I thought some of you might be interested in knowing that Scribe (seated), Anomalous (not pictured), and I (standing right) met today with Kelly McCullough and his lovely wife Laura (standing left and center) for brunch and the first Twin Cities book-signing for Kelly’s recent publication of WebMage.
We had a lovely time getting to know each other a bit. We also got to hear the hilarious story about Scribe’s rebuff of a gentleman who tried to “evangelize” her as she was waiting for a ride this morning. I hope this man survived the “power of the scribe,” but I do know that he’ll think twice about his approach next time!!

After brunch, we all headed over to the bookstore where Kelly joined his fellow writers Tate Hallaway and Naomi Kritzer to sign and sell books (hope you sold a TON Kelly).

I know that for me, these connections are worth their weight in gold as we continue to develop the strands in the web that sustains us during these difficult times.

So, do yourself a favor, click on the Powells.com link here at BooTrib and buy a copy of WebMage. What you’ll get for the price of a fast food meal:

  1. A fun read
  2. Send Kelly some mojo
  3. Support Booman Tribune

I don’t think we need a poll for that one. Just do it!!