I just had a conversation with Diva about the Iraq situation and I want to get this down before I forget it.
This section began with my question to her regarding whether she thinks the troops need to stay there and I asked her Spiderleaf’s question as to what she thought about Un peacekeepers taking over…her first answer was well put blue hats on the Americans and call them peacekeepers.  
Then I asked, do you think we are causing more problems there than we are solving, answer no.  Well then what is the problem with all the bombing and killing.  
Now this gets a little involved and I will try to get it right….she says you have to understand that most of these men are uneducated, they can neither read nor write and all they know is that killing is easy #1, in the absense of power like Sadaam, they can now get away with it, with the added bonus they are now like Sadaam, the oppressor, doing their own oppressing.

She went on to say that these men do not known freedom or democracy from anything, all they know is they will be rewarded in heaven and now they have some power.

She also went on to say that a lot of the fighting is for power, they(various factions) do not want the present power structure so they are fighting for control.

So I then asked her what she thought the solution was, answer, not so easy that one, but it did have to come from within the country, the political system, etc.  Bottom line in conversation up to this point, there is no law……..

With that she had to go to take another call so I will continue the conversation and then fill in more here.