Step One: Dig deeply. Use all available resources to root out everything that you deem counterproductive and offensive. Try to do so in a discreet manner, but do not be afraid to offend some people publicly if you must.
Step Two: Analyze in secret the fruits of your efforts. If necessary, after you have chewed around on your data, do not be afraid to repeat Step One and widen your search. Be aware of the risks involved, and spill blood only as a last resort. Always be prepared to eat everything in the name of national security if you’re in danger of being caught.
Step Three: Deny, deny, deny…
how did George fabricate this story? Jeez, just because I lost the sanity for diplomacy inside the WH, he doesn’t need to lay it on so thick.
● Condoleezza Rice wanted to keep Mr Rumsfeld’s tanks off her turf.
● Hillary Clinton and Donald Rusmfeld Square Off
«« click for Rice/Rumsfeld photo
Different views: Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice clashed
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Now that is one scary photo. You know that she thinks Rummy is plotting against her. If I was Condi, I’d get myself a good bullet proof vest.
Remind everybody that it’s hard work…