This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are on the floor for the new puppy
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
and hoping all of you are looking forward to a pleasant do-nothing day.
Morning Andi. Another beautiful picture up top.
Lets see. Yesterday you got to see Mary, SN got a new puppy and I, well, I made spaghetti. Something’s not right here.
is to come to Chicago and you’ll get to see mary and you’ll feel as happy as if you got a new puppy.
What about if I get a new puppy, send Mary an em and say I’ve been to Chicago.
Seems backward for some reason.
seems to me to a way to miss spending time with a bunch of people who would be really fun to spend a bunch of time with.
If I could understand what you just said, I would agree. 🙂
Did you see last night keepinon was thinking of making Chicago, and has Olivia committed yet?
So just agree and don’t worry about understanding it.
No and no (but olivia definitely wants to come and I think she will).
OK I agree and that’s great Olivia will be there.
that means you’ve agreed to come to Chicago.
Nope it means I agree that I don’t understand. 😛
So are there any specific plans for this Chicago gig yet? I thought I saw a reference to that in the lounge last night.
Because it totally leaves me out of the picture?
SN there’s no way you could ever be left out of the picture. The picture wouldn’t be complete without you. 🙂
I’m enjoying “take the boys to sleepover camp” day today! Woo-hoo!
Morning CG. How long on non-parental duties do you have?
I pick them up Friday night. Since it’s the first time they’ve done this, we picked the short camp session at the end of the summer.
They are, of course, griping a little about being away all week.
My brother sent his daughter to a summer camp. She loved it, but my s-i-l had to keep talking him out of going to get her early.
Just one week and they don’t even get to write those, if you really loved me, I wouldn’t be here letters. 🙂
I just hope they love it enough to go for 2 weeks next summer. 🙂
You did say sailing school. If they’re gullible enough maybe you can sign them onto a merchant ship for all of next summer. See the world and all that.
I have a feeling they will be dissing their family sailing heritage for waterskiing…
I knew someone who always wanted to marry a merhcant mariner…”women have needs, just send money” was her motto. 🙂
And people say they don’t know what makes a good relationship. 🙂
and you are up already — what’s wrong with this picture?
No, no, no, they are leaving this morning, and I will be child-free as of early afternoon.
What to do, what to do…
Get drunk, write a poem, get drunk, laze the day away, get drunk, catch up on work, get drunk.
Well you get the gist. 🙂
are clearly pretty bad.
Q: what to do, what to do?
A: anything you want
Without regard to morality to make it really worthwhile.
Good morning Andi, CG and FM.
Another gorgeous morning here and nothing in particular planned for the day.
Morning ask. Sounds like a slackerly day.
Good for you.
That’s the whole plan.
After breakfast, curly and I will head for the park with some good reading. Nothing else scheduled.
Sounds like it will be a wonderful day for it.
That sounds like a perfect way to spend this afternoon. It’s gorgeous here today.
It’s beautiful here too and we sooo deserve this. It’s about 60 F and clear with a little breeze. If I could order a morning it would be this.
Except, and I’m just guessing here, you’d probably have ordered less poo.
Morning Indy. What’s a puppy without pee and poo?
SN is probably using that mothering instinct she has for the puppy and enjoying ever little dropping. 🙂
Heh, hopefully she won’t show us any pictures of that.
Indy this is SN we’re talking about. You never know. 🙂
I need more macro practice. Hmm
you’re probably right, Indy. The poo is more clean upable than the pee, however.
The pee’s a good excuse for new carpet.
You’ve got this down. I’ve been lobbying for new carpet to replace the 20year old shit brown stuff we moved into. Come to think of it, shit brown is pretty good for a couple more months.
Brown is a good color for a new puppy.
BTW, I think my sister forwarded portions of your Instead blog entry to many many women.
Ack, that’s hilarious. (But you really shouldn’t tell me things like that. I have terrible performance anxiety and it probably borders on social anxiety disorder; I can only blog at all if I pretend I’m talking to a few good friends at coffee. That’s why I don’t have one of those sitemeter thingys. I’m such a freak.)
THe funny thing is her husband got a bunch of free samples of those when he signed up for a marathon sponsored by Rite Aid.
Heh, what’s a man going to do with them? I guess you could use them for little change cups, or a game of miniature frisbee golf. Or, during the marathon, tiny sippy cups of Gatorade!
You probably don’t remember you’re talking to someone who innocently, yet grotesquely, blew up a used condom in my youth.
Hey thanks, now I don’t have to make breakfast, since I won’t be eating until this nausea goes away.
Don’t worry, this was before used condoms had germs. 🙂
Agreed, as made to order.

Though this view is missing:
I was trying to describe your view to Mr. Nature recently and we decided that since I’m not afraid of flying anymore I would really like to visit that part of the world.
Hi SN –

Glad you have overcome your fear of flying (which I was unaware of).
Here’s some more (from close-by Jomfruland – Virgin Island):
Oh, yeah. I got a badly trained dog that is still in heat and has trapped the cats away from their food and litter box. Got no sleep. Tried to have her sleep in her crate which they said she looooved. She howled. And howled. And barked. Finally settled down to sleep but in a common area where the cats were afraid to cross her path to their food and litter box. Took her out at 5:00 AM – teeny bit of pee. Went back to bed. Heard scratching on my door. Pulled on my pants and flip flops – seconds too late, poop on the stairs. Actually on stair numbers 3, 4 and 5.
Puppies might be wonderful – but puppies and old resident cats are not. Help me, FM.
Simple solution. Throw them all in a closet. Once the cats rough up the puppy a little bit, she’ll start to understand. Maybe a vet bill.
No stomach for that, then pick up a cat and sit on the couch. Call the puppy and let them get to know each other. You’ll be in the middle, so maybe a doctor bill.
Maybe the simplest solution is to give it time.
She could call in the UN — ain’t like anyone else is using ’em.
Something very similar to this occured last evening. The little cat was snuggling on my lap, safely she thought, sequested in the upstairs office when Hopeful Jr. showed up. Needless to say I look very much like I was put through a paper shredder.
I’m about to go take the dogs for a walk and didn’t want to miss anybody.
SN, sorry about the problems. I’m betting the howling is just part of her adjustment to the big change in her life and will stop as soon as she feel more secure.
See ya all later.
Yesterday was a great success. Got to meet lots of different Dems and had a lot of people ask about the Stonewall Democrats meeting on Thursday. Actually had two people join the group and I am thrilled. The food was great, the company better and the candidates speaking are great Texans who will make a difference once we get them elected.
Morning Refinish. Glad to hear it went so well. Of course if it wasn’t for your brownies the whole thing might have fallen apart. 🙂
LOL Believe it or not the brownies and the meatballs were the hit of the party. I have already been asked to cook them again for other fund raising events. LOL
LOL I knew I should never have let these Dems know I actually can cook. LOL Now I will be asked to cook for every event from now till dooms day. LOL I prefer cooking for Dems than I do for potlucks at work. LOL
My two friends who like to perform in public occasionally have become the Democrat house band here. They were too good! A little passive agression could have saved them a whole lotta work hauling those heavy amps back and forth.
Seriously, it sounds as if you had a great time;-)
I’m sensing the need for a BT cookbook – or maybe just a few recipes of yours.
LOL I have millions of recipes. I collect cookbooks and have over 600 of them. I also have a large card file with lots of recipes. I use to cater and have cooked since I was 6 years old.
Actually I think SN’s idea of a BT cookbook is a good. Something else for the community to work together.
It could be everyone’s favorite appetizer or pot luck dishes. We would of course include a section for favorite drinks. LOL
The way we are in the cafe, I think favorite drinks would take up the majority of the book. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! You might be right. We would have to limit it to two drink recipes per ponder.
Yeah but think all the great recipes we would miss.
Okay, I’ve got to run and go do some errands. Last night for dinner I had some questionable tuna fish on stale crackers with 3/4 of an underripe plum so I’m thinking it’s time to go to the grocery store. (Nobody tell Andi I’m spending this gorgeous Sunday doing that, it’ll upset her.)
Have a great day, y’all!
Enjoy Indy.
I’ve got to head out too. FMom is up and George is whinning to go outside.
See ya’ll later.
The spouse is lucky I’m the honest sort — I was going through some of the old crap (magazines etc.) near the dining table, and came across his 50th birthday card from his folks…with the $50 bill they gave him still inside!!!!! Was sooooo tempted to keep that sucker — he’d never remember it — but decided to be a good spud and take it into the bedroom for him to finally put in the wallet. Hopefully that earned me a few Karma points with the universe…
Taking a computer break…besides, he’s now sitting at the dining table reading old newspapers. 🙁
Hoping to get the dining area cleaned up enough to eat at the table tonight — which reminds me, need to get the chicken marinading (never got around to it yesterday, so I sent the spouse out for burritos last night). Have a great day, folks…