This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
It’s your thing. Do what you want to do.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hey Andi. How’s it going?
Glad to be welcoming Friday. Other than that, same old.
Got any plans that would make me jealous of your youth?
Good morning Andi and Psi.
Gone out and check to make sure the car starts? 🙂
Nope not yet. I’m saving that for a little later.
But I have faith. 🙂
Morning Folks!!!! Just a quick fly by before getting ready for work. I attended a great rally yesterday and recorded it for my podcast.
Mary Beth Harrell & The Band of Brothers
Hope everyone is having a great wekk. I am busy as all get out and miss the crowd in the pond.
Morning Refinish. It’s good to see you feeling better and back to your old self.
Thank you!!!! I am having fun and this weekend will be quite insane for me. LOL I have to get my place clean enough for it to be shown to prospective buyers while also doing designs and blogging. I have two political dinners to attend also. LOL Wish me luck.
Got the first errand of the day, so I guess I’ll see if the car starts.
See ya’ll later.
Back from the errand and the car started up right away. What a relief.
Andi I didn’t say it earlier, but I like that picture. The reflection is very nice.
Good morning … I agree w/ you on the photo — Andi is quite the talent!
Good morning Olivia.
I agree about Andi, but I see everyone here with lots of talent. I’m looking forward to the photo fair people were talking about earlier.
How’s the day going?
It’s a long w/e so the day is probably going to go s-l-o-w … 🙂
Didn’t you just have a long weekend? Another reason to become Canadian, long weekends all the time. 🙂
It’s why we’re so pleasant … 😛
So that’s the secret of the Canadian niceness. 🙂
Well have to import some of that down here, or export some of us up there.
I was just over at IVG’s b agreeing w/ you there … lol. 🙂
As someone stated, we do seem to agree a lot. 🙂
Good a lot of stuff to do today?
Are you asking me if I had a lot of stuff to do or that you have a lot of stuff to do?
For me, it’s the lawn again and stuff to do downtown, if I can tear myself away from this html. Trying to figure out double border backgrounds now.
For you, I hope your work day is pretty slackadasical.
I’ve got an example of a dbl border … I’ll go get it and forward you the template in an e/m …
OK thanks.
I now know how the people trying to figure out hieroglyphic felt before the Rossetta Stone. When you have no idea what something means, it very difficult to understand.
… but you’re doing a great job!
Well it all comes down to the words of Olivia, “Make Copies”.
I think I’ve saved about 15 copies so far since I’ve started. It only makes sense. I know when I’m working on a picture, after each time I use the save as function so I’ll always have the original to work with. I think that’s what fills up most of my hard drive is I have copies of copies of copies…..
It’s interesting … makes sense tho. The problem then becomes remembering which copy was of what … and then file names get so long … 🙂
I usually have the original file name and then start adding 20a, 30a and so on. I’ve found when I sort them it’s a little easier.
I haven’t figured out a system yet … and all I’m doing is resizing or cropping, so I add size1, size2 etc. or crop1, crop2 … or size1_crop1 etc.
I found when I started numbering the original name and adding 1,2,3…. that when I sorted, it would never be from 1 to….. It would always start out as 10 and 1 would be down at the bottom. So I started adding the a,b,c… and starting at a larger number.
Actually the only reason I added those were to keep the original name and for sorting. I’m sure there is an easier and better way, but I haven’t figured it out yet.
Another good tip…thx!
That’s sorta what I do, too. The original image gets a name like OriginalImage.jpg and I never save over that. Then as I mess with it, I “save as” OriginalImage-tinker1.jpg, OriginalImage-tinker2.jpg, etc until I’m totally happy with it and then I “save as” something like OriginalImage-finaltoprint.jpg. I figure that will make it easy for me to figure out what to delete in the future, too, when the time eventually comes to free up hard drive space.
I’ve got disks and disks of saved pictures and most of them are copies. I keep saying I’m going to go back in a delete the copies, but for some reason every time I get ready to, I hesitate. Thank God for CDRW and DVDRW drives. 😉
Meaningful file names … definitely a smart cookie thing to do. 🙂
I’m going off to absorb some html. Wish I could put the laptop by my head when I sleep and do it that way.
Back in awhile.
Yep, still morning on the Left Coast…
Wandered over to the Orange Empire for a wee bit…man, there’s some craaaaazy shit going on over there. Glad to be back in the Pond, where it’s not all-Connecticut, all the time. (Not that the CT primary isn’t important, especially if we’re hoping to bring the Democrats back to the left, or at least the center, but it’s hard for me to get fired up for a primary 3000 miles away; wake me when it’s October, folks.) Plus, all the orange was hurting my eyes…
Okay, time to get back to work…already got my Random 10 ready for later, and it’s a doozy of eclecticism… 🙂