The Mossad Someone blasted my server at three in the morning last night. It appears to be back up and running. We’ve had a ton of traffic originating from Sirocco’s translation of Jostein Gaarder’s anti-Israel diatribe. So, maybe we’ve become a target. Sorry for the inconvenience.
What’s on your mind?
Just glad you are back up and running. Just took the 4th bath of brownies oput of the oven for the Willioamson County Dem open house today. Still have a couple of other things to cook but am taking a break.
Please, don’t bathe the brownies! That will only spoil them when its time to be dunked in a cold glass of milk.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I meant bake. LOL
or batch LOL Not my day for typing.
If I didn’t have speelcheck even more of mu mstakees woiusld sliip thhruygh.
Truuust mee.
yeah, looks like I’m not the only one in deep withdrawal. My better half keeps asking me about that tic under my eye.
Two seconds ago I got your email about the server problem, then tried the site just for the helluvit, and what do ya know? Everthing’s Jake. Funny world. I guess we got better tech support than the Lieberman campaign, eh?
yeah. It helps if I am awake. They chose a good time to attack, right after I signed off and went to sleep.
Indeed there were many sources linking to Sirocco’s translation of Jostein Gaarder’s essay on Israeli politics. Besides the three Sirocco has linked on his homepage – Der Spiegel, Haaretz and Time Magazine ‘s blog, I found more reader attention from Juan Cole – At 9:11 PM, Sirocco said… and the Joseph Campbell Foundation Forum with an interesting analysis and comment.
Most startling to find a graph of visitors at BooMan going upward as the American continent went asleep. Never before have I seen the US readers pushed back into a minority position of 35%, Germany 22% and the rest of the world a whopping 43%, stretching from Western Europe, through the Middle East to the Far East.
Domain Name ? (Ramat Gan, Israel)
IP Address 85.250.114.# (Broadband-PT)
Visitor's Time Aug 12 2006 10:23:08 am
Visit Number 2,715,551
Domain Name ? (Haifa, Israel)
IP Address 217.132.100.# (BB-HFA)
Visitor's Time Aug 12 2006 11:36:54 am
Visit Number 2,715,563
REM period - signal located in Pennsylvania
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Damn I was starting to go through tribune withdrawl. Glad everything is up and running again.
Actually, we were all too lazy to write anything this morning, so we asked the tech people to pull a Lieberman for us. Guess we didn’t bribe him enough since it came back online at least 2 days before it was supposed too. Booman was all set to hold his first press conference and everything.
Those tech people do require a lot of money.
. used a content managment system called Joomla!, a widely used system for setting up websites. As with most pieces of software, Joomla! is frequently targeted by hackers who try to exploit weaknesses in the system to deface or take control of sites running that software.
Justin Rood of TPMmuckraker posted a story with an interview with Sam Hubbell, the owner of In his interview Hubbell describes the situation as a denial-of-service problem that originated from within the hosting account itself, which is less of a denial-of-service and more like a software issue. If the site had indeed been compromised through an insecure module of Joomla! and then loaded up with some nasty software that began to overload the server with emails to itself. Hubbell described it this way, “It seemed like it was internally spamming itself, and there was also potentially an outside source that was hitting it.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oh, sorry about that.
In February I spawned hefty DOS-attacks at by posting an entry including the Mohammed cartoons (at the editor’s request), so it’s becoming a habit.
Think it will help if I crosspost Gaarder’s new article wherein he dispels the misunderstandings of his essay?Probably not.
Totally OT (well not really considering this is an open thread) but my Broncos got beat last night in their first preseason game against the Lions. The good news, though is that the QB they drafted in the first round, Jay Cutler had a great game. Can’t wait til he’s ready to become the starter.
Which reminds me. My daughter really wants she and I to join a fantasy football league again. Last year was her first to help me, and she got hooked. Anyone else interested?
Giants all the way!
I missed the Giants/Ravens game last night! Feely, mister consistancy (not) kicked a field goal with time expiring to give Big Blue a 17 to 16 win. Nice, even if it is preseason.
After a closer read at the Giants Official Site, it looks like Feely was true to form by missing a 44 yarder earlier in the game.
The first team defense got pushed around too by Steve McNair and the Raven’s first team offense.
Good news though that all three Giants QB’s did well, with Manning driving for a TD on his third series.
Special teams, besides Feely, did well too, with one punt return of 57 yards for a TD.
All in all, not bad.
“Mathias Kiwanuka was credited with a half-sack and then a full sack of Kyle Boller within three plays in the third quarter”
Good to see our rookie getting the job done.
I can’t stand pre-season sports, especially football. I’ll catch maybe a half worth of action before opening day.
Must. Breath. Slowly. Calm returning. Man, withdrawal is a bitch. Glad you’re back, BooMan. FWIW, the error message displayed was not very helpful. You might want to at least put in an email address or contact info.
and anything you might have done that may have caused the error
I saw this and thought what did I do?
Whatever it was, don’t do it again.
God I missed you. I’ve been raging around the web screaming “where are my people? – what have the dirty bastards done with Boo?”
Say – where can I get some of those brownies?
Well, instead of waking up with my morning news fix and reading all over the web and firstly taking in what booman tribune has to offer me in the line of BREAKING NEWS, I GOT SOME WORK DONE, ACTUALLY. Boy howdy, did I need to do that one. Working all week long and late hours have prevented me from doing much at home. Am glad to see that he server problems are only short-termed indeed. If only leiberman and his crew had learned that lesson..but then again they were listening to the likes other senator from Alaska, now weren’t they…;o) Those darn tubes after all..what do we expect from tubes anyhow..;o)
FWIW, Eurotrib was down this morning as well with an identical failure message. It is also back up now, but I don’t see any posts from anyone who might know more about what might have happened.
I got an e-mail newsletter from the diocese with the details of Katharine Jefferts Schori’s investiture as Presiding Bishop, which will take place November 5. It is open to the public, but tickets are on a first-come, first-serve basis. I’ve posted the specifics on my religious left blog.
I won’t be able to attend, so I’m not going to try to get tickets for myself, but since this is a historic event (first female Presiding Bishop) I thought I should pass along the details to whoever might be interested.
a bunch of other places between 3 and 6AM. Made me realize it’s pretty nice to have a Booman
Pfew, I’m glad you’re back. I actually did work this morning instead of hanging out at the pond.
It was terrible.