Albert goes by many names. The longest is “Grand Poobah of the Ancient and Venerable Order of Floor Lickers.”
He licks the floor a lot. We don’t know why. Sometimes it’s obvious that we spilled something. Sometimes he just licks, and licks, and licks.
Apparently the sooty fire poker (actually a small shovel that lost its, well… shovel) met his “standards” for licking as well.
access to natural sunlight. He’s need the vitamin D to help repair the bone damage.
As he readily communes with Mr. Sunshine, this has not proved a problem.
Good god. That should obviously read,”He needs.”
And apparently he needs more charcoal in his diet as well, as he’s eating little some of bits that fell on the floor in front of the wood stove.
It’s good to see that he’s back to his old inscrutable self.
Some wood ash contains calcium, magnesium, and/or potash. He might be licking this (if the poker is dusty with ash), to get these substances. Or he might be going after the iron in the metal, assuming it has iron in it.
Now, as to your floors. . .
Yeah, I know me might be trying to get certain minerals, but he has a mineral block so I don’t think he has any deficiencies. Mostly, I think he’s just licky.
Hey keres!
Hi Olivia.
Bunny kisses are the absolute best in the whole world. They have such soft little tongues. Albert is not really a kisser, but Oscar was. You could hold his up to your face and he would lick your nose.
You know what I mean, please disreagard how poorly I say it.
Bunny kisses …
Albert is looking good today.
Albert went to the vet for a check up on Tuesday, and the Vet was impressed with how good everything looked.
She also told me that they had had another rabbit with a jaw abcess come in a day after Albert, and his “outcome was not good.” She said most of his jaw would have had to have been removed, so the owners decided to put him down.
That’s terrible about the other rabbit, but I’m glad Albert is doing good.
He is just so damn cute.
and am proud that I have completely overcome my desire to ask you if you have prince albert in a can. Which is fortunate because it really makes no sense.
Albert is a heartthrob.
I’m glad you triumphed on that one.
I had to explain that joke to Imogen, as they never had Prince Albert tobacco here.
Albert is also refered to, especially between our housemate and myself, as “The Little Prince.”
He’s never been in a can, but he will try and get into flour tin (it’s very large and sits only inches off the floor)if you leave the lid open. One day he’ll make it and we’ll have a power-puff running about the house.
He’s never been in a can, but he will try and get into flour tin (it’s very large and sits only inches off the floor)if you leave the lid open. One day he’ll make it and we’ll have a power-puff running about the house.
Then again, maybe you should consider providing him a little assist, given the fantastic photo op that would result.
Don’t you.
Besides, I just tried leaving the lid up and he wasn’t interested.
Besides, I just tried leaving the lid up and he wasn’t interested
::looks innocent::
He spent a lot of time sitting in this spot and giving himself a good groom.
Poor Bo (my greyhound). She is still not completely healed from the mauling she received and may need more surgery. In the meantime, yet another round of antibiotics.
To top it off the owners of the attack dog are trying to weasel out of paying the vet bills and the bills for my husband medical — he got bit, too.
Hey there Kahli,
really sorry to hear about poor Bo, and from the sounds of it, poor husband too.
Can’t stand it when people try and weasel out of their personal responsibility. It’s one of those things I get on a soapbox about, as I see it as a huge issue inherent in most of western society – none of us, from individuals to corporations to governments seem to think we have to take responsibility for our actions and their consequences, it all too often seems.
Sorry, soapboxing.
I hope Bo gets better soon. Antibiotics are no fun. Albert is certainly unimpressed that his number of daily incidents of having icky stuff squirted down his throat has increased to TWO per day – the indignity! He gets little slivers of licorice (he’d do just about anything for licorice) as his reward for tolerating it all.
I’m sorry about Bo. I hope he doesn’t have to go through surgery.
It couldn’t hurt to remind those people that could both sue them and file a complaint against their dog with animal control.
Seconding what Andi said.
He needs a darn good brushing, and a B-A-T-H. I’m thinking as he seems well recovered and the weather has been a bit warmer, he might be subjected to these further bunny horrors this weekend.
If you’re lucky we’ll remember to take a pic or two. Wet rabbits are one of the most pitiful things you’ve ever seen.
Better remember to stock up on licorice for compensation.*
*note to those health-conscious pet owners, we are really very, very careful not to give him too much of his favourite ‘junk foods’, especially after the recent incidents with teeth!