Upon arriving home the other night, I almost tripped over an object across the floor from the sofa. Closer examination revealed that it was a red toy Hummer. It was the H1, to be exact. You know, the original gargantuan behemoth that started the Hummer craze.
It seems that Madame boran was a bit rushed and decided to stop at McDonald’s to feed the boran2 boy. (A rare event in our home, otherwise known as the east coast headquarters for organic research.) For some reason, my son is partial to those chicken McCrap things. The Hummer was the toy included with his Sappy meal. A Hummer?!! How, umm, timely?
WHEN General Motors introduced the three-ton, 11-miles-to-the-gallon Hummer H2 four years ago, it redefined American extravagance. But now, with gas prices hovering at $3 a gallon and threatening to go higher, sales of Hummers are declining as Americans become increasingly conscious of gas mileage.
McDonald’s, however, appears not to have gotten the message. This week, the restaurant chain started putting toy Hummers in children’s Happy Meal boxes, calling it the “Hummer of a Summer” promotion. Television and radio ads, which started running this week, feature a family riding in a Hummer on the way to a McDonald’s.
So much for depicting an ordinary American family.
The problem is that McDonalds no longer has a contractual arrangement with Disney, a source for so many Sappy meal toys. In a desperate attempt to fill the void, McDonald’s has turned to GM for help. McDonald’s now offers 8 different versions of toy Hummers with the meals. (Come back and collect one of each!!!)
One response:
Not surprisingly, environmental groups are appalled. Brendan Bell, an energy policy analyst at the Sierra Club, says that Hummers in Happy Meals are about as responsible as “dipping a Big Mac in the fry oil and serving it to your kids.”
And another:
Charlie Miller, a spokesman for Environmental Defense, said he thought that McDonald’s might be trying to help an ailing General Motors win some future customers. Sales of the H2, which currently costs about $96 to fill up at the pump, are down 34 percent for the first seven months of this year versus the same period in 2005, and General Motors has sold only 229 H1’s this year, according to Autodata, an auto industry statistics firm in Woodcliff Lake, N.J.
“Anything that sends a message to kids that these are the cool vehicles to buy is the wrong message,” Mr. Miller said.
I agree. That Hummer will be out of the house shortly.
ooh ooh. Get some duct tape and some m-80’s.
and please video tape it and post it on YouTube. I bet that would be the top featured video within half an hour.
Thanks for posting this, boran2 … you’ve reminded me again of one of my long time rants relative to McD’s and other such marketing juggernauts: that what you cleverly refer to as ‘sappy meals’ really don’t constitute much more than early childhood consumer programming, or training, if you will.
As you note, it was bad enough that such “collect all 8 toys” strategies amounted to little more than free marketing for movies and other products, but now moving it into the realm of gas guzzling, polluting behemoths that no one in their right mind (where are those people these days?) would drive is, quite simply, obscene. I was unaware of this current promotion, but then, it’s been more than a couple of years since I set foot in a McD’s, and certainly not since I saw Supersize Me!! That gave me the final reason to stay away for good.
Anyway, thought provoking diary as always, boran2. Would have hated to hear you were injured falling over that H2 … and if it’s going to ‘disappear’ soon, and by chance boranboy laments it, you tell him to let IVG know and I’ll make sure he gets a better, more eco and mental friendly toy. I think they’re still making Log, lol!
Ick. Just ick.
Have you seen the recent Hummer commercials – the guy who’s buying tofu at the supermarket and the guy behind him has tons of red meat piled on the counter. He feels so wimpy that he rushes out to buy a Hummer. The female version has a woman and her daughter in line for a playground slide and another woman and her daughter cuts in line. So her, um, womanhood (?) is threatened so she rushes out to even the score by buying a Hummer.
Can we not even pretend to be ashamed at our conspicuous consumption anymore? It’s now just in-your-face assholiness.
And good on ya! What a horrible, disgusting, desperate ploy!
Between the ads for fatty and/or sugary crap and the stupid, insane toys, I’m almost scares me to be a parent. (NOT that I’m announcing anything, mind you) Kids know McDuhs as early as what…two years old? All the messages they have to combat. In lots of ways, I don’t give a shit about Hollywood but I DO give a shit about the crass, crass commercialization children must suffer.
It ought to be criminal, seriously. It’s immoral.
My two-year old is blissfully unaware of McDonald’s existence. He has never even had a french fry! Though, ice cream does occasionally make an appearance in our house.
We watch zero television in our house when our son is awake. We watch a little (less than 3 hours/week) once he is asleep.
But I LOVE Spongebob!!!
No really, I do. I have to catch the cartoon, though, when I go home to our parents’ home (one set has cable and the other has satellite) or buy episodes on DVD. But when I do watch cable/satellite, I’m just friggin APPALLED at the crap I see. I know you can’t protect them forever and I hate that parental paradigm anyway–much better to equip them–but how early can you equip them by questioning this stuff?
As for us, we’ve been cable-free since 2001 or 2002. I do miss HBO (we JUST saw Lackawanna Blues a few days ago by chance on the hotel TV) and Comedy Central and actually watching C-span, but little else.
It doesn’t seem like a whole lot of fun looking at a near-future of being the “No” Mom. Not that I’ll have a problem with it, but still. Sucks.
Crappy food from a fast-food chain that looks less healthy with each passing day, paired with an equally passe industrial artifact. It says much about the cluelessness of McDonalds, that they’ve aligned themselves with the dinosaur faction of the country.
Save the Hummer, it’s going to be a collector’s item, similar to the overpowered muscle cars from the late 60s or the tail-finned rocket cars from the late 50s.
Do see artist Chris Wood’s work, which has been featured in AdBusters.
The images on this page are small, you’ll need to click the + below them to enlarge them. Well worth the visit.
Excellent! Thanks for the link.
eat enuff “sappy meals” and you’ll NEED a Hummer to fit your fat ass into, speaking from experience!
As for living w/o the blessed glass teat, can’t do it. Need to know my enemies, and swim in their polluted waters. Besides, where would I be without the wisdom of Swearengen?
What next? Will they be putting in guns and bullets in the crappy meals?
PSSSSTT Danni also was addicted to those McDeadlets… we’ve found alternatives out here in the West Coast. I swear, she almost always orders…
Chicken Tenders
Chicken Fingers (even though I’ve never seen a chicken with fingers)
Chicken Bites
Chicken Bits
Chicken Strips
etc etc
with… ranch of sweet n sour.
But not more from McDiarrhea.
Now, if they would just substitute the hummer with a Prius, then at least they would look like they were trying…
They make adorable die cast Prii with doors that open (I have 2). Not that our son will ever get a Sappy meal, but I would be somewhat pleased to see that sort of change.
Cool! Thanks.
My favorite variety of hummer :
Hmmm… I honestly dont eat at fast food places OR drive a car of any kind, but the McDonald’s toy Hummer doesn’t really bother me. What can I say? McDonald’s stays in business because millions of people eat their food so about all I can do is stay away myself.
Personally though I see little difference between driving a real Hummer and any other car. They both require a tremendous amount of irreplaceable materials, starting with the iron and ending withthe nickel, copper and paladium. All vehicles require irreplaceable fossil fuels. All vehicles require expensive roadways that isolate communities and remove vegetation that keeps the planet cooler. Etc etc. I guess its like saying a “super sized” order of fries is worse than a “large” – its true but its only a matter of degree.
I played with all kinds of toys as a kid, including ones with tiny plastic guns and I didn’t grow up to be a killer so hopefully little B2 will be all right in the end 😉
BTW if the little’un really craves molded, pressed, breaded chicken to eat, I hear the grocery store has microwaveable varieties that are cheaper than any stinky old FF restaurant 🙂