I have always been afraid of diaries since most of of the people writing them always seem to be able to produce so much. The best I can squeek out at any given moment are one liners and pithy comments. You know; short and sweet.

However,  I want to break my vows of diary silence  to ask about ‘signing statements.’  ON July the 24th Lou Dobs on CNN pretty much body slammed ol’ GWB (can I call him GWiB?)  on this subject.

I was redirected to this video via Rawstory‘s website  tell me what you think

The Video: signing statements

I had to link it to the referring page but for some reason I cannot embed youtube the way Booman can.

I think that ‘signing statements’ is pretty powerful. I had always heard that presidents in the past had wanted the line item veto and I had heard that Bush himself had at one time asked for it. Now I learn that he really didn’t need to ask. He’s had it all this time.