I thought some of you might be interested in knowing that Scribe (seated), Anomalous (not pictured), and I (standing right) met today with Kelly McCullough and his lovely wife Laura (standing left and center) for brunch and the first Twin Cities book-signing for Kelly’s recent publication of WebMage.
We had a lovely time getting to know each other a bit. We also got to hear the hilarious story about Scribe’s rebuff of a gentleman who tried to “evangelize” her as she was waiting for a ride this morning. I hope this man survived the “power of the scribe,” but I do know that he’ll think twice about his approach next time!!
After brunch, we all headed over to the bookstore where Kelly joined his fellow writers Tate Hallaway and Naomi Kritzer to sign and sell books (hope you sold a TON Kelly).
I know that for me, these connections are worth their weight in gold as we continue to develop the strands in the web that sustains us during these difficult times.
So, do yourself a favor, click on the Powells.com link here at BooTrib and buy a copy of WebMage. What you’ll get for the price of a fast food meal:
- A fun read
- Send Kelly some mojo
- Support Booman Tribune
I don’t think we need a poll for that one. Just do it!!
Hey – that looks like such fun! I bought WebMage for my husband last week and he’s going to read it on the plane on Monday.
I think I was the first Tribber to order mine from Powell’s…and it’s still sitting in my “to be read” stack. (Been busy cleaning this disaster area.) At the very worst, it’ll make the trip to SoCal with me and the spouse end of the month…
“Not pictured?” Gee…and here I thought you’d roll the credits and I’d be given props for my important role as the photographer ;^)
But seriously…. it was SO great to see you and Scribe again, and it was truly delightful to meet the McCulloughs … which made for a very fine afternoon, indeed. (And whew … I gotta tell ya … I’m still so relieved that Scribe didn’t get herself all converted to fundamentalism before we met…by the sounds of things, she was right on the verge … so it’s very lucky for all of us that you showed up just in time to “save” her … well, at least before someone else did. ;^)
And…some day… I hope to not sit down at the wrong table of four. (Although … seeing as they welcomed me to stay, maybe I’m on to a new trend … just show up at a restaurant, look a bit lost, late and frazzled….and sit down with any table of four. New friends!) :^)
Thanks for posting this Nancy – (damn, but you’re a take charge kind of woman!)
Look forward to seeing you next week –
good night…
Harrumph. Wasn’t ME that almost got converted, it was that sanctimonious, toothy old bible thumper who
patted me on the arm, and said “YOu look like you love JESUS!” that almost got concerted..to roadkill!
I am getting my nose pierced TOMORROW!
I know that for me, these connections are worth their weight in gold as we continue to develop the strands in the web that sustains us during these difficult times.
Thanks for sharing this NL – your smiles brought a smile to my face ๐
Thanks for the update on Kelly’s book debut, NL. It looks like everyone had a good time. OK, Kelly, when’s the Jon Stewart interview ๐
I have been waiting for KMc to make an appearance in the cafe to duly offer my thoughts on his book, but this thread is pefect.
I am a diehard SF fan. I have read hundreds if not over 1000 SF novels. I just read WebMage and I loved it. It is a like a cross between Discworld and American Gods. It has humor, adventure and a good smattering of social commentary. These days it is hard to find a really good humorous SF and this one had me LOL.
The characterization is perfect. I really could connect with the characters. The scenes with Eris are priceless.
One of the things that I have studied alot is magick and chaos and this book captures how chaos works with order to make stuff happen. The use of the deities was spot on. (Except for Zeus).
I’ve got loads of friends into magick and mythology and SF and I will absoultely recommend WebMage.
Kelly…I am way impressed and is there any hope for another story in this universe?
To any of the rest of you…even if it is not like your usual subject matter, it is very well written and if you can suspend disbelief for a while, it is a romping good read.
Thanks so much for the review Kamakhya. As I was writing this, I really wanted to talk more about the book, but since I waited to buy it yesterday so that I could get it signed by Kelly, I haven’t read it yet. And besides, you are a much better reviewer than I could have been with your background in SF.
I’m delighted that you liked it so much.
I’ve been sneaking in and out of the cafe for the last couple weeks, dropping fours and running off because life is crazy busy at the moment.
There’s definitely going to be a sequel – it’s under contract, written, and scheduled for release this time next year, though it might get moved forward if a slot opens up since it’s going in two months ahead of deadline. It’s also a stand alone, so a person should be able to read it even if they haven’t read WebMage.
Glad you liked Eris, she’s one of my favorite characters ever. Sad to say though that Zeus comes in for more of the same in this next one. If there’s a third, I suspect we’ll see that Ravirn’s impression of Zeus may be very different from what the big guy is really like.
Shows just how out of it I was this morning. Thanks again.
Oh yippee…I am so in for a sequal. :>)
As a writer, you have every right to interpret Zeus in any way you want. He was such a minor figure in this book, that I am looking forward to his further development. It will be interesting to see what you do with him!
I’m going to go pick up a couple of extra copies for my friends. Any chance I can ship one to you for signing?
Thanks again for the great read.
On the siging front, that could probably be arranged. Alternatively, either Uncle Hugos or Dreamhaven books in the Twin Cities can arrange to ship custom signed books for local authors such as myself. I don’t have the details at hand, but I’ll look them up and put a post in tomorrow on how to do that. Gotta run now.
Both Dreamhaven Books and Uncle Hugos have signed copies that can be ordered via their sights, though I stopped by recently enough that the info isn’t on their website.
For those who might want a personalized signed copy I’m trying to set something up with Dreamhaven where I could set a date to come in and personalize a number of preordered copies. In the past they’ve done that for other local authors. Do an in store signing on a particular date when an author comes in. My fellow Wyrdsmith Naomi Kritzer had it set up this:
“Just call or e-mail them, and order a copy with instructions regarding how you want them signed. The staff will give me the information when I’m there, I’ll sign it, and they’ll ship it to you.”
Once I have more info on how that might work, I’ll post something about it in the cafe and the open thread at the time.
What a grand looking group of Tribbers! Wish I could have been there in person. . .one day soon, my firends, one day soon.
Congrats to Kelly! I’m sure you all had a great time together. Here’s to many more.
Hugs to all,
Hey all! Just checking in. Yesterday was a very long day and I’m only starting to get moving this morning. Brunch with the bootribers was fabulous. Y’all rock! I love the idea of Scribe with a nose ring! The signing went amazingly well for a first book-the manager said we were the best signing she’d had in several years and repeatedly invited us back. Somewhere about twenty minutes in I went cheerfully non-linear and the rest of the day is a blur-went out with old friends and celebrated late into the night afterward. Got home around 1:00 a.m.
Sounds like quite the day for you all. I’m so glad it went well and that you got home safe and sound.
OK, so I haven’t read it yet but it sounds like my kind of book. I’m torn between placing an order Right. Now. and waiting to see if Kelly’s people can arrange a booksigning in Seattle sometime in January, when (so a bit of amateur sleuthing tells me) he’ll be in Seattle for a professional conference.
And KMc, if you like it out here you should definitely consider coming out to Norwescon over Easter weekend.
Wow, an actual visit to my webpage. Cool, Omir. I tend to forget the thing exists except when I’m reminded by someone that it’s gotten terribly out of date again. I am thinking about a signing in Seattle, but only in a very casual way at this point. But even if I do one, you could always bring along a copy picked up earlier. I promise not to rat you out to the bookstore. And even if I don’t get a siging going, I’d love to meet you face to face. We’ll have to work something out when the day gets a little closer.
BTW to all on supporting authors. With the way things are tracked in the book industry these days, earlier sales matter more for the way an author is treated for future books, so picking up a book in its first couple of weeks really helps out the author.
Well in that case maybe I’ll go ahead and order a couple, one for me and my wife and one for my daughter. I can always buy another one at a book signing. ๐
Seattle is one of the booksellin’-est towns on the planet, even when you leave out that Amazon.com is headquartered here. Besides the usual Barnes & Nobles, Waldenbookses, Borderses and B. Daltons, there is a huge number of independent stores up here. Probably the best for readings and booksignings is The Elliott Bay Book Company, but there are lots of others around. I nominate Elliott Bay for one simple reason, though — I can get there easily on the bus.
I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I certainly won’t object if you want to;) And now I know where to try to arrange for a signing. I’m a big fan of independants.
So cool! I’ll have to order mine! Great photos!
congratulations to you Kelly. hugs to the rest and so good to finally see ya in person, like up close and personal….;o) good work from all. hugs