Some days, you have to wonder if the yellow ribbon crowd means anything more with their “Support the Troops” magnets than “Go Blow Up Some More A-Rabs for 9/11!” I ask because the politicians in the Republican party to whom they swear allegiance seem bent on screwing the troops the minute they can’t fight any longer in the Greater War on Terror. Evidence? How about this story in USA Today:
Congress appears ready to slash funding for the research and treatment of brain injuries caused by bomb blasts, an injury that military scientists describe as a signature wound of the Iraq war.
House and Senate versions of the 2007 Defense appropriation bill contain $7 million for the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center — half of what the center received last fiscal year.
Proponents of increased funding say they are shocked to see cuts in the treatment of bomb blast injuries in the midst of a war.
Unbelievable is not an accurate description of what I’m feeling right now. Nothing is unbelievable in our one party Republican state, these days. But cutting research into brain trauma injuries? One of the worst and most frequent of wounds among our purple hearted troops coming home from Iraq?
Apparently the answer is yes. These Republicans can’t spend a few million dollars to help find treatments and cures for soldiers who risked their lives in George Bush’s misbegotten wars. They can give tax cuts to Paris Hilton, Exxon and Walmart that will cost our treasury billions. They can waste billions more on a missile defense system that has failed every test.
But support the troops? No, ladies and gentlemen, Republicans can’t do that.
Soldiers in today’s volunteer armed forces are just stupid schmucks as far as Republican Congresspersons are concerned. Either too poor to get into college, or too dumb to realize they’ve been sold a bill of goods by the Pentagon’s “Be all you can be” marketing campaign. That’s what all these warmongering Republicans secretly think of the young men and women who honorably joined our military out of their love of country and a desire to improve themselves. So they could care less if promises made to these good men and women are broken, and their dreams shattered, along with their broken bodies. The members of the military are just so much IED fodder as far as the GOP Congress is concerned.
Don’t believe me? Then read further, friend:
Scientists at the center develop ways to diagnose and treat servicemembers who suffer brain damage. The work is done at seven military and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, including the center’s headquarters at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, and one civilian treatment site.
The center has clashed with the Pentagon in recent months over a program to identify troops who have suffered mild to moderate brain injuries in Iraq from mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and roadside bombs — the most common weapons used by insurgents.
Preliminary research by the center shows that about 10% of all troops in Iraq, and up to 20% of front line infantry troops, suffer concussions during combat tours. Many experience headaches, disturbed sleep, memory loss and behavior issues after coming home, the research shows.
The center urged the Pentagon to screen all troops returning from Iraq in order to treat symptoms and create a database of brain injury victims. Scientists say multiple concussions can cause permanent brain damage.
The Pentagon so far has declined to do the screening and argues that more research is needed.
Yeah right. More research is needed. But let’s cut the funding to do the research just to make sure it never happens. This isn’t “Support the troops”, it’s FUCK THE TROOPS!
Certainly that’s the message this (not) spending bill sends. Jesus, our government was only spending a paltry $14 million last year. That’s shameful enough. They should be spending 10 times that amount, at a minimum. But slashing these funds in half? That’s is simply despicable.
The next time you talk to someone who’s brandishes a “Support the Troops” magnet on their SUV, ask them if this is what they mean by “Support the Troops”? I’d really like to know. Wouldn’t you?
Also posted in Orange
As I posted in the orange version, people have to recognize that brain injury is NOT limited to those who served in the military, and funding for research/treatment/diagnosis of brain injury desperately needs to be INCREASED, and access to rehabilitation should NOT be prioritized, due to military service.
That is one thing that really gets to me, as a brain injury does not differentiate between civilians and military–the effects of one and the necessary treatment are the same.
So, could someone explain to me why civilians are being told to wait until 2008?
This is how it all feels to me: like a nightmare that I cannot awaken from, that just keeps unrolling one insanely unbeleivable horror after another right before my eyes, until my brain feels so saturated with it can hardly function anymore.
I know I am seeing proof parading before my eyes that this is NOT a nightmare, but solid reality, but it’s so unimaginable I don’t know how to even take it in, much less what to DO about it. Things like this are so BLATENTLY INSANE AND AMMORAL! How can anyone NOT see this, along with all of the other horrors being inficted in our names, and not be catapulted into a horrified reaction and immediate need to take action against it all. This is all absolutely surreal to me and I struggle every day to maintain some sembalance of internal balance, just as I know we all are.
Maybe we should take an action item here. Ideas?
One thing I do that helps me feel I am doing “something”, is to send out info like this to an pretty extentive emial list I have to help people (who want it, but have very little time to puruse the news and who never read the blogs..) stay current on the big stuff. Ijust do a short summary with links. It’s not much, but it’s something concrete I can do, that has the potential to help inform the busy earthlings.
Are you asking for input from a brain injury survivor? (Me.)
Once a person is useless to the Right, they toss him/her away…
A fetus is useful to Rally The Base — until it’s born…
A lobbyist is useful to get money and perks from — until he’s indicted…
A soldier is useful for a photo op — until he’s injured…
It’s just part of the pattern — for all their railing about “Christian morals” and creationism, deep down they’re subscribers to Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest”…if you can’t hack it on your own, there’s something wrong with you (or in the eyes of the Religious Reich, God is punishing you)…
Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!
Barbarians! Endless insulting uncivilized barbarians!
It’s more than just the callous disregard for needed research to help veterans and civilians in the future — it’s a way to screw them now.If the Pentagon or the VA actually followed the scientists’ advice and started screening all returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan they would find a large number of people who have in fact been partially disabled by those injuries, meaning that they would qualify for lifelong benefits that the REPUBLICANS DONOT WANT TO PAY! This gutting of the science is a way to keep those disabilities hidden and those veterans cut off from benefits they deserve.
Got to “bite the bullet” on defense spending so we can get that huge deficit under control, don’t you know?