Froggy Bottom Sail Away/Happy Hour.
George is your Yeoman-Purser.
FM is in a hammock.
FM is in a hammock.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Everyone goes First Class here.
Everyone goes First Class here.
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
George is ready to take your orders
Care for some grog?
do you know the name for all the sails?
Boo as far as I get to knowing anythig about sailing is knowing who Captain Stubing was.
You need to trim the mizzen.
Captain Stuben never said that. I think I hear Doc. say it one time. π
Unfurl the main t’gallant stays’l, swabbie! Arrrrrr.
My lawd, I do so love a sailuh. I feel faint.
You better watch out. George has been going around saying sailer things all day.
Hay Sailor, new in town?
What’s up Boran? I’ve been trying to see if George would wear a fake wooden leg for SN and CG. No go yet.
Maybe an eye patch?
That’s possible, but George is very particular about his looks. Had a hell of a time trying to get a beard on him.
George is looking very handsome today … π
Hi Olivia. Yeah he loves to get dressed up.
How’s the day going?
I think we know where your daughters got it from … π
It’s going pretty well … just a little over an hour to go …
How ’bout you? How’s your day been so far?
Just over an hour huh. Don’t look at the clock! π
Now that I’m awake, OK. Just really sleepy the last day or so. Got to remember not to skip naps.
So I take it your family hasn’t arrived yet?
Nope not yet. I think they give us dates and times and then not show up to screw around with our heads sometimes. When they show up, the show up. π
Well, at least you’re all prepared now, and caught up on your sleep. You can relax until they show up, right?
Yep, but I’m not sure about the sleep. I feel another nap coming on. It’s a rigorous routine, but I’m in training. I’m hoping the Olympics will include the beer/napathon in the upcoming games.
What us athletes do for our sport. π
And you have certainly trained well for your sports! LOL … Have a good nap. I should buckle down for the last 55 minutes … woo hoo … <1hr to go. π
Catch ya later!
See ya later. I’m off to a nap.
George looks particularly natty in his yeoman’s uniform.
Would have been in earlier today, but the Universe was conspiring to get us the hell out of here early; just sat down to log on and poof! the power went out. So, we went out to breakfast and got a little bit of erranding done; came by home to relax before going back out for the rest of the errands.
Still need to reset the clocks on the VCR/DVD player and the microwave; fortunately most of our clocks have battery backups so they’re okay. π
Hope everyone’s having a great day…remember, if you’re flying anywhere, only terrorists carry makeup, perfume, deodorant, yadda yadda yadda… π
Sail Away Styx classic on youtube.
evening all…some days sailing away looks like the way to go…
“Southern Cross” crosby, stills and nash

clik image for music vid
Thx d! π
Hey NDD. Haven’t see you for awhile. Ahem, or you picture. π
wuzup ndd? Back in the big city?
man(y)ana voy ala ciudad grande!
dumber than a box of rock today! π
If this one doesn’t work he veel jump into the wolf pit!
I can see! I can see. π
wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful, FM.
eet iss a goot ting you cahn SEE!
One more night in the boonies and then back to the big city and highspeed internet for a couple of days. What a relief that will be.
I’m gonna need better drugs, or a new drug to maintain sanity blogging at 20-26.4K, akkkk!!!!
Big excitement of the day vus gittin’ my ears lowered!
How’s it going?
Anybody around?
I’ve been wondering about Andi and her trip home. I hope she didn’t have any problems.
I’m in and out … cooking dinner … How was the nap?
Not long enough.
What are you cooking. Something with chocolate?
Roasted potatoes w/ fresh rosemary from the garden and a bit of garlic and butter cooked in a tin foil pouch on the bbq, honey-mustard pork loin also on the bbq, and corn on the cob.
Sounds really good. I decided not to cook tonight and it’s those kind of sandwiches tonight. π
Enjoy your dinner.
At least tell me you’ve got ice cream …
Yep sure do. I’m trying to figure out what type of beer to use to make a beer float. π
… what kind of ice cream? π
I could put up a Happy Hour, but this cafe is almost empty, so I’ll up call it a happy hour.
Have a beer.

Or a drink.
That one on the bottom looks good…
And here’s a gratuitous boat picture for you, of my old home the Dawn Treader:
Love the boat name, CG π
Although I love sailing ships I`m a motor mariner.
Here`s my last ship,”THE ANSWER”.
Andi is driving home from Indianapolis. She was able to catch an early flight out of the Windy City. This was good since her regularly scheduled flight was canceled. The dogs and I are waiting with bated breath. How do worms smell on someone’s breath?
Andi has a knack for this. When the Gulf War started, we were watching the sky’s of Baghdad light up in different cities. I was home; she wasn’t. On 9/10, she had flown to Portland; when or how she was going to get home was open to question. And then there was today.
She’s home!!!
Give her a big hug and smoochies from us … π
give ’em to me yourself. π
In that case …
Welcome home!
more up close and personal, ya know.
we can’t fly right now … π
we can fly now — we just can’t take any water to drink on the plane.
Oh well, I was hoping you’d come over and tuck me in because the combination of the cold, the lousy sleep, and the travel has wiped me out. I’m off to bed (well probably to lie on the couch for awhile and veg out and then go to bed).
Night. (And thanks for the virtual hugs and kisses)
I’d be over in a heartbeat … π
Take care of you and get some rest. I hope you feel better soon, and I’m glad you’re home … :*
Thanks Jim. When I finally turned on the news this morning, the first thing I thought of was Andi.
I think they did this just to make Andi mad.
Good to have you home Andi, but I didn’t have any worry. I knew that anyone at the airport would want to come up against The Wrath of Andi.
one does not ever get wrathful — it won’t get you anywhere but in trouble.
I’m crashing for the night. Thanks for the welcome back and see ya tomorrow.
I know you’ve gone to bed and I don’t know if you’ll see this in the AM, but I just wanted to tell you I’m so glad you got in safely. I was worried all evening. {{Andi}}
They’ve never seen her really pissed off or they wouldn’t do that.
I’m trying to imagine that.
glad she’s home safe.
Oh, geez…Hardball already has its own graphic:
I hope Keith has some good stuff to counteract this…
Go to run downtown, back in awhile.
Back from grocery shopping — and decided to treat myself to some cut flowers. π No idea what any of them are, but they look quite cheery; I feel a bit better already. Also did a little more cleaning — I’m a bit closer to actually being able to eat at the dining table, which is definitely an accomplishment.
Time for a late dinner, then hopefully early to bed so we can get even more work done tomorrow… π
This place is empty, what’s wrong no flies in the drinks?
Just finished cleaning up the kitchen — so I can mess it up again with cooking a healthy meal tomorrow. π
Had shut down the computer, but had to boot back up to update my iPod with the Air America podcasts…as soon as that’s done, time for bed…
Love the sailing theme even though I`m a motor vessel mariner.
A few mins. ago in my yard watching the moon over a hill, a deer ambled
into my line of sight. I moved around slowly, not to alarm it, till I had it silouhetted against the moon. Great shot. I watched it for a while then figured I should try & shoot it. I went inside to get my cam, not expecting it to be there on my return, but there it was. I got a few shots off but none any good. Here`s the idea though.
I’ve been away from here for a while, for various reasons, and didn’t know you were flying today. I’m very glad you made it home without incident, and I’m sure that Jim and the pups are too!
Here’s something to brighten your morning when you close this café down and open the new one …

This is called Convolvulus “Blue Ensign” also sometimes known as “Bush Morning Glory.”
Hope you are resting well and will be back in fine form again very soon after your trip!
Has anyone else wondered how much longer those Sierra Mist commercials with the TSA inspectors hassling the guy with his soda remain on the air? Saw one tonight and it occurred to me that this particular ad campaign will soon be banished … Oh, the twisted times in which we live!
Kathy Griffin plays the female “inspector”, IIRC. You’re probably right about that commercial getting pulled.
Keith mentioned on “Countdown” that he was flying out tomorrow morning — I assume that we will be burdened with Brian Unger tomorrow evening. π Oh well, maybe the spouse can finally catch up on his back episodes of “Sopranos”; I’ve also got some poker shows on the DVD to watch (I love to watch poker; have yet to get the cojones to play live).
You’re up late, BTW…as am I; time for me to finally toddle off to beddy-bye…