Joe Klein takes wankery to a new level. Who knew I was a chest-thumping blognut with a miniscule reach limited to the left-wing’s upper crust elitists.
Let me ask Joe Klein just one question. How did you like that record breaking turnout in the Connecticut primary?
Do you really have to link to a piece that was written by He Whose Existence I Do Not Acknowledge? Granted, it’s well-written, but I still have a problem with him.
And since when has Joe Klein not been a wanker? He’s got a place permanently secured in the Wankery Hall of Shame.
ah, another non-Armando fan?
Sorry, but his takedown was pretty good. Plus, I actually am friends with him. Can’t vouch for his behavior though.
More importantly, since part of the takedown was about Klein’s dishonesty, it was written by He Who Shall Never Blog Again. Did that promise even last a week?
Any chance you could write to Joe Klein and tell him
he is wrong about GOP Joe?? We need to turn the opinions around towards Ned. We have to win this one to get Washington to turn around…don’t you agree? Joe
Loserman is bringing down the Democratic party and doing it badly..with lies.
i think Joe Klein is beyond help.
If Joe loses in Nov. the Dems are that much better off, though.
Dems are already better off without that ass clown representing the party.
Fuck him!
“Upper crust elitists” – I love that. Kinda like george bush talking about evildoers.
If I’m an upper crust elitist, then so was Woody Guthrie. But anyway – thanks for catering to me.
There’s a diary by txSharon that needs to be renamed “NATFA super highway along entire I-35 corridor.” Current title is “Don’t let eminent domain and dozers …” Read it.
Our nefarious plot is succeeding!
The installation of the dreaded Martian Mind Control™ Device into the dishwashers of Connecticut, forcing Democrats to vote for Ned is only the first step.
They were brainwashed. (rimshot)