Here is what I don’t understand. If Tony Blair believes the following to be true, then he must think Israel fell for the trap.

[Tony Blair]…characterized the attack by Hezbollah on Israeli troops that set off the latest violence as a deliberate provocation, designed to induce “massive retaliation” that would inflame Arab and Muslim opinion against Israel and its Western supporters.

Is it possible that the Western leadership can see the Hizbollah attack as a deliberate provocation that would result in a massive Israeli counterattack that would result in the complete destruction of British and American credibility in the region, and actually support that massive counterattack?

Personally, I don’t believe it. Netanyahu when to Beaver Creek, Colorado and met with Dick Cheney in mid-June. Then he went home and met with Olmert, Barak, and Peres. Then they went apeshit on Lebanon at the next provocation. This looks to me like a pre-arranged plan that the British should have been privy to.

Meanwhile, the thumbsuckers keep making the same argument. They say that Israel must react to rocket attacks. They simply can’t just sit there and take it. Israel was not being hit by a constant barrage of rocket attacks until they launched their air war over Lebanon. They were receiving occassional, intermittent rocket fire. There were some rockets fired during the kidnapping mission as a diversionary measure.

Once Israel attacked, the rockets started coming like a steady rain. Now they can’t stop them. Now they are forced to reoccupy Lebanon. Now they will wait for some international forces to come in and relieve them of their duty. Will those forces materialize? Will Hezbollah welcome them with chocolates and friendly backslaps? Will it be long before that wholly American/French/British force (at best) is driving on Damascus to cut off their enemy’s line of supply?

Lord help us. All because Israel had to do something. They just couldn’t sit there. They had to fall for this trap.

Please…it’s sickening. Use your head once in a while. Don’t start a scrap you can’t finish and ask America to pick up the pieces. And we are supposed to support you for this?

Also, in a sidenote, watching Chris Dodd and Mel Martinez discuss Cuba this morning reminded me that there are 638 Ways to Kill Castro, only a few of which involve intestinal bleeding. Dodd and Martinez seemed to be advocating some kind of preemptive action regardless of whether Castro is yet dead. Good to know there is bipartisan support for messing with another sovereign nation this summer.