In a comment on Booman’s Thoughts on Iran post, soj wrote:
If all those Palestinians were allowed to move into Israel and vote, the state of Israel (as we know it) would be dissolved overnight without a shot fired. Israel has already attracted just about all the Jews it can and the Jewish population there will hold steady or decline in the future. Right now in fact there are only slightly more Jews in Israel/OT than Palestinians and the Palestinians are gaining.
I read this just after reading some Google News stories about a recently released census study that essentially says what anyone with half an eye can plainly see all across America. That “immigrants” (Read “brown skinned people from other countries” there)…legal AND illegal…are settling in at the root level of American society. Not only in urban ghettoes, but EVERYWHERE.
The overlay of soj’s post and the news stories got me to thinking, and I wrote a reply.
Now it’s a post.
Read on.
Headlines on Google News today:
Immigrants Swell Numbers Near New York
New York Times
Minority population increasing in states
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Marylanders older, educated, diverse
Baltimore Sun
Diversity increasing across America
The Herald
This is happening in the suburbs, in small towns, in rural areas, in small and medium-sized cities across America.It is happening everywhere
It is ALSO happening in Europe.
And in Israel as well.
As above, so below.
Only the population bomb can beat the nuclear-armed state.
All those people, fucking like bunnies? Working their asses off at low-paying jobs and then going home and taking what is in my view the ULTIMATE pleasure of life? “Unprotected” sex? Sex with a purpose? Sex with love? With commitment?
More power to ’em.
It has been reported that Jesus Christ said something to the effect of “The meek shall inherit the earth.” You can of course never be sure about what ANYONE said if you did not hear it yourself, and 2000 years/hundreds of translated versions later…who knows what was said? Or if there was even anyone really there to say it.
But let’s assume that the translations were close.
Frankly, it looks more and more to me as if the horny shall inherit the earth.
(Maybe it was just a bad translation?)
And again…more power to ’em. (They don’t call it “People Power” for nothing, y’know…)
In about 10 years, people who look like George Bush will be a minority in the US.
If we survive the coming 2008 elections and their results.
Of course…their progeny will have to slow things down a little in the humping department if we wish to have a habitable earth, but…what the hell, I’d rather risk dying from overpopulation than from nuclear fallout ANY day of the week.
Atom Bomb versus Sex Bomb.
Nudes at 11.
The wisest man I ever met once told me that sex was the greatest power in the universe.
Long may it wave.
Hadda say it.
(Didja hear the one about…???)
at Booman to think about sex? No comments after half a day? Too shy or embarrassed? Mixing Immigrant Minorities, Palestine, Israel, Sex & Atom Bombs is too dangerous?
The most dangerous mix in the world, fourtytwo.