions in Philadelphia, even though it’s a weekday and technically, I’m not old enough to drink yet.

Who knows, though. At the beginning of the summer, I didn’t think I’d have the time to blog much, if at all, because of my summer internship at a hedge fund. And yet, three months later, I’ve managed to write a little something every day. Some of it’s been utter crap. Others have been barely noticed at all. When I was liveblogging at Ned Lamont’s victory party, I joked to Chris Bowers that I needed to find another compelling race to follow – it’s about the only thing I wrote that got much attention. Nevertheless, one learns a lot through blogging. I’ll be dead honest – I do not claim to be an ‘expert’ on many of the subjects I blog on. Instead, I usually find a policy issue, a topic, or a race that interests me, and I do the necessary research to weave a blog entry together that tries to tell some kind of story. In the end, blogging is about having a conversation with people, and I’ve had many fantastic ones throughout the summer.

I’ve been lucky enough to be fairly active in the community-based blogosphere (e.g. sites that use Scoop or SoapBlox). It’s been a pleasure chatting with many people, whether it be AndiF and Family Man at Booman Tribune in the early mornings of June and July, or whether it’s been needling Elise at dKos…well, for no good reason, really, except to get a good laugh or three. 🙂 It’s been a real pleasure getting to know many of you better, particularly those around my age who have joined the College Kossacks Facebook group.

In closing, I’ll do my best to post as regularly as school allows me to. I’ll be doing my little gig over at Deny My Freedom with Yoss and MadCasey. To everyone who’s read my stuff, crappy, unpopular, or otherwise, thanks a lot. It’s been a good time.

Deadline Comes and Goes for Iran

Does this sound familiar?

Iran remained defiant Thursday as a U.N. deadline arrived for it to halt uranium enrichment, and the U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations [the mustache] said unanimity among the Security Council was not needed to take action against Tehran.

Sounds familiar to me. The difference? We don’t have the option of invading Iran and deposing their government. That’s leaves us flailing about.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said an Iranian refusal to freeze uranium enrichment by the deadline would be “very regrettable,” and the international community would be unable to ignore it.

“We have made Iran a very, very good offer,” she during a visit to the Baltic Sea port of Warnemuende, alluding to a package of incentives aimed at persuading Tehran to curb its nuclear activities.

If Iran does not accept, “we will not slam the door shut, but we cannot act as if nothing had happened,” Merkel said, adding that the next step would have to be discussed, but gave no details.

Iran does not appear to be too scared.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi shrugged off the possibility of sanctions, telling state-run television that Iran “will find a way to avoid pressure eventually.”

Only the Bush administration could combine a reputation for bloodthirsty warmongering with a reality of total impotence. It looks like they are going to ask a few countries to join a new coalition of the willing. Those being the countries willing to refrain from selling nuclear technology to Iran and to refuse visas to their nuclear scientists. That will have zero effect on anything. Bush has made us look like fools.

The next step is to blame the Democrats for his impotence.

White House Reveals "Flat Leader" Program

A Donald Rumsfeld cutout makes an appearance at a memorial service for 3 servicemen killed in Iraq

Washington, DC (APE) – Taking a cue from the Maine National Guard’s successful “Flat Daddy” program, the White House today revealed its successful ongoing “Flat Leader” program. In a time of war, when resources and manpower are scarce, the White House stated that it was proud to add to and expand its support for the Maine National Guard’s program as well as all servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The program has placed life-size cardboard cutouts of key American leaders within each and every regiment currently serving in both countries.
The Department of Defense stated that the “Flat Leader” program has become immensely successful and a real morale booster within a very short time span. There have even been reports of flat leaders that have been sacrificed in the hunt for IEDs, saving countless GI’s lives.

“We’re exploring the possibility of expanding the program to the home front,” stated White House spokesperson Tony Snow. “We believe that this could have quite an impact on the spread of Islamo-Fascisim right here in America. In a nod to well-intentioned, but misinformed liberal American citizens, the cardboard as well as the rhetoric will be 100% recycled.”

“Flat Leader” President George Bush stands guard with US soldiers at the scene of a car bombing in Baghdad

“Flat Leaders” are expected to begin appearing within the next two weeks at key Republican fundraisers and in increasing frequency across America on the approach of the November elections.

Former Democratic Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman expressed support and optimism for the White House’s new initiative. He is also proposing legislation in the Senate this week, which would make the potential crime of “flat leader burning” a federal offense with stiff penalties.

Crashing the Stargate, Progressive Cabals, and What Progressive Wonks Just Don’t Get.

This diary was written expressly for Daily Kos, but I thought other progressive bloggers might find it interesting.

Yesterday I was devastated. A friend told me my favorite TV show Stargate, had been cancelled. This was actually announced last week, but I’m not involved in online fandom, so I had to get the 411 the old fashioned way. My friend is entrenched in online fandom, so I guess I’m in the second tier for info propagation from Stargate fandom ground zero. This is approximately where I would put myself in the progressive politics information stream, as well. Not in the room, but an interested party with my nose stuck to the window.

The word “devastated” might strike some as grotesque hyperbole in the context of a cheesy sci fi show. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for me to be devastated over Darfur or the warehousing of the poor in the U.S.? I’ve been pondering this for the last 24 hours, and I believe I’ve come up with some insights that may be of use to Kossacks and other people involved in political campaigns.
First, why would Stargate (or any TV show) loom so large in my attention economy? The simple answer is that the TV is inside my house: while progressives tend to associate gated communities with the rich and powerful, the reality is everyone lives in virtual gated communities these days. Everyone is networking and filtering, and trying to work out the optimal amount of human contact while fending off a tsunami of demands on our attention. Bombs fall on people somewhere outside my house: TV shows that I watch on a regular basis are like surrogate family (please, no Fahrenheit 451 jokes).

I’ve been watching Stargate for around 10 years, and it serves as an anchor in my life. It’s a ritual habit of Friday nights, marking off time in the way Sunday church services did when I was very young. When you watch a TV show regularly, the actors  become more familiar than your own family. I see my Mom during a short visit once every three years. I see my trusty favorite TV show every week. During the Immigration debates earlier this year, Progressives saw how people are motivated to take to the streets when their family is threatened.

When my friend told me Stargate had been cancelled, the first thing I did was look online for information. I found Stargate fans had organized several “save the show” web sites in less than 24 hours (see here, here, and here). There were online petitions: I signed. Campaign coordinators suggested that fans fax, write, email, and call: I responded with action on all of the above. I followed the trail of social media from Digg to LiveJournal to Fark to SlashDot to register my virtual vote. There’s a call for Stargate fans to send in tissue boxes to the Sci Fi channel (don’t ask): Kleenex is on my grocery list.

While, as mentioned above, I’m on the second tier of info propagation from Stargate fandom, there’s already been some mainstream media coverage: the Stargate fandom campaign may end up with dissemination venues that many political campaigns would envy.

Now that’s a lot of energy and motivation that I put into declaring my allegiance to a TV show. I do vote, volunteer, and participate in a fax campaign for political issues, but I never pursued any political cause with this burst of energy. It’s not that I’m apathetic: I have many social justice concerns, and I have something like 50 RSS feeds, news alerts, and a 400k bookmarks file that would seem to make these issues my priority. But the cancellation of my favorite TV show got my attention and provoked a pavlovian reaction to campaign and get in the streets.

That’s just wrong.

If there’s one thing that’s endemic to progressive politics, it’s handwringing over how to drive the constituency to action: Why aren’t they voting? Why aren’t they donating money? Why are they just grumbling about Bush, all the boneheaded thing the NeoCons have done to this country, and not doing anything about it?

For me, it really comes down to one thing. Progressive campaigns alienate, and outright mistreat, the people who could be voting, donating, and using their communications networks to galvanize campaigns.

Different constituents have different hot buttons, but in general terms, here are some of the biggies: lying/hypocrisy, cronyism, invasion of privacy, financial plunder, and just being treated like dirt. Progressive campaign coordinators and activists seem to realize these are matters close to the voting heart: every other blog post and campaign quote seems to be about how BushCo’s kleptocracy is infested with lying cronies who are invading our privacy. The idea seems to be to assert the moral superiority of progressives and offer the Democratic slate as an alternative.

On the other hand, progressives are also out to win. And despite all their moralizing, they seem to be convinced that the Bush way actually works. They are eternally spawning progressive cabals ostensibly to “focus” their energies, which just arouses the suspicion and resentment of the people they exclude. They court influence and cultivate the media, seemingly oblivious about all the ways this looks like crony-mongering. They extract personal information of people who participate in fax campaigns (PFAW – I’m looking at you here) to flood people’s email and disrupt their evenings with solicitation phone calls. Progressives seem manipulative: they are messaging, messaging, messaging instead of listening, listening, listening.

Furthermore, when people pop up on the fringes of the progressive movement who might have useful technical skills, a whole new realm of contacts to offer, and new venues to feed progressive information into, they are rebuffed for not being on the wonk track – networking and tips are only for the pros. (What a way for progressives to sabotage their diversity message, too). As Crashing the Gate predicted, narrow wonkish agendas, pet issues, and local politics have been clashing over eyeballs, leading to what I’ve dubbed as the Tragedy of the Kossack Commons: just three weeks ago some jostling activist handed me a paper sign up list to form a Rec gang to get a particular candidate into the Daily Kos rec box. Good f’ing grief. What about the good causes without those sorts of organizational resources who are being relentlessly crowded out?

And, worst of all, these days when a normal constituent (as opposed to a Very Influentual Constituent) needs help from their political representatives to deal with erroneous actions of the State or intransigient government agencies and the crappy court system, most of the time the ostensible representatives don’t bother to respond.

When progressive actions don’t match their words, they come across as hypocrites and liars…and for people outside the hyper-connected world of the progressive blogosphere, it can be hard to tell the difference. Instead of Good Democrats and Bad Republicans, people just see Self-Serving Politicians.

What do activists and campaign staff honestly think will happen when they mistreat a constituent and then ask for their money, their vote, their volunteer energies?

Jacksquat will happen. That’s what.      

When I’ve tried to express this problem to people involved in political campaigns, they usually assume I’m trying to repair some personal issue (and thus I’m selfish or have some character problem), or I don’t understand how their candidates will support legislation and programs that will somehow help me. What they don’t get is I no longer trust the candidate.

Why should I make a leap of faith in the direction of someone who just spit on me? How do I even know their voting record in the past will hold up under the political expediencies and money games of the future? I actually have more faith that a decent person on the other side of the party divide could change than a mean-spirited, crony-mongering person is promoting the “general good” (the argument being that my specific experience is the exception, and good luck finding the information to prove the rule).

Now let’s compare this with the online fandom experience, and all the energy that’s being funneled there. Fandom communities are all about welcoming new people, expanding the conversation, and sharing the fruits of creative endeavors. Sure there’s some newbie hazing and “cronyism” issues around Big Name Fans, but by and large there’s not many cabals formed to limit/enhance access to real world resources.  

Fandom campaigns don’t seem to be using me, shaking me down financially, or spitting on me personally. Yet, like a political campaign, a fandom campaign asks for money, votes, and volunteer energies. In the end, I think the difference is that I feel good about doing my bit to pitch in for Stargate: I associate the Stargate fandom with good things and I know what a successful result will look like (some form of continuation of my favorite TV show). When I do anything for progressives, I have mixed feelings: am I alleviating poverty or being manipulated by a bunch of weenies who only care about exchanging business cards at the next Sac insider bash?

What can the typical, non-VIP constituent do? Pointing out the flaws in the system doesn’t work. If you try to explain this to campaigners, you just get booted out of their presence because you’re not “on board” with their strategy (which usually includes an implied “no badmouthing the campaign” clause). Saying the candidate has lost your vote doesn’t do anything, because politicians and their campaign staff have made it clear that they don’t care about isolated individuals. In fact, campaigners seem to perceive people who aren’t aligned with their strategy as a disruptive cost rather than necessary constituents. Withdrawing your vote in some loud and dramatic way doesn’t work: on top of making you look like a drama-seeking nut, this threat can only be made once: campaigners will shrug and move on to a prospect that seems more amenable to candidate/issue messaging. Basically, it’s impossible to get the people who need to understand how their campaigns and tenures in office are being perceived to hear the people that are being repelled. The voter reaction should be just to vote against the politically obtuse. However, in a two party system, it’s easy to get to a place where all options look just as bad. If you don’t want to vote for the person who’s a jerk that treats you badly, and you don’t want to vote for the person who is gung ho for war in Iraq, then the only option left is not to vote.

I hope Kossacks will read this diary carefully and not just go into “don’t want to hear it” mode. I’m not trying to tick people off. I’m giving people with an interest in progressive campaigning my authentic, true view on the matter: this is real info on how the relatively disconnected voter thinks. This is useful info to have, and it may help campaigners think about ways to come across in a less abrasive and manipulative way. Take this info or leave it, but please don’t pile on me for trying to get you to look at the view from outside the progressive blogosphere box. I do feel guilty that a TV show pushed my activism button more than, say, universal health care. I was crying as I wrote this.  

Open Thread

My internet is in and out.

Maybe someone else will post something. I’m going to eat some tacos.

I receive a very surprising reply from

Date: Thursday, August 31, 2006 3:27:20 PM
To: xxxxxx xxxx
Subject: Re: Ola ! from the United States. A suggestion for peacefulrevolution.

Thank you very much for your e mail.
I appreciate your comments and we will implement it.
Thank you for your support.
Best Regards.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2006 3:27:20 PM
To: xxxxxx xxxx
Subject: Re: Ola ! from the United States. A suggestion for peacefulrevolution.

Thank you very much for your e mail.
I appreciate your comments and we will implement it.
Thank you for your support.
Best Regards.

Quoting xxxxxx xxxx<>:

> Senior Obrador
> Ola !
> Let me introduce myself, I live in the state of xxxxxxxx in the United
> States of America and my name, xxxxxx xxxx, age xx and I have a suggestion
> for a peaceful revolution with purchasing strikes. Noone needs to go into
> the streets and get arrested. People should BOYCOTT some of the well known
> Mexican companies that donate money to the PAN party and Mr. Fox.
> I suggest you choose restaurant chains to boycott and other companies where
> people buy consumer products every day. Then have every one of the millions
> of your supporters call these companies and demand a raise to your minimum
> wage or the person will never buy their products again. Make aditional
> legislative demands of these companies that give money to the PAN and Mr.
> FOX. This way Mr. Obrador and his supporters can rule by the power of their
> purchases by putting financial pressure on the friends of the PAN who sell
> consumer products. Imagine millions of your supporters calling these friends
> of the PAN? They will get scared of losing millions of dollars. People can
> then buy a competing product in the marketplace.
> Do well.
> xxxxxx xxxx
> Chairman, Liberal Democratic Party of the United States of America.

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No virus found in this incoming message.
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OK everyone.

We need to do this in the United States of America.