Okay, I don’t know exactly how the hell it happened, but we’ve completely skipped happy hour! Where the hell is maryb? This never would’ve happened on her watch. <hangs head in shame>
If that really was you in that opening photo last night, [I`m sure it was],
then my hopes that the younger generation can pick up the baton have been greatly raised. One thing, all those chicks saying how “hot” you were; do let it go to your head. A hat tip to you for all you did.
I saw World Trade Center tonight with one of my kids. It was wrenching. Very well made and doesn’t take sides, either left or right. It’s spiritual without being overly religious. A tear jerker.
And there is a new middle eastern correspondent on The Daily Show who is fantastic – Aasif Mandvi. Make sure you guys in western time zones stay up to see him.
I apologize for the size of this picture; I didn’t know how to make her smaller (advice, anyone?). This is my first ever photo on the web. And my last one of Callie, who died yesterday.
Sorry to be grim about something that seems trivial, compared to so much else. I do miss her terribly.
Thanks very much. She was about 20 years old, and good to go almost to the end. One of her favorite things was laying on my keyboard (as she is in this photo), to get my attention. It’s hard to write without her here.
I do, of course, have the Gang of 4, so I’m not bereft of felines.
Yeah, it can be very hard. It helped, I think, that they were an entire litter (ok, I am a complete sap – my live in scot has my number on that). And being with a feral mom, though I had handled them since birth, when I brought them inside they instinctively fell to the ground and bared their throats in submission whenever Callie approached them and growled. I’d never seen fully domesticated cats do that. Callie quickly got bored, and then they were too big to chase away and eventually she started mothering them, e.g. grooming, bossing but not fighting, etc., and bringing toy mice to them for play.
Okay, I don’t know exactly how the hell it happened, but we’ve completely skipped happy hour! Where the hell is maryb? This never would’ve happened on her watch. <hangs head in shame>
But we’re here now and that’s what counts, right?
Just don`t let anybody call you this.
Why, sir! I’ll have you know I’ve NEVER been called stellar!
That made me bust out laughing.
Hey folks – I hope you all enjoyed last night’s liveblogging from Lamont HQ. It was fan-fucking-tastic.
I have to go to sleep now; take care! Make sure geezers like FM don’t cause too much trouble. 😛
That was great work, yesterday! And congratulations!! It was almost like being there — thanks!
Sleep well.
If that really was you in that opening photo last night, [I`m sure it was],
then my hopes that the younger generation can pick up the baton have been greatly raised. One thing, all those chicks saying how “hot” you were; do let it go to your head. A hat tip to you for all you did.
Oh, that was him alright — why do you think all us geezers just chuckle indulgently?
I saw World Trade Center tonight with one of my kids. It was wrenching. Very well made and doesn’t take sides, either left or right. It’s spiritual without being overly religious. A tear jerker.
And there is a new middle eastern correspondent on The Daily Show who is fantastic – Aasif Mandvi. Make sure you guys in western time zones stay up to see him.
Thanks for letting us know! Glad you had fun.
just watching the trailer for it…if the spouse and I go see it, we’ll have to take the extra-large box of tissues (he’s as much a softy as me)…
Hope everyone had a great day…mine was so-so, but tomorrow’s another chance to get it right…
Best cat in entire world – or was
I apologize for the size of this picture; I didn’t know how to make her smaller (advice, anyone?). This is my first ever photo on the web. And my last one of Callie, who died yesterday.
Sorry to be grim about something that seems trivial, compared to so much else. I do miss her terribly.
Beautiful photo and the size seems just fine.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. We lost a cat back in March, and it is a real grieving process.
Thanks very much. She was about 20 years old, and good to go almost to the end. One of her favorite things was laying on my keyboard (as she is in this photo), to get my attention. It’s hard to write without her here.
I do, of course, have the Gang of 4, so I’m not bereft of felines.
Wow, she had a good, long run. She was a lovely cat.
It’s good you have the others. It helps. We only have one cat now and I think he’s a bit lonely, but he’s a bit old to adapt to a new kitten.
Yeah, it can be very hard. It helped, I think, that they were an entire litter (ok, I am a complete sap – my live in scot has my number on that). And being with a feral mom, though I had handled them since birth, when I brought them inside they instinctively fell to the ground and bared their throats in submission whenever Callie approached them and growled. I’d never seen fully domesticated cats do that. Callie quickly got bored, and then they were too big to chase away and eventually she started mothering them, e.g. grooming, bossing but not fighting, etc., and bringing toy mice to them for play.