Lieberman is providing lodging to College Republicans that want to campaign for him. Make sure to let all your Connecticut friends know about it.
Could it get any hotter outside?
Lieberman is providing lodging to College Republicans that want to campaign for him. Make sure to let all your Connecticut friends know about it.
Could it get any hotter outside?
I think you mean college republicans right?
Heh. I guess my brain couldn’t absorb the hypocrisy.
Brains often go into overload when comprehending the ways of Lieberman..,
…air conditioned lodging.
Yes, but only for the Republicans.
College Republicans???
Could the man get any stupider than that? He may as well send up the white flag with an elephant emblazoned across the front for the world to see.
At least we can all see his true stripes now.
PS. I always thought it was the ‘Young Republicans’ wow they must have changed it.
Maybe he just wants to help all those needy Nutmeg state Republican college students. You know, the ones from Westport and Darien.
I’ve often said that the RNC will have a nice job waiting for Lieberman when he loses.
Didn’t think it was for intern coordinator.
I hope loserman gets his ass handed to him in the primary and then doesn’t have the signatures to run in the general election. This proves beyond any doubt that he is a repugnant lite and needs to leave the democratic party!!!!
If he’s getting help from Republicans, he isn’t Rep. Lite! He’s all the way there. Basically a republican in a democratic neighborhood.
No wonder Connectiticans are giving him hell now.
War Child USA is a nationally registered 501-C-3 charity dedicated to helping children affected by war by providing effective programs, advocacy and awareness.
War Child was first established in 1993 in the UK by two photojournalists who were shocked by news reports coming out of Bosnia and the former Yugoslavia. They pooled their resources to send material aid to help those in the region, with a focus on children, the most innocent victims of war.
From this initial endeavor, War Child grew into an international network united in the mission of assisting children affected by conflict.
War Child USA was founded in 2001 and currently maintains one of the lowest administrative cost ratios operating world wide, with 90% of each dollar sent directly into the field.
At present, we are operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Iraq. Our program in the DRC focuses on the former child soldiers, two words we believe should not go together, despite the 300,000 children currently serving in militias around the world.
For many children, the streets of southern Iraq are home and workplace. Left to fend for themselves within broken communities and family structures dismantled by war, many of these children are vulnerable and invisable to most aid organizations.
War Child has established local drop in centers to offer children a safe haven with funding from UNICEF and War Child Australia. These centers provide a range of activities from sport and excercise to the development of practical vocational skills such as mechanics etc. Counseling to children who are suffering the effects of trauma or drug addiction is also provided. Specially trained staff help to reintegrate children back into mainstream education along with teaching children about the dangers that surround them on the streeets, including the effects of landmines and unexploded munitions.
In Afghanistan, War Child has taken on children rejected by parents and family who have only the means of petty crimes to survive.
Because of the chaos of the judicial system, and a poor understanding of juvenile justice, these children are put into adult prisons, leaving a strong social stigma with few options rather than to re-offend.
War Child has succeeded in separating these children held in detention from adults and provided them with regular visits from family members, job training, education and social activities which go a long way toward helping these children re-integrate back into their families of origin.
Thank you to all Veterans for Peace supporters. We hope that together, our work will make a meaningful difference toward providing hope and the joy that each child should know everyday.
For more information please contact War Child USA or contact us at: info@warchildusaorg or 603-672-1327
Betsy Small Campbell
Director of Programs
War Child USA
P.O. Box 212
Peterborough, NH 03458
War Child is:
an international relief and development agency, dedicated to providing
effective and
sustainable aid
to children affected by war in order to build
resolve conflict and
*empower future generations.
War Child accomplishes this by: bringing material aid into war zones; supporting children evacuated into refugee camps; initiating rehabilitation programs for children; and healing psychological damage caused by war.
{By the way, still can’t read the reply’s, everything else seems alright, found another site that is having problems with the Explorer 7beta, my investment site. Have a Request in to Microsoft as I’m sure others have. They have a link that’s suppose to ‘ghost’ 6 at sites but that doesn’t work neither, and told them so!!}
If Joe loses the primary and wins as an independent, do you think it is possible he might caucus with the Republicans? Especially if they offered him a swank chairmanship or something (if Republicans retain a majority)?
He seems petty and self-obsessed enough to do something like that just for revenge. If he does run independent, I think this will become a campaign issue.
I read some place reacently he, meaning leiberman, was so upset with the dem party for his failed ended things he did in 2000 and then again on his failed run for prez, that he was very upset with them and threw him more towards the republican side than ever. It was a matter of a combination of several things that threw him out of sinc with them all. Talk about revenge!!!!! good lord!!!! a very sick mind he has.
Yes, actually. Today the temperature high/heat index in eastern NC reached 97/110; tomorrow it’s going to 100/115. The humidity is so high it’s like walking out into a steam bath.
I worked out in the garden this morning, pulling up dead plants and preparing beds for fall plantings. Sweat poured off of me like rain. I had a terrible thought: What if it never gets cool again? I would have wept at the prospect but I was too dehydrated.
It’s 68° outside here in Seattle, and the forecast is for it to not make it out of the 70s through next week sometime.
And I’ve got fresh baked bread and great tunes playin’. Neil Young’s Living With War. John Lee Hooker. Woody Guthrie. Ramblin’ Jack Elliot. (Not all at the same time of course.)
I know, I know . . . shut up, Omir.
;o( grawl, grawl!!!! do you take house guests for the rest of the summer?…:o)
Come on over. It’s the green house, third one from the corner.
Better get that bread machine in overdrive. You might have a couple of hundred bootribbers showing up at your doorstep. 🙂
Hmmm, I may need the recipe for the 2-lb. loaf.
and you’d better buy the 50 pound bags of flour.
Back in Texas we used to buy flour in 25-lb bags. They came in lovely cloth bags that my daughter could use to make doll clothes out of.
These days I’m hard put to go through 20 pounds in a year. That may change if I keep baking bread, of course (or if everyone here at the Pond shows up).
Simple solution. When you tell everyone where your house is also tell them to bring a cup of flour.
Or a box of oatmeal, or a pound of honey. Preferably the honey. That stuff’s expensive, and honey and oatmeal are two of the secret ingredients in Omir’s bread recipe. Actually they’re about the only two, unless you count that I use butter instead of shortening and milk instead of water.
Nuts, I think I just gave away the recipe.
So now the big boys will start making Omir’s Special Loaf. 🙂
Tell you what, I will pack up everything I own and move right on in…:o) I will buy the ingredients and furnish everything if you will just make the bread and tell all the stories you can in the time of eating the bread and enjoy the company of everyone int he pond that came…..:o) BTW, can I bring anything else for your liking…you are such a gracious hostess…
Omir and family man you two are just what I needed tonight…thanks…hugs
Always glad to help Brenda. 🙂
Glad to oblige.
Your post reminds me a little of how Arlo Guthrie says he . . . well, the story goes that he was doing a gig at a bar in Chicago and he was just packing up his guitars to leave when he was approached by a short little guy.
“Arlo, I want to sing you a song,” he says.
Arlo was tired and not having any of it. “No man,” he said, “Don’t sing me no song. I don’t like songs. I don’t even like my songs. Why should I like your songs?” He was just being a butthead, but the guy persisted.
Finally Arlo says “Tell you what. You buy me a beer, I’ll sit here and drink it and as long as it lasts, you can do whatever you want.”
“That sounds like a good deal.”
“It does??“
And Arlo allows as how that was one of the best beers of his life, because that was how he met Steve Goodman for the first time and heard him sing City of New Orleans.
I was just sitting here a little while ago listening to some CDs I picked up from the library. One of them is Ramblin’ Jack Elliot’s Friends Of Mine, and by happy chance it has Jack and Arlo doing a duet of Smiley Burdette’s Ridin’ Down The Canyon, one of the best Western songs ever written. I’ll be sure to put it on for you when you get here.
see there that is what I mean. you have such great stories to tell…hugs and miss your sunday stories lots.
nut n honey is what you are getting at?????…;o) right?????
“What are you eatin’?”
“Nut ‘n’ Honey”
Actually the bread has no nuts in it. I’ve wondered about experimenting with wheat berries or something similar, but I’m currently not that ambitious.
that sound wonderful. i like homemade bread and things in it to spice it up. i used to make my own way back when, but got out of the habit when the kids left home. i always did it for them anyhow. i likes the smell of it rising and baking too. “dreaming of such a thing again” yummy— now it is only on holidays…
have you done zucchini bread before? it too is so good…full of nuts and cinnamon and all the goodies…
We used to do zucchini bread when we lived in southern Idaho where zucchini is so abundant you pretty much can’t give it away. It was said that people in that part of Idaho locked the doors of their cars, not because they were worried about theft, but because if you didn’t you might come back and find armfuls of zucchini piled up on the seats. (I remember having a reduced-calorie lasagna once that used zucchini slices instead of noodles. It was actually quite good, but nothing I would want to do on a regular basis. I like my noodles too much for that.)
I have a fantastic recipe for something called “A-B-C Bread.” It’s a quick bread where you can pick and choose the ingredients you want to go into it. I’ve used the recipe to make pumpkin bread with pecan pieces, sweetened with applesauce rather than sugar (much friendlier on us diabetics). Wonderful stuff.
Tom DeLay – so why doesn’t he just run as a Repub and get it over with. His old pals Bill Bennett & Dick Cheney could stump for him.