Froggy Bottom Happy Hour
This is an unhosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
What’re ya havin’?
I’ll have whatever the guy trying to climb the wall to get away from the invisible tarantulas is having.
Hah! The reason he’s climbing the wall is because he didn’t have anything. I think after invisible tarantulas it’s invisible snakes.
“You, sir, are a troglodyte. They always appear after the snakes. It’s the only time I wish the snakes would come back.”
— R. A. Lafferty, Hog Belly Honey
(Not you personally, that’s just a great line from a great story)
LOL I started reading the sentence and thought WTF.
I’ll have 27 tall frosty anything.
Hey, there Family Man — how are you? Lucky number 27 coming right up.
Hi Izzy. Haven’t talked to you in awhile.
I’m doing fine, what have you been up to?
Not a whole lot. Things have been ok here — nice and cool, anyway. I don’t know what the hell I’ve been doing, actually, but it feels like I’ve been busy.
I do that too. It seems I’m always doing something, but not getting a lot done.
Well at least I feel like I do a lot between naps. π
Here are the Nature Boys watching the sunset with one eye warily on the swooping gull overhead in case he decided to poop to make some sort of statement.
That’s a cool picture SN. Especially when you right click view and enlarge it.
It was a pretty night – it cooled off enough to go out and there was a nice breeze. Thank God because the day was almost unbearably hot.
The reason you should have gone on the off season. Eskimos kayak in icy waters. The beach during Jan. would have been great. π
We’re thinking of going back over Thanksgiving when it’s cooler. I’m not much of a beach lover in the summer but I love it in the fall and winter.
I always did like going places during off seasons. Maybe not as much going on, but not the crowds either.
Absolutely gorgeous. I enjoyed seeing the photo of your trip in the last cafe, too. I’m glad you had a good time.
I love meeting Bootribbers. It’s cool because it’s like reuniting with old friends even though you’ve never officially met.
That’s a wonderful picture — tells a story and sets a mood.
Just popping for a moment to mention that I just finished WebMage by KMc. I’ll wait till I catch him in here to worship the ground he walks on, but suffice it to say it is a great read. I give it two thumbs up! :>)
A question. What does it mean when you go back to one of your old diaries and you can’t get into it because it says it’s in show mode?
That happens to all diaries after a certain amount of time — you can no longer edit them.
Thanks Izzy.
Once a diary gets past a certain age, you can look at it but you can’t edit it.
I was trying to pull up an old cafe diary to copy that, but it doesn’t matter, I can easily redo it.
Thanks Andi.
Are you using firefox? Because you can just select the text, use ‘view selection source’ and then copy the diary.
Yeah I use foxfire. I’ll give it a try.
Thanks again Andi.
I’m late on starting dinner.
Check ya’ll later.
I don’t know how to run the machine for chocolate shakes. I just keep making a mess.
Hi Toni. For anything chocolate we need Olivia around here. For ice cream I’m here. π
How’re ya doing tonight?
Just get the FBC shake “maker” working and I will be great!
It’s done! We have every flavor shake made and if you want we’ll think up new ones for you. π
Hey Toni: Is the meet up on or off or?? Boston Joe is busy writing the Great American Novel(s) so he can’t make it.
On. I was just about to e-mail everyone – August 13th! I drop you a note in a few minutes.
Good to see you both tonight!
Good to see you too. Are you staying cool tonight?
How ’bout you?
Just got through with a giant bowl of ice cream. π
What kind and … homemade?
And I guess that means you’re off to bed soon … π
Tin roof and store bought. Ewwwww.
Nope for some reason I feel awake right now.
Then again, it takes a few minutes for the ice cream to kick in. π
Oh Olivia and here I thought you were an ice cream connaisseur.
Thank god for google. I kept spelling it conna sour.
Damn I don’t believe it, I still spelled it wrong.
sometimes you have to go w/ what you have FM …
that we should be looking into ice-cream wrestling.
Well it would be a lot cooler.
who’d I miss…hard to believe I got here before the crowd left…
Come on in, have a seat.
You’re just in time for the ice cream wrestling … lol
Hey if Olivia is there you know it’s going to be chocolate.
I think it’d give me a competitive edge to have some other flavour to which I’m not as partial … π
Hey dada good to see ya.
Yeah lately you have to hit the cafe when it’s hot.
seems like when I can squeeze in, everbody’s gone…how’s the slacking goin”…get rid of your “guests”?
Slacking going great and relatives are gone. However, they’re threatening to come back next week.
Yeah I know on everybody seems gone. I thought at least the late night crew would be going strong.
everybody’s been really busy I think.
All the visiting rels going to lighten up at bit after summer’s over, or is this becoming a semi-regular occurrence? It”s gonna damage your reputation if it keeps up…:{)
Everybody has been busy? Sound like people have lives out there.
With these relatives you never know how long they’ll be staying. I just go with the flow and try to maintain my inner slack. π
or it’ll be charcoal as well…I’ll pop back in later and see wuzup…
enjoy yerselves!
See ya.
Your diary is a hit. Great work.
It is nice to see it get so much attention … I didn’t know how it would go over. It’s a lot of info to pack into a short diary, that’s for sure.
How are you all handling the heat?
We’ve stayed indoors for most of it. We run errands or play in the front yard in the morning and then we hang out in the basement playroom.
It’s days like these that I really love being a teacher. No nylons, or silk blouses. Just shorts and t-shirts.
How have you been keeping cool?
fans … ice cream … lots of water.
You forgot……
If I sit in FM’s ice bath, with the fan, and a bowl of ice cream I should be just about right … π
Could there be anything closer to heaven than that.
Well maybe not during winter. π
It does sound good … π
A machine that makes chocolate shakes — as in a blender?
Or do you have a professional type machine. I was great with those when I worked at a snack bar in college — made the the banana milk shakes around.
How are you fairing tonight?
I’m feeling sleepy.
How are you (besides hot)?
managing …
No, that professional-looking thing behind the bar of the FBC. A blender I can use.
well if a klutz like me can handle one, a sophisticated woman of the world like you should have no troubles.
LOL! I am soooo not sophisticated.
all things being relative (to me), you are.
Why thank you. Though, just looking at your pictures tells me that you are more of a world traveler than I.
Is that all you’re worried about. George can handle that. But he does taste everything. Your shake might have a doggy aftertaste. π
… of what an elegant crowd I have fallen in with at my new job…. tell me what you thnk THIS looks like…
Well if Mapplethorpe was still alive …
But since he isn’t, it looks like some sort of parlor trick.
Hi MM it’s good to see you. No idea on the looks like.
It looks like a headless wineman holding a toothpick w/ his forkarms … π
have too much time on your hands…How’s it going MM?
Glad I caught a few folks before dinner/bed — going to try and turn in early tonight so I can actually get some stuff done tomorrow. Going to make a shopping list after dinner, and maybe clear some old crap out of the freezer so I can get some new crap in. π
Hi Cali. Sort of reminds me of George Carlin’s monologue about stuff.
Been awhile since I’ve caught you in a cafe!
Hope you’re doing well!
when are you going to regale us w/ your trip pics? Or’d I already miss them…
Good to see you.
See you tomorrow.
Pleasant dreams!
Night Toni. Sleep well.
Night TT.
Hi O and FM! I’m in a bit early for the late crowd. Got a story? ;>)
I’m headed out to bed. The ice cream finally kicked in.
Night all.
Grrrrr…I’m even early tonight! :>)
Sweet dreams.
I’m here but lurking and in/out due to the Wash from Hell™ I don’t know why I put it off so much…
<hugs> Manee. Let me take the moment to thank you for your help with Diva. You are …oh shit earthquake
Oh F…. that was scary. I hate earthquakes. I give it a 4.5 centered really close to me.
I got to go check it out…brb.
Hugs back, but now I’m freaking out for your safety!!!
K … that’s crazy … is everything okay there?
It’s all good…just freaked me out. I hate earthquakes…the ground is just not supposed to move that way! This was a minor tremor really, but I think it was close. I always remind myself after these that it is good because it takes pressure off the fault lines.
Wow…I’m shocked, I just checked the USGS site and it was 4.4, but far north of me…weird. I got the magnitude right, but the distance is pretty surprising.
Sleep well …
hope you got some rest last night after a long day at work and the diary formatting nightmare. Did you see viera’s Congo diaries, wow! You both are awesome.
Yep … slept well. Those darn empty a href tags … π
I was just reading viera’s diaries — amazing job! And, a lot of similarities btwn the two countries.
The 24/7 cafe is now open.