Promoted by Steven D
Iraq is in the midst of a Civil War. I know it, you know and the 6000 Iraqi civilians who have been shot, tortured or blown up in the past couple of months probably knew it too. It seems that the only people in denial over this obvious truth is the Bush administration and their acolytes. And today the New York Times decided, in the guise of a news story, to aid and abet the administration fantasy that all of the chaos and violence in Iraq is being orchestrated from Iran. The article begins:
Iran is pressing Shiite militias here to step up attacks against the American-led forces…The Iranian incitement has led to a surge in mortar and rocket attacks on the fortified Green Zone…The splinter groups have ties to Iran…There is evidence that Iran is pushing for more attacks…
It’s not until the sixth paragraph that we are given the evidence backing up these claims:
…he acknowledged that there was no proof that Iran was directing any particular operations by militias here.
Pretty damning, eh?
The source for this article is the U.S. Ambassador in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad. As a matter of fact, he is the only source cited in the article. And from the comfort of the Green Zone, Mr. Khalilzad goes on to say that:
Iran is seeking to put more pressure, encourage more pressure on the coalition from the forces that they are allied with here, and the same is maybe true of Hezbollah.
Hezbollah? I would think that they are rather busy dealing with their own problems in Lebanon, but if Mr. Khalilzad says so, it must be true.
And what else has Iran been up to?
…they believe that Iran has given technology for lethal shaped-charge explosives to Iraqi militias.
But since Khalilzad didn’t mention it, apparently the New York Times didn’t think it was worth pointing out a March Department of Defense press briefing:
Q You and General Pace and, indeed, the president and others have had intimated strongly in recent days that Iran is stirring — actively stirring up violence in Iraq. You said that Revolutionary Guards and IEDs and weapons are moving across the border from Iran. What you have not said conclusively is whether the government of Iran and the mullahs are sponsoring that activity. Do you have proof that they are, indeed, behind this, the government of Iran?
GEN. PACE: I do not, sir.
Apparently the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is out of the loop.
Of course Mr. Khalilzad walks a fine line here…accusing Iran and Hezbollah without implicating powerful Shiite leaders within Iraq:
Despite the recent attacks by the splinter groups, Mr. Khalilzad insisted that the most powerful Shiite leaders in Iraq had not yet pushed for more violence against the Americans, even though Iran would like them to. That includes Mr. Sadr, he said.
Mr. Sadr? The same Mr. Sadr that George W. Bush spoke of two years ago?
In the south of Iraq, coalition forces face riots and attacks that are being incited by a radical cleric named al-Sadr. He has assembled some of his supporters into an illegal militia, and publicly supported the terrorist groups…
But now the same Mr. Sadr that U.S. forces were in a battle with just last week, two days after Mr. Sadr held a pro-Hezbollah rally, complete with the “Death to America” battle cry, is described by Mr. Khalilzad as one of many in the Shia leadership acting, “more as Iraqi patriots.”
Because now as the United States considers their options in their next “great opportunity,” demonizing Iran and their intentions is paramount. “Smoking guns in the form of mushroom cloud” has been done, and the deadline for the United Nations resolution on Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment program is fast approaching.
Mr. Khalilzad is really killing two birds with one stone here. Blaming Iran for the violence in Iraq sets the stage for military actions against Iran, while at the same time excusing the failed policies of this administration in Iraq.
Kudos to the New York Times for their outstanding stenography skills.
Not surprising. Every media outlet I’ve seen (other than Olbermann and Comedy Central) has been helping the GOP burnish their talking points. It’s disgusting, predictable and alarming.
Bushco wants a war with Iran badly, and they want to use the Iran/Syria fear factor in the Fall election period to blunt bad polling numbers, and majority opposition to the Iraq war. This will be the nastiest campaign season in modern history, worse than 2004. Much worse.
I agree. As I just said at the orange place (wink), the mid-terms are fast approaching and it is time to whip up a frenzy of fear.
Steven, firstly, I want to say how is your wife doing?
Secondly, I feel you have hit the nail on the head. Just look as how they have come our about leiberman. It is so transparent on how they think and will be doing from henceforth on out. They really are stupid to think they can get away with this motive to stir the troops up, after lying and kept lying to the general public.
Let alone that pat Robeson was over in israel this past week loving up on the PM there. This is such a bad game to be playing nowadays. They play by using ppl’s lives, and the is something wrong about this tatic, don’t you think?!
Thanks for asking.
She goes into chemo and radiation starting Monday. they inserted some sort of port fro the chemo just below her collarbone this week. Makes it look like she has a pacemaker or something.
She has her good days and bad emotionally, but we have her whole extended family here and she has a great network of friends, both in and out of work, so that has been a real help.
Steven, I understand her swings. I, too, have mine as well, as well do. Just let her know we are all rooting for her here. That is called a port-a-cath. It makes it so easy for inserting a needle for giving chemo. The vascular system is hard to get an access at times such as this. She is lucky. Just let her know from me that I am thinking of her, always. Hugs to you and her family for the support you a re giving to her…and of course to us here too.
…one of the neocon PNACERS who sprang this fiasco on us in the first place.
Every bit of this anti-Iran propaganda is coming from this crowd and there’s not one shred of evidence to back it up.
Good piece, Barb. Thanks.
Well, since they can’t very well go citing Ahmed Chalabi any more, I guess Khalizad will just have to do.
But really, if they were going to present evidence of Iran’s intentions and methods, you’d think they would mention how we got snookered in to this deal in the first place. Or maybe not…
[key words: Iraq, 9/11, Bush, most solemn duty, POTUS, Iran, Shiite fundamentalism, Death to America]
During 2000-2001, it was President George W. Bush’s “most solemn duty” to protect the USA from enemy attack.
As the nearly 3000 murders and the hundreds of billions of dollars incurred on 9/11 show, President George W. Bush obviously failed to do that “most solemn duty”.
The fact the President George W. Bush failed to do “most solemn duty” has never properly been addressed.
Now is the time.
The fact that President George W. Bush inadvertently fathered a burgeoning fundamentalist Shiite republic in Iraq in direct response to the horrific attacks of 9/11 has never properly been addressed.
Now is the time.
3000 murders + hundreds of billions of dollars (9/11) + tens of thousands killed and wounded + hundreds of billions of dollars (Iraq) = Bush’s Shiite fundamentalist Persian Gulf
3000 murders + hundreds of billions of dollars (9/11) + tens of thousands killed and wounded + hundreds of billions of dollars (Iraq) = Death to America chanted in Iraq
from kung fu monkey Is actually the place we all should be in right now…I am not afraid! Lets all thak this spin and throw it as far as it can go, so that it will never come back to us…How’s about it folks…are you with me and kungfu?