I wander through the world somewhat clueless most of the time. It was a big shock to me to see that the orangatan place bans conspiracy theory diaries. I knew that they felt that concerns about voting irregularities borders on conspiracy theories. But political speculation is rife with conspiracy theories. For instance, I have speculated as to why Ms. Clinton got Bill to campaign for Lieberman. (The sentence itself is an assumption that Bill didn’t come to Lieberman because he wanted to!) Several theories were offered by others that sounded plausible. The main one seems to be that the “establishment” is nervous about us hoi polloi making our own damn decisions about who will govern us. I kinda like that idea, in as much as I figger that if they are nervous they at least know we are out here!
A third believe in 9/11 conspiracy
I never have believed in the Warren Commission and when I hear folks who are supposedly more intelligent than I say that it explains everything, I realize that I don’t really think they ARE more intelligent. For one thing, nobody HAS adequately explained either Oswald or Ruby. At least we know WHY the 9/11 suicides took place.
It has been said that people who believe conspiracy theories are genetically prone to do so.
So I have several questions for you all. For those of you who do not believe in ANY conspiracy, why do you think that is so? For instance, do you have so much faith and trust in leadership that you think it is impossible for any of them to conspire or do you think that you hate to think about things like that and just don’t?
For those amongst us, like myself, who see the worst in human kind and fully expect it, are you a particular conspiracy buff or do you embrace them all?
tend to believe in the 2nd and 3rd and the last one.
How bout you?
Me too, glitter.
The Continental Congress conspired against the crown. The Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy. The robber barons of the turn of the century were co-conspirators. Teapot Dome. Maybe Pearl Harbor. The JFK assassination. Gulf of Tonkin. Watergate. Reagan’s (G.H.W. Bush’s) conspiracy to keep the hostages in Iran. Iran-Contra. BCCI. Florida 2000. Cheney’s energy taskforce. Operation What’s a Terrorist?, followed by 9/11. Cassus belli in Iraq. They’re pretending the treasury wasn’t looted. That conspiracy will be our ruin.
Every Repub administration since Nixon has included the same bunch of werewolves and vampires who only conspire to do evil and hire amoral agents like E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy to do the manual labor.
more contemporaneous, so after the Teapot Dome we might have a shot of having some memories either first hand or handed down by relatives. But I do like the one about Reagan’s deal with Iran. That was a really good one. And I also like the one about the treasury being looted. Remember Georgie’s idiot thing about the filing cabinet holding IOU’s for social security?
Now I get it. These are my favorite Google video conspiracies, because every great conspiracy deserves a documentary.
What really happened on the moon?
7/7 London bombing
And of course, Loose Change
Here’s a non English bonus. One woman’s search for the truth behind senseless terror in Russia.
I realize I am way behind in the tin foil business but I watched the moon thing to catch up. The trouble with dismissing it are the thoughts that 1) we haven’t gone back to the moon since then and 2) the radiation thing has become more prominent lately and finally 3) the scripted thing really rings true (although they were sure practicing enough for that to occur).
The JFK thing was awesome. They even caught the chimperor’s tradmark smirk in one of the photos. My neighbor down the street who ranted and raved about the Sabbath really being Saturday was for ever ranting also about all of the goverment folks being German. The Nazi thing would have been up his alley. I wonder who Jeb would have to kill to make the ranks?
I just find it quite strange that the incident called 9/11 just happened on 9/11, the same day they were holding disaster drills of the very same thing. I just find it hard to believe that this was not coincidental…just me tho., there for the confusion to some air traffic controllers etc. Why was g. tenet at breakfast and when he heard of it, said he know who it was right off the bat…strange things if you ask me…
Why did the FBI let the Saudi family and friends out of the country when others couldnt fly the big blue sky of America, due to a lock down on that lovely sky?
Oh I have many questions, but I expect they will not get answered any time soon…I am that logical and can see the forest through the trees.
otherwise, my hat comes off and on at strange times of the day and year…:o) hugs
goaded us to question what was happening on 9/11. I wondered why the plane that hit the pentagon and the one in PA weren’t shot down. I had always believed in that myth that the fighter jets could be mobilized just that quick.
Somebody else on NPR and I am sorry but I didn’t get the name was also debunking the myth that the Patriot Missile really was not that good at shooting down scuds. As a matter of fact, the woman said, we shot down more planes unintentionally with the things. But of course that was never part of the public discourse.
the woman was shooting down the myth that the patriot missiles did in fact take down scud missiles!
and a former black op intel guy pointed out to me that even the names “patriot missile” and “scuds” were psychological warfare. The Iraqis didn’t call their missiles “scuds” – we used that to denigrate them.
A scud is a small, fast moving cloud. Since the word is rarely used, it’s natural to associate it with other English words with the sku sound that coincidentally evoke negative feelings, like scum or skunk or skull. Patriot missile, Patriot Act, big duh.
the whole framing of “conspiracy theory” is IMO a false frame. We all believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy. The only question is this: who were the conspirators? Once one begins to study disinformation, false flags, Psyop, etc. it becomes both easier and harder. Easier because one can recognize that yes our govt. really does train people to lie to us. Harder because then one has to sift through each and every statement to weed out the disinformation from the gotchas. One also has to keep the potential for “debunkable fringe theories” being planted in order to discredit all theories of x in mind as a possibility.
One of my methods is to look for named sources and “official documents” with relevant information being quoted and to look for discrepancies in accounts.
If you want to see my findings so far on 9/11, check out my diary entry here. It links to my month + of extensive fact checking and documentation on the topic. I don’t claim to know who did what, but I have a pretty good idea of some of the questions I would like to see answered under oath at this point.