Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes fame interviewed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran on Tuesday. Portions of that interview will air on the CBS Evening News on Thursday, with a lengthier segment of that interview to be broadcast this Sunday on 60 Minutes. Whatever Ahmadinejad has to say should prove interesting, to say the least.
Wallace said he was surprised to find that the Iranian president was still a college professor who taught a graduate-level course.
“You’ll find him an interesting man,” he said. “I expected more of a firebrand. I don’t think he has the slightest doubt about how he feels … about the American administration and the Zionist state. He comes across as more rational than I had expected.”
I can’t read or hear Ahmadinejad’s name without hearing Harry Shearer refer to him as “Mahmoud Ahmadinnerjacket.” Sorry. (In addition to teaching a graduate course, he’s apparently quite the homebody. I remember reading somewhere that his wife makes his lunch for him every day. Quite different from having a full kitchen staff at the White House, for instance.)
Even before finishing the military operation, Israel needs to hammer home “the Iranian-Hizbullah-Syrian axis of terror” message. By doing so, he said Israel would create legitimacy for future action against Hizbullah, or even against Iran.
“Iranian’s President Ahmadinejad doesn’t only want to erase Israel off the map, he wants to erase the map and build Islamic components. Lebanon is the clearest example, and we need to show that.”
Jerusalem Post
Ra’anan Gissin, prime minister Ariel Sharon’s recently sidelined, gravel-voiced spokesman, may be watching the current crisis from his living room, but he had advice for how Israel should be waging the public relations campaign: “Emphasize Iran, Iran and Iran.”
Efraim Sneh (former Labor MK and deputy defense minister under Ehud Barak), who had served in intelligence- related jobs in the Israeli army declared:
“[I]t is still possible to prevent Iran from developing its nuclear bomb. This can be done, since Iran threatens the interests of all rational states in the Middle East. We should therefore do all we can to prevent Iran from ever reaching nuclear capability. Israel cannot possibly put up with the nuclear bomb in Iranian hands. If the Western states don’t do what is their duty, Israel will find itself forced to act alone and will accomplish its task by any means considered suitable for the purpose.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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I have a link to an article that concerns activities of Fitz lately. This article is from Nov but it might have more recent developments. I think it has much more importance than it appears but I’d like any opinion on the news in it.
U.S. Arrests Three In Hedge Fund Case
Why do you think it’s important?
Could any Michigan people reading this please go check out the Midwest Thread. I have posted some information about our Sunday meet-up.
Thank you
Loserman, Bigots, & The 2006 Elections