I was gonna let this slide. I mean it’s not the Iraq War, or one of the many Bush scandals. But, some things are just not right. And, so today, I take a stand and engage in civil disobedience at BOOMAN by violating what may or may not be the rules here. My title is CAPPED and my diary may be too short to qualify as a diary.

The major question of the day is simple: Why did BooMan not give a shoutout to clammyc when joining the frontpager ranks? I could be wrong in my conclusion. But, if so, it is still Booman’s fault because any such shoutout was not clearly visible to me!

I’m reading along one day and happen to see a frontpage by clammyc. There were no indications that it was a diary promoted. So, I thought, interesting. Read on, you will find out why it was so likely to catch my eye! Anyhow, I think that was August 8th, which may have been the first day for clammyc. I say perhaps because no one at this site tells me anything! So, I had to investigate the case of the missing clammyc shoutout. I checked comments on August 8th, and found this very incriminating statement by BooMan:

Welcome (4.00 / 6) to the front-page Clammy.

Visit the Booman Tribune store by BooMan on Tue Aug 8th, 2006 at 01:09:17 PM EST”

Is that it? Is that what pretends for a shout out these days? Well, it is now the evening of August 8th. How can I say congrats to clammyc in some comments that most people won’t even be reading anymore? I mean, now, I am even deprived of the opportunity to congrat clammyc because there was no appropriate shoutout. So, now I am a bit panicked. On Aug. 9th,  I am searching for some post by clammyc or someone where I can appropriately send my best. I find it. But, my congrats were late — thanks BooMan for making me look so bad….

I thought I should double-check my facts before publicly accusing BooMan of such a travesty. So, I did a search this morning to find all the stories posted by clammyc to backtrack when he started on the frontpage. Guess what? No results, zippo! I am not one who blindly accepts conspiracy theories. But, folks, the facts are piling up here. Why is BooMan covering up the fact that clammyc is a frontpager? What is BooMan trying to hide? Maybe BooMan will confess. Yeah, right, and maybe Bush will confess all of his crimes.

But, here is the real crime. Clammyc has not received a proper shoutout. And, despite my best efforts here, CAPPING THE TITLE TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THIS DIARY, clammyc will still not receive a proper shoutout because this diary will slowly go south, never to be seen again. And, BooMan may even delete my diary for revealing his crime. That would then be crime no. 2.

We have a crime, facts indicative of a conspiracy, and we may never solve this mystery. Does anyone care?

Patriot Daily cares clammyc. You were one of 2 bloggers that we were going to invite to join us, when we reached that stage. But, now BooMan has stolen you away from us. Just know, clammyc, that if BooMan continues to abuse you in this manner, well, just let us know! And, know this too, clammyc. It’s not just you. When PD first came online, we got shout outs and blogroll links from jeralyn and skippy and others — but nada from BooMan, who now seems to have a pattern and practice of such deviant conduct!  

Well, I have cleared my mind and feel better now. Got ranger duty now. But I thought some type of rescue of clammyc from the most grave crime of no shoutouts was a real priority today.

Best of luck to you clammyc.  You are an outstanding writer, and a very prolific writer who addresses the major issues of the day in a clear, concise manner. You are one of the top solid writers who contribute so much toward revealing all that Bush would prefer remain hidden from the public, which is a great service to the liberal blogosphere and larger online community. I always wonder how you can just keep knocking out such great hits, one after another. Maybe someday you’ll share your secrets, heh?