You want to know what annoys me more than anything else? Politicians that have no belly for stating where they stand. Joe Lieberman has now left the Democratic Party. He is now actively trying to prevent a Democrat from winning an election the Democrats of Connecticut deputized Lamont to win. Repubicans, including the President, are refusing to endorse their own candidate. Bob Geiger is keeping a list of which Democrats are supporting Lamont and which Democrats are supporting Lieberman.
Here’s the tally:
Democrats supporting Lamont: 20
Democrats supporting Lieberman: 3
Democrats too scared to say: 18
Mark Dayton and Paul Sarbanes are not include in Bob’s list, presumably because they are retiring. The three Democrats that are backing Lieberman are Mark Pryor, Ken Salazar, and Tom Carper. Daniel Inouye has indicated that he will support Lieberman, but that is not locked down. The 18 gutless Democrats are listed below the fold. I encourage you to contact each of them and ask them to make a public display of support for Ned Lamont.
As for Tom Carper, that DLC loving Senator may have just earned himself a primary challenge of his very own.
Max Baucus (MT) 202-224-2651
Web Form: Bingaman (NM) 202-224-5521
E-mail: senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.govRobert Byrd (WV) 202-224-3954
Web Form: Conrad (ND) 202-224-2043
Web Form: Dorgan (ND) 202-224-2551
senator@dorgan.senate.govDianne Feinstein (CA) 202-224-3841
Web Form: Inouye (HI) 202-224-3934
Web Form: Johnson (SD) 202-224-5842
Web Form: Kohl (WI) 202-224-5653
Web Form: Landrieu (LA) 202-224-5824
Web Form: Leahy (VT) 202-224-4242
E-mail: senator_leahy@leahy.senate.govCarl Levin (MI) 202-224-6221
Web Form: Lincoln (AR) 202-224-4843
Web Form: Mikulski (MD) 202-224-4654
Web Form: Murray (WA) 202-224-2621
Web Form: Nelson (NE) 202-224-6551
Web Form: Nelson (FL) 202-224-5274
Web Form: Rockefeller (WV) 202-224-6472
Web Form:
For a change neither of my Senators is on the bad list. For which I’m grateful.
I just wrote to DiFI and urged her to publicly support Mr. Lamont or she may just find herself in a very similar position. Does this mean Boxer is now supporting Lamont? I ask because she was campaigning for Lieberman prior to the vote.
Apparently she offered the Lamont campaign her support after he won the Democratic nomination.
Which is just how it should be.
Oh dang – just fired her off a note. Wish I had read the comments first!
(Not dang that she’s supporting Lamont! Dang that I wrote her on a non-issue.)
All pretty predictable except Leahy and Levin. Feinstein should have come as a surprise but, sadly enough, does not.
I think most of these are holding their fire out of courtesy to a long-time colleague. That seems like an acceptable position for now. They probably think Lieberman will come to his senses soon and spare them from having to openly oppose him. As the campaign season wears on, keeping mum on a candidate who is the new darling of bushies everywhere will no longer be viable.
Actually, I would have been shocked if Levin did oppose him. That man is so pro-Israel, it is pathetic. IMO, not even worth contacting.
We wrote Salazar a pretty strong note of disfavour and told him we didn’t care who his friends are (Lieberman and Gonzales). That we expect him to respect the voters of CT, his Colorado constituents, the democratic process and the Democratic Party.
I remember when he first ran he was pumped to no end at DailyKos.
Senator Feinstein has heard from me on this issue. I expect her announcement shortly.
I’ve written a letter to Senator Mikulski on this issue. Usually she’s been pretty solid on things for us (we’ve been pretty lucky in Maryland in our Senators, most of the time), so I’m hoping she (and Senator Sarbanes) will respect the choice of Connecticut Dem voters here.
We’re having a primary in Maryland in September — for Senator Sarbanes’ open seat. We’ve got some good candidates — but only one can win. And the party must support whichever of the Democratic candidates comes out on top, whether that’s Mfume, Cardin, Lichtman or whoever. Otherwise, why have primaries at all? If the Democratic Party cannot respect the choice of its own members, how can they expect those same voters to support them?
Lieberman’s actions in running as an independent are totally self-centered and petty, and could potentially do considerable damage to the credibility of the Democratic Party and the entire primary election system. A great message to send a state that just had the biggest voter turnout for a primary in years… or any other state, for that matter.