Froggy Bottom Happy Hour
This is an unhosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
We’re late, but we’re here. Beer anyone?
I guess tonight we’ll play, what the lowest number comments we can get into a happy hour.
My money is on two right now.
I’ll take 16…
Well I’ve already lost this one, so I have to drink a beer. Did I say if you lost on your number, you had to drink a beer.
I’ll pick 2 again. π
Well, I’ll just have to keep commenting so I lose too. Only I’ll be having vodka instead of beer. Or maybe some of this 10-year single malt scotch stuff that’s sitting on my kitchen counter…decisions, decisions.
I’m figuring by the 27th two I should have a buzz. π
Ooh, look we just passed 16. :::drink:::
Which one, vodka or scotch?
Hi everyone — adding to the frivolity…
Been fairly busy today, mainly getting stuff together for recycling (where spouse is now). Tomorrow will be a Goodwill trek to drop off some stuff.
Hope everyone’s having a peaceful day…time to get dinner started…
Hi Cali/Bye Cali.
Enjoy dinner.
…..I think 42….it’s the answer……..Ha!…learned a new trick, thanks ej!…
And for all the lurkers out there…Your body has the correct number of holes in it. Don’t make any more.…pay attention…:{)
Hi dada. That’s a great site. I think I’m going to bookmark it for some sage sayings.
I think there’s one there re: weed-whacking…:{)
After a fast read through one of my favorites.
If you want to chew gum, buy some. Don’t use the gum from underneath the seats at schools and movie theaters even though it’s free.
Had an Avery IPA at Casey’s Tavern in Ann Arbor today at lunch. It was very good, (if you like a very hoppy taste to your brew). The Rubin was also excellent. My money is on higher than 16.
I’m beginning to believe you’re right. I’ll stick with 2 because everytime I do, I have to drink a beer.
Semi-reposted from the brunch cafe.
If you buy stuff online you might want to look at this site.
[Your place to buy and sell all things handmade.]
They sell handmade items by the artists. It is a cool looking site too. Refinish, they sell T-shirts. I like the Don Knotts in the Chéish design a lot.
Judging by the activity here, if we all go there at once I don’t think we’ll bring the site down.
Andi spent the day with Maryb in Effingham, IL planning the October meetuup in Chicago. I spent the day on my bike.
Great day for a ride…are you going to be in Chicago too?
Yep. My big end of the season bike ride will be the weekend before.
You ought to put Andi on a bike and ya’ll bike into Chicago. You could have Andi pull one of those little luggage things behind her bike.
Mrs keepinon and I will venture forth into the wilds of Kensington Metro park in the fairly early AM to “claim” a few picnic tables for the Mi. pond dwellers meet-up. Hope to see everybody tomorrow.
As I indicated to Teacher Toni, enter the park off exit 151 on I-96. I’ll look for a decent spot as close to the entrance off that exit as I can. You have to drive by the golf course, before any picnic areas are to be found. Follow the Homemade BooMan Tribune signs. Understand official festivities start around 1:30 pm. I plan to be there from about 9:30-10:00 onward.
Hope everyone has a great time. Remember pictures.
pics are required btw…enjoy!!!
Have fun! And ditto what everyone else said on the pictures. π
Hey I won, we did pass 16!! Does that mean I get a free beer?? I think Family Man is buying a round for everyone?
…didn’t say who was buyin’
I love drinking games, especially virtual one. π
when you were in Deutschland…ya?…dangerous sport that…
No I never did play that. By the time I would hook up with anyone playing drinking games I was already to far gone to understand rules. π
The last drinking game I remember playing was with the Kuemmerling bottles. That’s not even a game. You just drink enough of them, place them side by side, and it makes a circle. As I said, mindless. π
best thing about the virtual ones is when you get the tab for the round you just bought! ;0) BTW I am tempted to plan on doing the Chicago meet up in early October, but I am afraid my Brother/Sister in Law will be at our place from Fla. that weekend.
Since you’ll be seeing everyone tomorrow, I’ll buy you a whole round. Couldn’t have you showing up with a semblance of sobriety. π
I’ve got to close down for a little while. Just heard thunder outside.
Back in awhile.
or there are going to be unhappy people w/ pitchforks and torches in the ctyd in an hour or so.
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…which should give ya some leeway….enjoy!
and survived to tell the tale. But is there anybody here to hear it?
maryb says hi to everyone.
Did you have fun? We had to wait soooooo looooong to open the cafe this morning…it was all BooMan’s fault. π
I’ll never sleep again.
I was just seeing if you were paying attention. π
I had a fine, fine time — of course, you already know how great it is to spend time with maryb.
It was great to hang out with her in Vegas. Did you guys make some more definite plans for October?
We talked about some ideas and looked at rates at different hotels and we have a couple of things to check out and then we’ll probably put up something in the midwest thread.
Are you still thinking about coming?
I have a surprise for you – are you around?
I am. Do we trust my judgment?
You got a puppy? She’s so cute!
Does she have a name yet?
She’s a female Bud. I’m trying so hard not to steal one of Andi’s names for her.
What a cutie. Sniff wants to know how old she is — he’s ready to go out on a date.
She’s almost 8 months old.
when we got him. He says he’s willing to wait for her to grow up. We’re in love with those floppy ears!!!
We’ve been trying and trying to think of a name for her – I even looked in the thesaurus under “hopeful” because she looks so hopeful that we’ll drop some food, so hopeful that we’ll let her outside, so hopeful that we’ll snuggle with her. How about Hopeful-lee? π
Oh sure. You wait for Andi to get back to post pictures. Well thank you. π
FM, we just brought her home two hours ago and she wouldn’t stop investigating the house long enough for me to take her picture.
OK since you came up with that one real fast. π
She is cute as can be.
if you gave her his name or any variation thereof — he’d be honored. And since he doesn’t hear that well anymore, he won’t get confused when you call her. π
Oh good, then her name is Hopeful, Jr. But we’ll leave the Jr. off. π
Not very well. I’m trying to figure out how to keep their food separate from hers or she’ll just scarf it up. so far the big cat has remained hidden, but the little one keeps making surprise appearances and then running away, sending the dog barreling through the house knocking things over.
On the dishes, I recommend a little aversion therapy — if the puppy goes to one of the cats’ dishes, give her a swat on the butt, say no and drag her away. That’s what we’ve done with our dogs and it’s never taken long to get the message across.
I will try that. I’ve been trying to unlock the puzzle of her elimination patterns, or lack thereof. I take her out and she does nothing. She goes to the door, I take her out, nothing. Then she pees on the rug. Am I supposed to just let her out every time she goes to the door? That would be roughly ever 5 minutes and we don’t have a fenced in yard, so it involves a leash.
Take the dog out every 30-60 minutes. If she goes on the rug in between times, rub her nose in it, say no, and then take her outside.
All of our dogs have figured out within a couple of days that if you go inside you get in trouble and if you go outside you don’t.
I can’t wait until she gets fat and lazy – like me and the Mr.
Congratulations. I always wanted to get a Basset Hound as a companion for Buster. I was going to call him Chuck. Here is a gratuitious Newf puppy pic.
When they get older and they are hungry, they look at you like this.
Aw, how could you ever resist that look?
Hopey and Sniff want to know if that’s a belly button?
Nope, but her lady parts are sort of, um, prominent. Apparently she was just in heat so it’s a mad dash to the vet to get her spayed in the next week or so.
Bud says Hellooooooooooo!
Well it appears 58 was the magic number.
I’m outta here. Past my bedtime.
Everyone have a good night.
I’ll be along shortly.