Remember that US/French compromise resolution in the Security Council calling for a ceasefire? The Speaker of Lebanon’s parliament has rejected it. Not a big surprise really, since the Lebanese government includes Hizbollah, who consider any ceasefire that doesn’t include a complete withdrawal by Israeli troops untenable:
BEIRUT, Lebanon Aug 6, 2006 (AP)— The Lebanese parliamentary speaker, a prominent Shiite who has been negotiating on behalf of Hezbollah, rejected the U.S.-French draft U.N. cease-fire resolution on Sunday because it did not include the government’s plan for ending the fighting.
Nabih Berri said Lebanon would not accept any terms that did not include a government plan calling for an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of Israeli troops.
“Lebanon, all of Lebanon, rejects any talks or any draft resolution that does not include the seven-point government framework,” Berri said at a news conference in Beirut.
Prime Minister Fuad Saniora first offered the plan, later adopted by his Cabinet, during the Rome crisis summit July 26.
The seven-point proposal calls for a mutual release of prisoners held by Israeli and Hezbollah and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon. It foresees the Lebanese government taking control of southern Lebanon with the help of an international force.
The UN resolution jointly proposed by the governments of the United States and France does not require Israel to withdraw its troops. I suspect that the French government knew all along the this proposal would be rejected by the Lebanese, but went along with the US sponsored resolution in the interest of demonstrating to the Bush administration that the US proposal, heavily weighted toward Israel as it was, was a diplomatic non-starter.
The central demand of the U.S.-French plan, agreed to after days of difficult negotiations, is “a full cessation of hostilities” under which Hezbollah must stop all attacks, and Israel must stop all offensive attacks. That’s a victory for Israel because its military is not prohibited from defensive operations, a term that can be interpreted broadly.
Defensive operations is code, no doubt, for the continued bombing of bridges, roads and airfields to keep Hizbollah from being resupplied with arms. Of course, it also keeps relief supplies from reaching striken population centers in South Lebanon, where people are likely dying from hunger and disease because no humanitarian relief convoys can reach them. No wonder the Lebanese Speaker of Parliament was so quick to reject it.
Oddly, enough, this may suit the American government’s plans as well, since most of the leading players controlling US policy in the region, with the possible exception of Secretary Rice, would prefer that the war continue. Indeed, Cheney and the neoconservative cabal within and without the Bush administration want that war, currently limited to Lebanon, to spread to Syria, and even Iran. This failure only gives the Cheney/Rumsfeld faction more ammunition to encourage Bush to abandon diplomacy all together.
For their part, the French government gains a public relations victory with its people for having tried to work a deal with the recalcitrant Americans. They can claim they did their best, but were sabotaged by the barbaric American government. The French can also continue to moliify their own immigrant Muslim population by parading this sorry charade of diplomacy before them in which the French government can portray itself as the Good Guy sadly unable to dissuade the Great Satan America and Israel from their evil crusade agaisnt Islam.
The Neocon faction in the Bush White House also gains a victory with the implosion of Secretary Rice’s efforts to achieve a ceasefire, any ceasefire, in Lebanon. A victory they achieved, in large part, because of the limitations they placed on Condi’s ability to be flexible in working for a diplomatic solution. The Neocons can now go to the President and tell him diplomacy and the UN have once again proved ineffectual, and that war is the only option that makes any sense. You know, to bring clarity to the situation.
Only the ordinary Israelis and Lebanese who are fighting and/or dying as a result of the continuation of this inane cataclysm of destruction and human slaughter are the losers. And no one of consequence gives a damn about any of them.
UN Ceasefire Resolution for Lebanon
Also posted at Daily Kos.
Fliers admit aborting raids on civilian targets as concern grows over the reliability of intelligence
HATZOR A.B. Israel (The Observer) Aug. 6 — At least two Israeli fighter pilots have deliberately missed civilian targets in Lebanon as disquiet grows in the military about flawed intelligence, The Observer has learnt. Sources say the pilots were worried that targets had been wrongly identified as Hizbollah facilities.
Voices expressing concern over the armed forces’ failures are getting louder. One Israeli cabinet minister said last week: ‘We gave the army so much money. Why are we getting these results?’ Last week saw Hizbollah’s guerrilla force, dismissed by senior Israeli military officials as ‘ragtag’, inflict further casualties on one of the world’s most powerful armies in southern Lebanon. At least 12 elite troops, the equivalent of Britain’s SAS, have already been killed, and by yesterday afternoon Israel’s military death toll had climbed to 45.
As the bodies pile up, so the Israeli media has begun to turn, accusing the military of lacking the proper equipment, training and intelligence to fight a guerrilla war in Lebanon. Israel’s Defence Minister, Amir Peretz, on a tour of the front lines, was confronted by troubled reserve soldiers who told him they lacked proper equipment and training.
Israel’s chief of staff, Major-General Dan Halutz, had vowed to
“wipe out Hizbollah’s missile threat within 10 days.”
These claims are now being mocked as rockets rain down on Israel’s north with ever greater intensity, despite an intense and highly destructive air bombardment.
As one well-connected Israeli expert put it: ‘If we have such good information in Lebanon, how come we still don’t know the hideout of missiles and launchers?… If we don’t know the location of their weapons, why should we know which house is a Hizbollah house?’
Yonatan Shapiro, a former Blackhawk helicopter pilot dismissed from reserve duty after signing a ‘refusenik‘ letter in 2004, said he had spoken with Israeli F-16 pilots in recent days and learnt that some had aborted missions because of concerns about the reliability of intelligence information. According to Shapiro, some pilots justified aborting missions out of ‘common sense’ and in the context of the Israeli Defence Force’s moral code of conduct, which says every effort should be made to avoiding harming civilians.
‘Pilots are always being told they will be judged on results, but if the results are hundreds of dead civilians while Hizbollah is still able to fire all these rockets, then something is very wrong.’
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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Even before finishing the military operation, Israel needs to hammer home “the Iranian-Hizbullah-Syrian axis of terror” message. By doing so, he said Israel would create legitimacy for future action against Hizbullah, or even against Iran.
“Iranian’s President Ahmadinejad doesn’t only want to erase Israel off the map, he wants to erase the map and build Islamic components. Lebanon is the clearest example, and we need to show that.”
Jerusalem Post
Ra’anan Gissin, prime minister Ariel Sharon’s recently sidelined, gravel-voiced spokesman, may be watching the current crisis from his living room, but he had advice for how Israel should be waging the public relations campaign: “Emphasize Iran, Iran and Iran.”
≈ Cross-posted from Londonbear’s diary —
Israel’s “Talking Points” for Bloggers ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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How about a UN mandated US enforced “no-fly” zone over Lebanon as “stage one” of a cease fire? Next would come withdrawal of HezbAllah “rockets” and Israeli artillery/armor from a buffer zone (of equal extent) on either side of the border . . .
The Council commends the Lebanese Government for its seven point plan for peace as a good basis for a lasting solution. Any solution must include the return of abducted soldiers and prisoners, a settlement of the international borders of Lebanon, deployment of the Lebanese armed forces through the whole of its territory, backed by an international force and the implementation of the Ta’if Accords and UNSCRs 1559, 1680.
The Council calls on all parties in the region with influence to help bring to an end the violence and the suffering it brings.
The EU reiterates its determination to work with the wider international community to bring humanitarian relief to the people of Lebanon. The EU calls on all parties to grant secure and efficient passage for the delivery of humanitarian assistance especially in southern Lebanon.
The Council deplores the continuing violence in Gaza and the West Bank that has led to an equally distressing humanitarian situation. The Council reiterates its call for the parties to return to the peace process on the basis of the Roadmap. The unequivocal commitment by all parties to a viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbours is a key to stability and security in the whole region.
An immediate and comprehensive cease-fire and a declaration of agreement on the following issues:
[Links added – Oui]
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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The Lebanese are quite right in rejecting this Bolton resolution. What country would want any part of its territory occupied by a bunjch of serial human rights abusers?