Hi all,
I’ve been over at DKos for a long time and posted several diaries there (including a couple of lengthy ones on the neocons). Recently, my research on Psyop and false flags etc. has led me to re-examine 9/11. Not an appropriate topic of conversation at DKos, but hopefully okay to post about here. I spent about a month finding and documenting primary sources (usually either government or military sites or else articles quoting named officials) for some of the various claims (both official and “conspiracy theory”)which have been made about 9/11. A lot of those pages now have to be looked up through the Internet Archives in order to find out what they used to say.
Along the way, I found a few things in support of various skeptic’s theories which are out around the net. Here are a few highlights:
FEMA’s pictures in their chapter 5 (on WTC 7): I’ve found some other pictures which expose the camera angles being used in some of the pictures which FEMA picked to show all the smoke coming out of WTC 7.
The Secret Service in NYC on 9/11:
a few different sources shed light on this-
In an interview with Barbara Riggs (the first woman Deputy Director of the Secret Service) she says
The Secret Service New York Field Office is its largest field operation, employing over 200 personnel. An additional 100 employees were in New York to plan, implement and staff the foreign dignitary details for the upcoming United Nations General Assembly.
The General Assembly was scheduled to open that day, but the opening was postponed until the following day due to the attacks. Kofi Annan addressed the General Assembly on September 12th. Much of their session was postponed until later in the year, when it was classified as a NSSE (as the previous year’s assembly had also been) which puts the Secret Service in charge. A few quotes about NSSE’s follow:
A portion of PDD-62, which is a classified document, deals with the coordination of Federal anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism assets for events of national interest.
When an event is designated a National Special Security Event, the Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan.
Certainly, we emphasize the importance of prevention and deterrence when we are developing an operational security plan, but we are also prepared to respond tactically to a threat if the situation dictates. As a result, we will employ a number of our specialized units during the course of this event.
A variety of training initiatives are conducted to include simulated attacks and medical emergencies, inter-agency tabletop exercises, and field exercises.
The Secret Service apparently had at least one military unit working under them in New York on 9/11, the 1108th U.S. Army Signal Brigade:
When four communications soldiers from the 1108th Signal Brigade were on temporary duty to New York City Sept. 11 to support the Secret Service in preparing for the United Nations General Assembly 56, they had no idea how life-altering their trip would be.
From an interview with Bob Weaver, the Assistant Special Agent in charge of the US Secret Service New York Field Office(WTC 7):
At this point in the conversation, a colleague handed Weaver a picture of his former office in flames.
“I can’t believe this picture,” he said, the tone of his voice lowering. “There are flames shooting out of my office. There is no other fire on that side of the building (the West Broadway side) but there is in my office. It’s incredible.
“I knew we lost everything in the attack, but I guess my friend wanted to be sure I didn’t forget.”
CMK: Mr. Chairman, begging your indulgence, was September Eleventh declared a National Security Special Event day?
RM: I have to look back; I do not know. Do you mean after the fact, or
CMK: No. Because of the activities going on that had been scheduled at the United Nations that day.
RM: I’d have to go back and check. I don’t know.
And for those of you who have been following along with all the war games and exercises by various organizations leading up to and happening on or around 9/11, I found this quote about Positive Force ’01 – note the names of organizations mentioned- see any familiar faces?(the exercise where a NORAD proposed hijacked flight into the Pentagon was rejected as unrealistic):
During the last two weeks in April 2001, Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP) took part in a worldwide command post exercise sponsored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff known as Positive Force ’01. This exercise involved the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and its major activities more than any previous exercise. The mission of Positive Force, which last took place in 1998, is to evaluate the National Defense Community’s ability to respond with timely deployment, mobilization and/or sustainment decisions.
Participants for this comprehensive exercise included members of the armed forces, members of the Unified Combatant Commands, the Departments of State, Transportation, Justice, and Health and Human Services, DLA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Defense and the Central Intelligence Agencies, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, and the National Reconnaissance Office, as well as many other agencies. The Positive Force exercise prepared these organizations for a wide variety of trials, including such proceedings as noncombatant evacuation operations and repatriation, cyber attacks, and Information Operations events, such as rail disruption, intrusion into computer systems, and/or power outages. During the exercise, the Logistics Readiness Center and Crisis Action Team were on 24-hour manning with 12-hour shifts.
The Pentagon nonetheless had held at least 3 training or exercise scenarios before and after this involving a plane crashing into it in the year prior to 9/11
and some Internet Archive links for exercise #3:
A plane crash is simulated inside the cardboard courtyard of a surprisingly realistic-looking model Pentagon. This “tabletop” exercise was designed to help emergency relief personnel better prepare for disasters when they occur.
Anyway, a lot of this information is already out there on various sites; I’m adding bits of confirmation and documentation to those and sometimes finding new supporting evidence or documenting what 404s used to look like. If you are interested in such things, I recommend my last 30 or so posts (in reverse chronological order so that they can be read from the top down)@ http://wassertanzen13.blogspot.com
No doubt I will continue to find more items of interest as well(I haven’t posted on the Secret Service there yet, for instance).
(The Courier-Journal) Aug. 14 — The official publishing house of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has printed a new book about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that has outraged conservatives in the church and elsewhere.
The book, “Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11,” written by David Ray Griffin, a professor emeritus at Claremont School of Theology in California, accuses the Bush administration of carrying out the attacks as a pretext for expanding America’s “demonic” imperial power.
David Ray Griffin claims
U.S. orchestrated attacks
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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