Hi everyone, finally my timing is good for posting a cafe.

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
is always excellent whenever you are swimming in the pond. Oops, a human got me.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I wanna be got also.
I`ve been reading your excellent posts otherwheres.
today I’m so selfish …
«« click and see me in a close-up
but, there is more beauty and diversity in the rainforest.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Here`s “Kiwi” a bird my wife has taken care of for 20 days now. A few more days & it`s freedom for him, not that he`s not free to fly around now.
I saw your comment Friday night about the Perseid shower … so last night when I was up at the cottage I laid on the dock in the blackness and saw tons of shooting stars … It was beautiful. And I would have missed the display if I hadn’t of read your comment. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Whoosh,… oh sorry Oui, I was busy following one of your links to UK news and got caught up on the comment tread which looks like the same kind of dialogue we have here in US regarding the latest UK terror plot.
Some say let Blair and Co. push through unlimited detention (90day or so they say) and others say it was all a fraud in collusion with Bush and Co. here.
Oh dear, well anyway, good morning or afternoon to you and to other dear bootribbers. I have a short attention span these days so I will try to be a host to the cafe, but my back calls me to lay down quite frequently.
Hi, Diane
When you don`t have $250,000.00 to buy a thoroughbred, you buy a set of these for $500,000.00. You save on food & vet bills. Plus they don`t break legs & you don`t have to shoot them.
In a front yard in Malibu.
Wonderful pictures both Knuckle and Oui, and beautiful cafe picture up top Diane.
beautiful day in the foothills…mid 70’s a few clouds:
doesn’t get much better than this.
Vid from Greenpeace, uk… “gas guzzler…what does your car say about you?”
Time to go enjoy the weather a while…me too!!!…
Hi diane,
Hope you are well.
Where is everyone this afternoon?
Just back in after a lovely day in the park.
Hi Ask, how are you, I guess folks are out doing Sunday kind of things…I have been watching ‘Poirot’ today as usual plus some editions of ‘Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares’.
Lovely day in the park sounds lovely :)!!!!!!!
Good to see you around.
curly and I had a good time – we brought a bottle of chilled red.
to attend a CP dinner at Linda’s house up in Vancouver.
I’m still in a fog over Thursday’s event the National VFP convention in Seattle. I feel like I’ve been… “blessed”… but in a way that causes you to smile with hope that so many were there and on the same path… as well as with tears and nightmares from what I learned there and how I’ve been touched forever by the people I met… some – briefly but it will be lifelasting.
My friend called it “meeting the rock stars of peace”… yep. But I was also touched by the people who I won’t remember their names or we didn’t exchange them while hugging and holding on to each other.
I can’t sit and think of errands… I’m not sure I can even drive during the crying so heading out with another Pink Lady. I feel very discombobulated. Floating on air.. yet sick to my stomach.
Take care, enjoy yourself and come back recharged…we need you.
Congrats on the new blog! Need to get it on the Tribber Blog Roll…Boo, ya listenin’?
Luv from me and the
to you and your family!
I so do not have my chi going right now LOL but that’s okay. I think there are times when it’s okay to be shakey. π I kept thinking that too… I soooo don’t have my Dada chi going on π
I went Thursday so that Katie could get there and so that I could fill up my battery by being there and meeting people… I’ve written a bit about the ‘inbetween” times of the workshops… which have totally changed me AGAIN π part of wearing this highgloss pink is not just to attend workshops or protests… but to also make sure to be the one person who says, “take care, nice meeting you” to a lone vet who is leaving a hardcore convention and heading out to his car. You see his face full of thoughts and tear stains… so you speak up and go over and help bring a smile. That was my job Thursday.
I have realized that although I may be full of anger and I can’t always flash the peace sign with it in my heart… as other pink ladies can do… but I have a different sort of peace coursing through me. I can’t compare mine with others. It shouldn’t be compared with others. None of us can really. Maybe it’s not really anger… maybe it’s just because I’m human.
I’m recharging π and more resisters are coming forward. I freaking had a fast lunch with Jeff Patterson, man!! π It was all soooo much.
Cindy Sheehan’s got a diary up over at the Orange Empire; big women’s get-together in Austin end of the month. Already booked for a get-away weekend with the spouse or I would soooooo be there… π
Chased the spouse out of the apartment for the afternoon so I could actually get some work done. Well, work of a sorts — moved the sofa out from the wall, adjusted the slip cover, then put all the assorted bins and bags that were cluttering up the living room floor in back of the couch. Hell, it’s a start; at least the floor is a bit less cluttered, and I can take my time sorting through the stuff (also can wait to go through the books till I get a couple more bookshelves). Worked up a nice sweat too; probably burned a couple of calories. π
Now I’m taking a break before tackling the next job — stowing away CDs.
Hope everyone else is having a good day…Diane, good to see you semi-hosting, but take care of that back, hon (yes, I lifted with my knees, NOT my back when moving the couch!)…
<she opens door a crack>
Hello …. ello …. ello …. ello …?????
I never noticed the echo in there before …
<she opens the door a little further>
Why is the audience shouting DON’T GO IN ALONE …?
Because you went to investigate the suspicious noise in the dark wearing only your underwear?
I’ve been wandering around in the dark looking for the light switch … OMG, I’m in my UNDERWEAR?
Damn it – I missed maryb. π
I’m back too! How was your f-ing lunch?
was great — well, except that JimF didn’t come. <sob> I cried all the way home over that.
We’re going to do it again — want to come?
Sure, you’re doing it in Raleigh next, right?
we’ll stick with somewhere in central Illinois. What? You don’t like central Illinois?
Andi was the sixth BooTribber I’ve met (well, the sixth full time BooTribber). I’m beginning to enjoy this.
You and I HAVE to meet. I can’t wait until Chicago.
That sounds like way too much pressure to me, maryb. Remember, lower your expectations and you’ll never be disappointed. π
It’s hard to disappoint me.
What have you been doing this week?
Um, hmm….we got a new puppy who is pooping all over the place and causing general chaos. I am having a very painful bout of plantar fasciitis and am unable to walk at the moment. But my digestive tract is pretty regular so I guess I’m not exactly like my mother or her elderly friends who only talk about BMs and irritable bowel syndrome and gas. How about you?
Oh, and one of the boys leaves for college on Tuesday. :`(
More pictures for dog blogging. Was the puppy your idea or another member of your family’s?
Have you tried acupuncture for your plantar fasciitis? My cousin swears by it — as far as relieving the pain goes.
I’m sorry about college. Children should stay five years old as long as their mothers want.
I agree about children, which is why I make him wear Winnie the Pooh footie pajamas to bed every night. Thank God he’s only 6 feet tall.
I have not tried acupuncture…should I? I’m going to a podiatrist tomorrow because all of the things you’re supposed to do (ice, rest, stretching, ibuprofen) aren’t working and it’s getting progressively worse.
The reply was supposed to be a picture of the puppy for me. Plus details — name; girl or boy; type; age. sigh.
My cousin has tried everything including those special inserts in your shoes for hers. She does all the exercises. And she says that the acupuncture works the best.
that has spent time in a booth in a restaurant in Effingham, IL with you.
The CAF tour page is still broken. If it isn’t up by some time tomorrow, I think I’ll give them a call.
And really, Las Vegas doesn’t compare with Effingham. π
It will probably be up tomorrow – I’m sure nobody’s working today.
How many miles did Jim ride today?
it would be no contest — Effingham by a furlong; I hate vegas.
40 miles.
he can leave early in the morning and ride his bike part of the way to Effingham. You can pick him up along the way and spend quality time in the car together. π
If I didn’t have an aversion to logging into my office on weekends that I am otherwise able to avoid work, I would go find the info. But instead, I’ll just send it to you in the morning.
I wanted to find out how far in advance we could make reservations so it’s probably just as easy to call them.
New puppy. 8 month old bassett hound. Name: Hopeful (it just came to me:)
A friend for Bud! And more Basset blogging.
Hopeful sounds awfully familiar — named after the godmother I assume?
It was my frustration at not being able to woo Manny that led me to get a girl Bud.
And why do I keep putting two ts in Basset – because there’s a street named Bassett in my old hometown.
you can still woo Manny, I’m sure he’ll let you π
I think I’ve always thought he was a she.
Hopeful is a MAN. He’s all man.
Oh my.
Hopeful doesn’t suffer from anxious masculinity. Actually, Hopeful doesn’t suffer from anxious anything other than anxious-for-dinner.
you could always investigate making your own contribution to Thursday Dog Blogging.
My sister will be so surprised when I bring her a dog from the pound as an early Christmas gift. π
is just like the perfect kid — it goes home with someone else.
I’m not the perfect parent. Not until I either pick a different career or win the lottery, so I can be around for the dog.
of Family Man — a slacker who’s happy to nap all day.
Well, it’s bed time for geezers.
Glad you stopped by tonight and thanks for the great day Saturday.
or something.
Quite a noble profile.
You need to fix your p.f. problem so you can go for walks with your new pal. 8 mos. isn’t tiny — how’s the house training?
To quote Inigo Montoya – slow going. She’s going and going.
she’ll learn. I like the pink collar. Very chic.
Are you going to breed her or fix her?
This is what Hertz gave me when I asked for a “free upgrade” from subcompact after all the hassles they put me through. I decided with all the shenanigans at the the airport I would rather drive back home than fly. It took me less than five hours from the Bay Area, since it’s hard to drive less than 90 miles an hour in this thing.
you were wearing really cool sunglasses while you drove that.
Where were you and why did you go?
Darn! I don’t even have any cool sunglasses. I was up in the because I had to go to a grant planning meeting in Sacramento on Thursday. I flew up on Wednesday, right before all the brou-haha, and arranged to take Friday off so I could stay up there over the weekend and visit some friends.
Take any good coastal pictures?
I was inland, mostly. Brought my camera, but never used it except to take a picture of the car at the end. I’m a nervous flier, it was the first time I got on a plane in five years, so I took xanax and it really wiped me out. I felt like crap for the whole entire time I was up there.
You staying out of trouble?
I can’t believe that the first time you flew in five years was when they raised the alert.
Um. Can you arrange not to fly again? Nothing personal but … well maybe there’s a connection.
Just kidding, of course π
I’m good. Been busy. People to see, demons to slay.
I know. I feel I owe the whole world an apology. All those personal products down the drain just because of me! It’s a lot for one tiny conscience to handle.
Hard to sleep at night, but at least it’s good to know we have courageous warriors such as yourself out there keeping the demons at bay. Something to be thankful for. Keep up the good work, maryb!
(I agree it would be best for all concerned if I avoided planes altogether from now on and will do my best. Promise.)
That’s for sure.
Since I absolutely hate to fly. Absolutely.