John McIntyre at Real Clear Politics is definitely the Wanker of the Day. It’s hard to shove your head further up your own ass than this:
Incredibly, for a sitting three-term Senator who just lost to a political neophyte, in many ways Lieberman is the guy who comes out of the primary with momentum.
That has got to win some kind of award for wishful thinking. What kind of momemtum is it when Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer come out and say, “the perception was that he was too close to George Bush and this election was, in many respects, a referendum on the President more than anything else. The results bode well for Democratic victories in November and our efforts to take the country in a new direction“? What kind of momentum is it when Rahm Emanuel says, “This shows what blind loyalty to George Bush and being his love child means. This is not about the war. It’s blind loyalty to Bush“? Or when Hillary gives Lamont a big check. Or when Kerry endorses Lamont, or when Bayh endorses Lamont, or when Boxer offers to campaign for Lamont? Is it momentum when Wesley Clark comes out for Lamont? How about when John Edwards does it?
The only momentum is momentum for the idea that Joe Lieberman should not run at all. How do you think the following is going to go over in Connecticut?
Karl Rove, a close advisor to the President, has expressed interest in assisting Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman in retaining his seat, despite a loss in the Democratic Primary last night, ABC News has reported.
Rove was, according to the report, acting on behalf of President Bush.
George Stephanopoulos, writing for the World Newser blog at ABC, wrote that a Lieberman aide had shared with the news agency a message from the White House: “The boss wants to help. Whatever we can do, we will do.”
According to the report, The Lieberman campaign is assessing its options, including whether it is beneficial for a candidate attempting to appeal to independents and moderate Democrats in Connecticut to be publicly supported by the President.
McIntyre thinks it is a huge problem that Lamont consorts with high profile black politicians, but I don’t really think that is going to hurt him in Connecticut. I may change my mind if Lieberman takes Rove’s advice and starts running Willie Horton-style commercials of Ned Lamont and Jesse Jackson sitting in a tree. For now, the only real question is whether Chris Dodd can talk Joe off the ledge and get him into psychiatric treatment. The boy has cracked.
…”Manufacturing momentum,” and it should never be practiced, as momentum cannot be manufactured in this manner!
“The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded”. -Obi-Wan Kenobi
Insert the word denial in place of the words The Force.
Why are we allowing “them” to define who we are? Why are we being called “the far left”? Is this suppose to be a really bad thing like extreme rightie neocon televangilist like PatRoberts? snark
“the boss” wants to help….Bwhahahahahahahaha…gasp
that’ll help a lot given this:
Lieberman has really exposed how truly solipsistic he is. I doubt that this will be seen as a positive to the voters in CT.
“The boss wants to help. Whatever we can do, we will do.”
If you really want to help Joe, the least you could do is STFU. The people of Connecticut hate you, you are not an asset.
I think it is fantastic “the boss” and Rove want to help poor ol Joe. It will show him for the republican that he truly is.
John McIntyre at Real Clear Politics is definitely the Wanker of the Day. It’s hard to shove your head further up your own ass than this
hahaha. well said.
And yet so many, from ‘progressive’ Ed Schultz to numerous posters on Daily Kos are trying to best this effort. Last night I heard the ‘expert’ Chris Matthews call the general in november for Lieberman. I’m reading guys trying to paint yesterday’s election as a ‘victory for centrism’. The DLC and their toadies are worse in defeat than victory and repulsive in both.
But if he mounts the challenge he promised Tuesday night, Democratic leaders should react just as swiftly and decisively, and back the Democrat who’s building the party, not killing it, Ned Lamont.
Joan Walsh, Salon War Room
Is this necessarily a good thing? I know we want all of the leaders to repudiate Joe and support Lamont, but this is shaping up to be a huge anti-establishment cycle. Having the machinery supporting you might not be the big advantage that it is most other years.
Having the machinery supporting you might not be the big advantage that it is most other years.
True, but I think the idea right now is to create such a tidal wave of opposition to Joe’s 3rd party run that he decides to wake up and smell the coffee, and fast, so we all can focus on winning all the other races we need to win to recapture both houses of congress. It would play right into Rove’s and W’s hands to have the Connecticut race suck up funds for Lamont so they don’t go to other close races like Ford’s here in Tennessee…
It’s a good plan, but I don’t think it will work. The narcissist I saw speaking last night is far too delusional to give up regardless of how much opposition he faces.
I think what the “party leaders” need to do is convince him that this is disruptive to the overall goal of retaking control of the congress. I think it’s unlikely Dodd will be able to talk him out of it, but it remains to be seen what might occur behind the scenes.
It would seem, on the surface, that since he has, in effect, denounced his Democratic affiliation by filing as an independent, that the absolute minimum that Reid and the Senate Democratic Caucus should do is rescind his committee appointments and refuse to caucus with him. This is a very large stick, imo, and I imagine would be a strong leverage against his narcissistic self image. Basically saying to him…”we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, your call Joe”.
This would isolate him, minmize his influece, and subsequently, his value to the Repugs, and, in essence, turn him into a pariah. Not something I would think he’d relish having as his career swan song, and the potential damage to his lucrative post-service lobbying prospects.
Furthermore, I think it’s time we stopped referring to Joe Lieberman as a Democrat, he is a Party of One…POO…if you will.
Perhaps this victory in CT will be the stimulus that leads to a cohesive oppositional epiphany on the part of the party as a whole. They’re just starting the August recess, let’s hope they put the time to good use, and when they return on 4 Sept, we might see a bit more resolve on their part.
Additionally,I don’t see a downside for Lamont or the D’s for rallying behind him. It seems to me that it would lend a great deal of validation and credence of his positions, and diffuse the “angry blogger” propaganda spewing forth from the the reich.
We shall see.
Joe Lieberman, POO, Ct.
That has a nice ring to it. 🙂
Any word from Di Fi? Her campaign web site still sports an optimistic spin on Iraq (though she’d like to begin working on how to get our troops home, she says). She may also want to reconsider her tag line: “An independent voice for California.” Any word, or is she staying mum?
the news stories were all about Lieberman and less about Lamont. Can you say NEWS MANAGEMENT! And I bet the item about Rove may not get top billing either! But I guess rethugs don’t care. They consider Joe a rethug before AND after. It is just our deluded DC dems that thought there was a difference.
Understand that the Media is owned by the folks who pull the strings for BushCo. and all the local branches across the country.
Not being up to speed on East Coast politics, I’m out of my element here. What are the chances that the Republican candidate will win in Nov. if Uncle Joe runs as an independent and “splits the Democratic vote”??
I don’t have any special insights into old America either, but it stands to reason that Joe will split more
GOP votes than Dem ones. He’ll have a hard time differentiating himself from his repub opponent, leaving the liberal vote for Lamont.
If any CTans are reading, I was wondering whether the results showed Lieberman doing especially well in the Blue Collar “old Dem” precincts as predicted?
Thanks for the response Dave. Obviously, if he does run, I hope you are correct. Just mulling over the possibility of “The Nader Effect” resurfacing. Your view however seems to be a likely outcome. The race will certainly have my attention.
every god damned democrat that has a public platform and has used it today to state their support for liebershit in spite of the people voting for Ned are the real “WANKERS”!
Consider just what kind of a disgrace these wankers are. They are offering to sypport a piece of garbage that has a serious ego problem and hs shown just how out of touch he is. Forget the war. focus on all the other issues that define a true dem and check out the bastards positions an every single one of them.
Health care; tort reform; womens’ right of choice; privacy;- and god knows there are others that I could enumerate;- but why bother- Pigs like drum should be excluded from every single bit of information, comittee appointments should reflect loyalty to the party and any who support the pig should lose their places on their comittees.
And they should be cut off from any funds that would normally be directed towards their campaigns. Enuf enuf enuf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!